SlackerTillDeath: sooo...
sugarhighpixi: sorry
sugarhighpixi: i was spacing out
SlackerTillDeath: lol
SlackerTillDeath: i do that all the time
sugarhighpixi: haha
sugarhighpixi: who doesnt
SlackerTillDeath: i dunno lol
SlackerTillDeath: im bored
sugarhighpixi: *hums* all the girls think that they'd be your partner, they'd be your partner...
sugarhighpixi: lol
sugarhighpixi: i love this song
SlackerTillDeath: what song?
sugarhighpixi: "you're so vain" by carly simmons
sugarhighpixi: wheeeee
SlackerTillDeath: o
SlackerTillDeath: yeah i love that song 2
sugarhighpixi: hehe
sugarhighpixi: i dont get this line tho...
sugarhighpixi: i had some dreams that there were clouds in my coffee
SlackerTillDeath: i dont either
sugarhighpixi: i thought she was saying that, till i questioned myself... and the only other word i considered hear clowns but i didnt think that "clowns in my coffee" made sense
sugarhighpixi: but neither does clouds...
SlackerTillDeath: i thought it was clowns:-(
sugarhighpixi: haha awww
AngelStar815: Asap, hah.
sugarhighpixi: yeah it took a while
sugarhighpixi: i had to fix potatoes
AngelStar815: It's ok.
sugarhighpixi: my dad and i are "sharing a bruskey"
sugarhighpixi: lol
sugarhighpixi: cos i helped him shovel
AngelStar815: Lol.
AngelStar815: Christa, make me feel better.
sugarhighpixi: i love you
sugarhighpixi: and all the girls think that they'd be ben's partner, they'd be ben's partner
sugarhighpixi: lol
AngelStar815: Well that helped, lol.
sugarhighpixi: heh
AngelStar815: Do you want to make me happy and call me?
AngelStar815: I just need to talk. I don't know. I'm going type-ccrazy.
sugarhighpixi: i can't right now
sugarhighpixi: my dads waiting to hear from my crazy grandfather
AngelStar815: Hmph.
sugarhighpixi: but once he does ill call you
sugarhighpixi: cos i love you
AngelStar815: :o) Yay.
AngelStar815: Your grandfather is crazy?
sugarhighpixi: yeah
sugarhighpixi: he's old
sugarhighpixi: and crazy and old like to walk hand in hand
AngelStar815: And skip.
sugarhighpixi: and frollock
sugarhighpixi: but i thought those things went without saying
AngelStar815: Lol, frollock!
AngelStar815: It's frolic.
sugarhighpixi: really?
sugarhighpixi: how about that...
AngelStar815: Yeah.
AngelStar815: That was so cute.
AngelStar815: And skipping and frolicking go hand in hand too.
AngelStar815: What are the odds?
AngelStar815: This could go on forever.
sugarhighpixi: no kidding
sugarhighpixi: i want to "frolic"
sugarhighpixi: (i think i'd rather frollock tho)
AngelStar815: Lol.
sugarhighpixi: hmm... my dads making something hammy for dinner
AngelStar815: Heh. Hammy.
sugarhighpixi: hehe yeah
sugarhighpixi: i only pointed it out cos it was a funny word
sugarhighpixi: damn i gotta eat my hammy dinner.
sugarhighpixi: blah
sugarhighpixi: ill call you after dinner
sugarhighpixi: okie doke?
AngelStar815: Ok. You better.
AngelStar815: *Gives evil look.
sugarhighpixi: haha
sugarhighpixi: uh oh
AngelStar815: Uh oh?
sugarhighpixi: the evil look is melting me
KiLLa Q 422: whats up
sugarhighpixi: guess whta i did today!!!
KiLLa Q 422: crack
KiLLa Q 422: come on now, dont do that
sugarhighpixi: uhmm kind of
sugarhighpixi: i cracked a peice of wood into 2!!!
KiLLa Q 422: hell yea
sugarhighpixi: i broke my first board today
sugarhighpixi: im so happy
KiLLa Q 422: with what your foot, head
sugarhighpixi: hand
sugarhighpixi: hmmm
sugarhighpixi: no
sugarhighpixi: but i might on saturday
sugarhighpixi: lol
KiLLa Q 422: sorry i didnt call back
sugarhighpixi: its ok
sugarhighpixi: you just dont love me
KiLLa Q 422: first of all i was like holy shit, christa is callin me, i wanna talk, and then i realized i cant talk while im smokin cuz i will jus forget whats gon on
sugarhighpixi: haha
sugarhighpixi: its ok
sugarhighpixi: you really wanted to talk?
sugarhighpixi: awww
KiLLa Q 422: umm YEA
sugarhighpixi: but yes
sugarhighpixi: how goes it?
KiLLa Q 422: lol
KiLLa Q 422: who goes what?
sugarhighpixi: how goes it?
sugarhighpixi: or in your language... what up
sugarhighpixi: hehe
KiLLa Q 422: nah my language is...whats the dilly fool, you dippin or what?
KiLLa Q 422: i have no idea what i just said