Now, I am not going to debate this, but how can you profess your love for God, say how God is your life, quote scriptures, and yet condone someone else's sin? Doesn't the bible say "shun the very appearance of evil?" Yet if you are condoning a sin isn't that like a contradiction of sorts? Jesus wouldn't turn His back on someone because of sin, that is because HE came here for that, yet I don't see Him saying that it would be ok, or saying "hey, way to go on your sin" It doesn't make sense and I loathe Christian's that are like that, I HATE the action they bring out. You cannot tell me you love Christ, you love God and yet be perfectly ok with a sin, and even think it is ok or funny. To be like Christ is to do what he would do, embrace the person of course but very well tell them about their sin. Not credit them for it.
Note: I am not preaching nor am I saying I am perfect or good. I don't always say or do what I should, but I am not also out there preaching to the world about God, which I know I probably should be. I am not sitting here saying my life is about God then turn around and do something that shows different. God wouldn't like that, and my relationship with him by the way is between God and I.
Just condone the sin though, that makes sense, I guess they will have to answer to God for that one day.