Name (or alias): Mandy
theropicusAIM SN: Optional: theropicus
BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Gillichu Myrddin Chandler
candleschildrenPlayed By: Craig Warnock
Birthdate: April 14, 1993
Age: 12
Gender: male
Wand: 12" dogwood with crup hair - something Geoffrey picked up on his travels and brought back, not really the strongest of wands, but very reliable if a little finicky
Blood: pureblood
Birthplace: Talyllychau, Sir Gaerfyrddin, Wales
Location: Talyllychau, Sir Gaerfyrddin, Wales
Status or Class: lower upper class (incredibly old family)
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/Welsh/agnostic
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: mother: Rhianwen Ada Chandler/45/financial advisor (for both Muggle and magical clients, using Divination)
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: father: Owen Steffen Chandler/50/scatter-brained inventor
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: sister: Nimuë Rosamund Chandler/12 (older)/student
Pet Name/Species: (official) Philomena/cat (unofficial, at school: Bird/crow who lives in the forest, Edmund/duck frog who seems to live in his hair; at home: Alfred/part border collie, part crup, Lucinda/jarvey, thing-in-the-box-under-his-bed, + various others)
OWL Scores: (hasn't taken them yet, but will be something like...:)
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: P
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Muggle Studies: E
Optional Other Subject #3: n/a
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable):
Astronomy: n/a
Charms: n/a
DADA: n/a
Herbology: n/a
History of Magic: n/a
Potions: n/a
Transfiguration: n/a
Care of Magical Creatures: n/a
Optional Other Subject #2: n/a
Optional Other Subject #3: n/a
10 Words to describe your character: bratty, cynical, childish, socially inept, curious, loner, resourceful, adventurous, active, independent
Personality: Gillichu is a cynical and somewhat socially-inept bratty little boy. Having (in his opinion) not received enough love from the parental front when younger, he will go to desperate lengths to gain the attentions of others. At the same time, he is mistrustful of most people (indeed, it's really more the human race as a whole) and will often put on the pretence that he doesn't care what other people think. He's quick to anger, vicious in his retaliations, and most always slow to forgive.
Strengths: Both magical and personality: Most of his strengths are associated with animals and beasts - Gillichu has a close understanding of animals, garnered from both years of experience and reading, as well as an innate talent with them. Because of this, he usually feels more secure and at home when with animals than with people, even if the animal is a particularly dangerous one. Other strengths include transfiguration that has to do with alterations to physical appearances (a skill honed from much practice and interest in teasing and tormenting his enemies - i.e., most of the female population of Hogwarts), and herbology (he likes to dig in the dirt). Personality-wise, Gillichu acts well under pressure or when confronted with another person's problem - he behaves logically where other people might panic, and does so without thinking.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: Gillichu is clumsy, has a short temper, and a short attention span. He's quick to develop a grudge and slow to forgive someone when he feels he's been slighted. His sense of right and wrong are skewed in such a way that he has very few regrets over any trouble he causes. Magic-wise he's very poor at Potions, which he finds dull and uninteresting unless explosions are involved, and Charms, because his sister enjoys them a great deal and this automatically renders them Evil and Not Worth His Time.
Fears: Due to a bad experience when he was younger, Gillichu's deathly afraid of thunder and lightening, and will often hide under his bed and skip classes when there's a thunderstorm outside.
History: Gillichu has had a somewhat troubled childhood (or so he claims). He feels he has never measured up to his parents' expectations, in part because of his behaviour, in part because of the fact that he displayed very little magical talent when he was younger. His parents, unable to quite understand his somewhat-confusing thought process, have given him a lot of free reign, which he in turn takes to be neglect. Because of this he feels the need to act out in order to draw the attention of other people. Also, he's been mostly raised by his "Aunt Vicky" (no relation to him), the mother of his best friend, Amaury Oniyama, since the age of five. Because Victoria Bloom lives as a Muggle, Gillichu's had a decent amount of exposure to both magical and Muggle culture, though he doesn't really feel at home in either one.
Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Short for his age (4' 11"), he'll sprout like a weed around the time he hits 15. Gillichu has a slightly-tanned complexion which is a little at odds with his long, shaggy, straw-gold hair, but compliments his hazel eyes. Despite being short, he's gangly and thin, has yet to master all his limbs, and is unusually clumsy as a result.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: strives for acceptance by his mother; doesn't really have a relationship with his father; is close to Geoffrey Chandler, his maternal uncle, to the extent of seeing the man as a sort of pseudo-father; aside from Geoffrey, relatives he gets along with are limited to Sophia Chandler (his first cousin), and Nimue Covey (his third cousin).
Friends: Optional: closest friend is Amaury Oniyama, who he's known since childhood (a sort of adopted big brother); also close is Amaury's mother, Victoria Bloom, who serves as a pseudo-mother; other friends include Kittu Mathur and Kadmus Ajax (both Hufflepuff 2nd years), of whom he's closer to Kittu. All other friendships are negligible
Other: Optional: Timothy Ashford, Jr., has had the misfortune of being picked out by Gillichu as An Evil Menace - Gillichu doesn't like him and will more likely than not try to push him off a staircase (perhaps to his death?) should they run into one another.
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval. Sometime after leaving school Gillichu will attempt and succeed at the Animagus transformation, being able to turn into a golden retriever. Like many other members of his family, Gillichu speaks fluent Welsh in addition to English. Because of his long-time association with Victoria Bloom and her son, he knows a decent amount of Japanese as well, though he is far from fluent in it.
Year: 2nd
House: Ravenclaw
Why are they in that house? Gillichu has little interest in much of anything outside of animals and that which concerns them. It was dedication and determination to familiarise himself with everything he possibly could concerning animals that led to his being sorted as a Ravenclaw.
Postion: (Subject to mod approval)
Peering out of the hospital wing, Gillichu sneaked out into the hall. Hopefully no one would see him leaving the wing and ask what he'd been doing there. The last thing he wanted to admit to was that he'd had to go see Russiani so that she could check and make sure of his prescription.
Sighing with relief, Gillichu started off down the hall, humming to himself and Edmund quacking right along with him from on top of his head.
Character Secrets: Er, none?
Character Alliance: Ambiguous, if anything. Gillichu at this time has little knowledge or care of the current political situation. As he grows older, he'll come to disdain both the "good" and the "bad," choosing to side with a removed third party - that of the animals. Basically, he's against anyone who attempts or succeeds (never mind if it's unintentional on their part) to harm any form of critter (well... above that of mosquito - he readily understands the widespread antipathy towards the creatures).