i hate other people's driving sometimes. i hurt my thumb really bad (to the point i think i might have chipped off a piece of bone, and that explains the dimple that wasnt there befor, and the painful bump that keeps moving) when i punched the side of my car in road rage.
Created by aiko and taken 37239 times on Bzoink Opening credits"Dirty Water" - The StandellsWaking up"Sunshine on my Window" - SpiderbaitAverage day"Kids in America" - Kim WyldeFirst date"You're So Damn Hot" - OKgoFalling in love"Stick Shifts and Safety Belts" - CakeLove scene"Sexuality" - K.D. LangFight scene"Who Sucked out
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WARNING!!! this post may make you sick to your stomache. don't read it if you are having troubles with the opposite sex. i just wanted to write it cos it's my journal, and it's something that made me happy.
xSilverBulletxx3: random fact by kyle giroux... xSilverBulletxx3: Coconuts kill about 150 people each year. That's more than sharks. sugarhighpixi: how? xSilverBulletxx3: idfk xSilverBulletxx3: lol , they fall on ppl ?