Today, I spent all my day outside, hanging out with my friends.
and when i got home i get a surprised from my nephews.
My 4 and 3 years old nephew spending their playing time in my room.
i forgot to lock it when i went out this morning.
all my stuff laying on the floor. (T T)
they even put blush on to entire body of my rilakkuma, my dorama DVD collection have scratch all over its disc. My room looks like a plane crash site. all my remote missing, TV, DVD player even my air-con remote that i put high on the wall went missing, How the hell they can reach it. Thank God i put my laptop locked in my bookcase, if not i wont know what will happen.
when i ask them who did it, they said they did it, and i said why, because they want to play with me but I'm not home so instead they playing in my room. I want to cried, I'm so tired, i just want to spent the night laying around when i got home. but now i must clean up my room.
i asked my sister, why she let her sons played in my room, she said they promise to not mess up my room. She make a 4 and 3 year old to promise that, no way they will kept their promise. I asked her to help me clean up my room, she wont do it. When my baby brother (I still calling him my baby brother although he already a university student.) came home, he saw my room (my room is beside his room), he asked me, WTH happen to my room. i explain to him The babies happen and i asked my sister to help me but she don't want to, he said he'll help me clean it up. it's rare for him offering help, I asked what's the catch. he said "nothing, i just don't want to hear any sighing while you cleaning it up".
well, when i got to do something that i don't like, i have tendency sighing all the time i did it. But anyway, Thank you Baby brother.
Now my room is clean but i still lost my perfume, i bet they hide it somewhere in their room (they stayed in my parents house, although their mommy live next to us). I'll search for it in the morning, because they already sleeping, and i don't want to wake them up.
so, tomorrow will be an "air-con hunting day" for me (T T)