Dark Goddesses
Take pity on their fear and heal them
who foist your awesome visages before them
as prophylactic sweepers of
thy own dark streets they dread to tread.
Oh Kali, Hecate,Liliitu, Morrigan,
as finger puppets of posturing pretense
be thou no longer contented to appear
for the sake of name dropping
droppers of personal responsibility.
Bring them the comfort you bring me.
Not with a patted little hand
and a "poor, poor, child,
poor misunderstood innocent,"
but with a firm hand upon the scruff of the neck
thrust their nose into that of their dreadmost daemon
bellowing "Face It! Face it now!"
And if it is of thy wills that my words
be thy scruff grasping hand for this,
make them see it for what it is
and not gloss me as their
continued excuse.
By the earthquakes rattle
as vibrating as my muscles spasming
in trembling rage I invoke thy aid
and call for this!
By the crashing waves of
the sea storms wrath,
as foaming as the spraying spew
of my ranting mouth, I invoke thy aid
and call for this.
By the tree-hurling home-ripping
twisting winds as screeching and abrupt
and uncontrollable as the steam
of my exasperation, I invoke thy aid
and call for this.
By the dankest glowering moon
as dark, foul, cloud furrowed and bloody
as my frustrated, wall bashed
brooding brow, I invoke thy aid
and call for this.