it was a law suit broguth before the supreme court because during the vietnamn war a group of quaker students wore black armbands to show their mourning of the dead lost on both sides and the board of education told them they couldnt and suspended a few. it was an infringement of their freedom of speech. i dont know. i dont feel liek typing it all. its an interesting book youd liek it.
Ha. I actually knew about the tinker vs Des moines case. We got these booklets in school talking about student rights and stuff. I think I might have been the only person who read it. Oh well.
jake i wasent being mean about it, i just asked if u could stop .i take things to afense more so than otheres i dident mean to be mean if i was.i have a short temper an i know it an if u thought i freaked on u sorry.
Comments 5
PS what is the tinker .vs. des moines case? i had to ask
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