kjsdfnenw.ekasln32joi3u4sd nfzx.n./j'jlkjrseaklfn23k4'[wiou65pjlgvjkhafds;lkjrn2l;5kn2 ljlkufodsi 42u5oppk; ;jwpoi47543cn'asjdf 2oiu54b9z8d7f
i wish i could articulate
the angels called you
to leave this land.
my work is finished.
my work is finished,
the angels command.
i come to join you;
reach out your hand
and i'll be flying home,
straight into your arms,
and i'll be flying home.
carry me home.
carry me home,
and i'm flying home.
the angels called me
to shut the door.
we're almost touching...
almost touching.
just one minute more.
i'll hear you call me
just like before,
and i'll be flying home,
straight into your arms,
and i'll be flying home.
carry me home.
carry me home,
and i'm flying home.
carry me home.
speak my name
and i'll rise into the sky.
carry me on
and i'll taste the heavens.
carry me on
and my shame
and my fear
will pass me by.
i am rising...
say the words
and i'll lift into the air.
carry me on
and i'll stay forever.
i'm ready father.
take my hand.
i am ready, father,
to fly...
to fly...
i am flying home
straight into your arms.
i am flying home.
carry me on.
carry me.
carry me on.
there will be no worries.
there will be no pain.
i am on my way.
i am flying.
i am flying home
straight into your arms.
i am flying home.
carry me on.
carry me on.
and i'm flying home.