because i need a reminder of all the fics i've almost forgotten about /o\
Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence!
1. Even when the director yells cut, Baekhyun’s insides don’t recover from the mush they’ve turned into.
2. Baekhyun runs his fingers lightly over the pristine keys, ignoring how it burns when he inhales the air thick with smoke.
3. “I don’t want to,” Minseok says slowly, "because I don't like you."
4. Yixing steels himself, forces his expression to stay neutral, pushes away the heartbreak, desolation, rejection that rises in his throat.
5. Junmyeon wonders, in the midst of heavy silences and bland, forced conversations, why he never gave up.
6. “Yes, I’m here for my 2PM appointment,” Zitao answers.
7. “If I know, he likes you and you’re just being paasa.”
8. “Hey, hey, don’t struggle so much,” Sehun hears, and the voice goes straight to his head, diffusing rapidly until it resounds in his mind, until it’s the only thing that’s concrete.
9. They're fragile little things and whenever Luhan steps on them, they disintegrate into ash, leaving a trail of dull gray footprints in his wake.