If you are in Atlanta general area
Dear Friends, Claudette, a new friend and Magickal person from Jamaica, has hit a rough spot.
She was directed by Spirit to seek training in Native American training in the northwest and also to be back here for an OTO initiation. Having left a lease and packing her remaining goods up, off she went. In returning towards the init. she was in rain and her car rolled over twice. She was not injured and retrieved her belongings (mostly books) from the interstate and got a ride and still made the init. She is a dedicated and sincere person.
She yet has to finish her Dissertation and needs to arrange her re registering and the finances for that, which she can no doubt do, but in the meantime, she is in the situation of being broke, needing food and sleeping in the student lounge chairs at Emory, without computer (car crash killed it).
What I am asking is for a few to offer respites of couch space for a night or two and perhaps a meal. If there is also an occasional internet link to pursue her school options, even cooler. She is here as an International Student and needs to register soon to be able to stay. If any care to do juju towards the school being able to come up with some housing too, that would be great.
Please let me know if there is anything you can do to help her through this valley of shadow.