Aug 23, 2009 23:53
Izzy has got to the point where if someone waves at her, she will sometimes wave back (depending on her mood, etc etc).
Today Rubens Barrichello won his first Grand Prix in 5 years, and waved at the television camera joyfully.
In our lounge, watching intently, Izzy waved back.
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Comments 6
I used to know a couple who's daughter's first word was "shoomy", and by the age of 2 was so into formula one she could tell you loads of stuff... well... loads for a 2 year old anyway. I was most impressed.
My first word was apparently "car", whch I even accompanied by a vague gesture at Mum's Escort.
Not only was her first word "shoomy", but she quickly learned what car (and it's colour) "shoomy" drove - "Ed Warwee"
She really was very sweet.
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