Saving The Dana

Sep 30, 2011 08:13

Many thanks to elf for her excellent beta work that got me reworking quite a few things--thus any errors are all my fault.

Story: Saving The Dana
Author: me_ya_ri
Artist: martinius Go listen to the wonderful music she made that sounds like the Ladies chatting: Here! :D
Rating: R (more for violence than for the het sex)
Configurations: f/m
Warning: Matriarchal culture, nearly omnipotent incomprehensible alien species, political coups, revolutions with people dying, one execution on screen, and misdirected religious feelings but not much else.
Word Count: Approx 20,640 words
Previous Stories: Relevant one-shots in rough chronological order - City Of The Ladies, Storm Over Archaelos, Fitting In. Previous Book: Daughter of Chaos (Approx 113,000 words, 35 chapters, all linked).
Summary: When Anwyn abandoned her family and went to the Ladies, she put her family in a very bad place; Queen Siobhan of Aingeal has been working to eradicate everyone who has any ties to the Ladies. Anwyn's older sister Gwen has to make some hard and fast decisions to save her family from the threats that could destroy them all.
Feedback: Comments (even if it’s just that you read) are much loved and concrit is much appreciated!

Story in One Part on DW: Here.

Story in Chapters on LJ: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7

!2011, [author] me_ya_ri, !big bang (posted), [artist] martinius

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