1. Child's name and date of birth? Cole Ryan 11-17-02
2. What is you child's special talent?He is very smart...at the age of 3 he has learned to count to 20 in English & Spanish, he can sing happy birthday in English, Polish, and Spanish, and he is very good at drawing.
3. How would your child describe you?He would say that I can be a bit strict about things, but that I am very fun at the same time and try to find activities for us to do together all the time.
4. If your child could get anything they wanted, what would he/she ask for?World Peace...haha only kidding! Probably the Thomas the Tank Train Station...he is a HUGE Thomas fan!
5. What is your child's favorite thing to do?He loves going to school. He has made so many new friends and he cries when he has to come home and he begs to go back.
6. How would you describe your child?Very energetic. He doesn't sit still for very long at a time. Very growny. He is a man who knows what he wants, and it takes a lot to convience him otherwise.
7. What animal is your child most like and why? A cat, b/c he is so very very curious all the time!!!
8. What is the cutest thing about your child?Physically...he is tall and thin and he just looks so love-able! Personality, he loves to tell jokes, and he laughs hysterically at his own jokes!!
9. What is the one thing you would change about your child? His real father has nothing at all to do with him, and it hurts my heart b/c Cole loves him very much!
10. What is the one thing your child would change about the world?He would make it summertime year round b/c there is nothing he loves more than to be outside!!!
I hope that's enough!!!