BodyCount always said, "Never get Rose angry to the point where she has to use a computer..." and he said it for a good reason. She'd ruined more computers through the years than your average gangrel, and turned many a screen blue with her cursing. Apparently, some people hadn't gotten the memo however, which brought her to her current state.
"Listen up you sorry excuse for a used rubber..." No that wasn't going to work. staring at the monitor and tried again.
"Boy if I gotta hear one more time, " Fuck that wasn't going to cut it either. Fucking god damn son of a bitch acolytes thinking they could hire Carthians to kill her, didn't they know who the fuck she was? God damned IRC ninja's oh she'd show them. And as luck would have it at that moment her monitor went black. The problem with bohagande...the angrier they get the more things around them go wrong.
As was witnessed by the fact BC walked in five minutes later, took one look at her and promptly made for the exit. he didn't need to ask to know why a stray bolt of lightening had struck the cave.
In the end, two keyboards and a blown electrical fuse later, she was still cursing as she hit send. Fuck she hated lists...why didn't these fuckers learn...
To: Acoyles List
RE: Akela
"I ain't ever really piped up on this list before, mostly because the thought of being on it sets my teeth to grinding. But as fate would have it some ill fucking news has reached my ears over the last bit and because I'm getting mighty tired dispatching fucking IRC ninja's I've fucking subscribed to this list. I'm only gonna this one time, so get the cock outta your ears you little shit and listen.
Iffen I hear one more time how yer a planning to kill me on account of Grace Morgenstern, iffen one more set of fucking IRC ninja's plans to storm Atlantic city, or you set one more crew of Carthians to kill a fellow crone then you are gonna learn the hard way why I'm Grandma's favorite. I'm plain sick to death of this bullshit you little twit, I've got a fucking ritual to be planning and meat to be finding, so unless you want me to find a father to stick your sorry ass on the menu then back the fuck off son and go play in the kiddy pool with the lesser predators.
Now if that little two bit cocksucker ain't on this list, then I'd be most appreciative iffen someone could pass that message on to him. I'm a paitent fucking critter but enough is enough.
To the rest of ya'll, thank you for yer time, sorry to trouble you with this shit.
Guardian of the Keeper of the Void
Herald to the Prince of Atlantic City
Priestess of the Fates"