Who can undo the wrong of the beginning

Aug 15, 2009 11:18

Scripturo-symbolic thoughts for the similarly obsessive, thelemo-qabalistic COP style musings!

I have this symbol complex involving the Fruit of the Trees and the letters of deity names. Much of this is from transmissions from my Familiar Angelic Spirit while in the Mauve Zone, the space between self and not self, the space time between the dreaming called dreaming and the dreaming called waking.

There is a reason why the fruit of the tree of knowledge, even though not so named in usual biblical presentations, is by tradition seen as an apple. Okay, multiple reasons. The pentagram in the cross-section representing 718, which is to say, Venus, in its upright and downright alternating form, shows the movement of Venus as it appears in the heavens and in re the workings spoken of by Fr. Damon of QBLH. Sex magickal rites paralleling in time these movements, thus being both Venusian and Solar in power, can connect the Earthly Magickians with the secret stellar ions. Apologies if this so far is replete with obtuse reference. I am trying to get it all down with hopes of fleshing better later for those not so conversant in the gibbering chatter, er, erudite communications of our ilk.

Avalon, "apple isle," eve, "apple." These are the clues referrred to in the legend and previous myth.There is also the tradition of the pre Jehovian state of Eve being the godform. HVH is EVE. The transmission of YHVH was the imbalance that skewed the pure Secret Ion, the wrong of the beginning of this transmission lineage. Adama, the creature fashioned by Ptah, the potter, was not properly dried or perhaps not properly fired, resulting in certain "proof of being handmade" flaws. This accident of creation endowed it with special life and power (precious and sought after by the highest) but also gave it the need for intermittent shocks or additional energies to be introduced at particular points in the octave of its development.

The so-called trees of Knowledge and Life were offered for its development in the mauve zone simultaneously with the "waking" physical. Lilith offered the twain in the Cup, which offered the Graal instruction "in an instant," as it were. This was too much for an imbalance in the blood/red clay formed creature "Adama" and, revulsed by the offering, spurned it. Though muchly made of the same, it refused, due to false ego, to know itself, to digest itself, to consume its own like. The cup of Lilitu held both his and her essences but he passed up the bitter cup in an arrogant fit of being superior to that sort of thing. Lilith then abandoned him though still haunted.

Eve, HVH, used not the Yesodian cup but the Daathian/Vissudhi. In other and simple language, her sexual conjunction was not via the alabaster jar, the aroused and self lubricated vagina, but, rather, the abyss of the mouth. (Observe Davinci's scene of Adam and Eve in the chapel painting in this light!) The essence of the Serpent, DNA, caduceus, was first eaten by Eve and then given Adam. After her extraction of the fruit of the tree of knowledge orally, she kissed him to share it and he was awakened. There was still missing the fruit of life which had languished in the cup of Lilith, which he should have eaten and shared with HER in a kiss. The Angels jealous of the creature which had the high ones love more than they then sent them away from the garden enclosing their salvation (the dissolved salve) so that they would not fully grab up their inheritance and the angels could still reign.

So, here we have the spermatognosis, highly valued and essential for the evolution of the full potential of the race, becoming YHVH. The V of the masculine Ojas being tasted by the two lips of Eve, the H & H, delivering the spermatognosis to Adam and thus placing the Y at the fore of the essential beginning of the first devouring, HVH. The exclusion from Eden then set all back from the balance of the equation. Lilith had first devoured the ojas with the lower lips, making the primal HVH/EVE, but the reciprocal was not performed. The Elixer Vitam was eschewed as debased and low. Yes, it was lower than the lips of EVE but vital. The Kalas to match the Ojas was debased by the false fastidiousness of Brahmin and Levite and Cohen and Khan and Patriarch about the world.

Who can undo the wrong of the beginning? Yes! Exactly! The VHV. The lips of the masculine tasting of the tree of life. The Kalas of EVE are needed to develop the race, esp. males, but more than this, the transition of the EVE to a Lilith, by the worship of blood and the tree therein (the DNA in the egg) and on to the next step of the mixed elixer.

HVH as Eve balanced by the understanding of VHV ("WHO") becomes the undoing or balance. The next level is to do the Lilith, which is the lower fem lips devouring the knowledge, HVH, then being devoured by the masc lips, VHVHV, then shared in kiss, HVHVHVH. This appears to be a situation of possible infinite expansion, and so it is, but from here it involves stepping into higher realms of existence that so concerned the angelic gods wishing not to be superceded.

Tired, more later. 
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