hey man do u think u could stop with the writing in caasies agenda. i dont apreseate the stuff ur writing.an at least im not freakn out on u .o an im not a pot head that was once i tried pot. an that was only bc my friend said he wouldent give me a ride to warped if i dident try it.so if u wouldent mind id like it if u stoped with the stuff ur writing.
hey kris. man. you want to tlak about this cool. tlak to me. nto a computer screen. and the journla thing is a joke. i wouldnt go for cassie. i dont tkae other peoples girlfrineds. not my style.
no offense, she isnt my style either.
and concerning pot...
dude ive been there twice while you were doing it.
yea. talk to me next time and if you want to freak on me.
Hey, if you clean my garage, basement and let me kick you in the balls about a thousand times I swear I'll drive you to "Warped" next year and buy your ticket too.
Comments 8
Where's that show you said you were gonna record and send to me? I'm waiting. lol
[<0>] Kris <3
Yo I recorded your song yo, except I'm playing it on the keyboard yo. ;)
cyle glover < tall kidd at my party with lynds that left real early
thanks peace
no offense, she isnt my style either.
and concerning pot...
dude ive been there twice while you were doing it.
yea. talk to me next time and if you want to freak on me.
go for it.
... kids and music now a days. What fuck-ups.
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