Name (or alias): Mel
LJ: f4l
AIM SN: Optional: fearlessf4l
BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Zak Anthony Reso
LJ: zak_reso
Played By: Fernando Torres
Birthdate: 14th February 1988
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Wand: His wand is a detailed willow wand. The length is nine inches long. This wand's core is unicorn tail hair.
Willow:: The Willow has applications in magick done for enchantment, wishing, romantic love, healing, protection, fertility, magick for women, death, femininity, love, divination, friendship, joy, love, and peace. Placed in homes, Willow branches protect against evil and malign sorcery. Carried, Willow wood will give bravery, dexterity, and help one overcome the fear of death. There is a darker side to the Willow however, for it is also associated with grief and death. Willow wands are used whenever there is a need to connect with intuition or dreams. They are also used to deal with emotional numbness or emotional excess, or where there are negative emotional feelings which need to be worked through The Willow has always been known as a tree of dreaming, inspiration and enchantment. It was associated in Celtic legend with poets and spells of fascination and binding.
WILLOW (the Melancholy) -beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves
anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.
Unicorn Tail Hair: Best for the pure of heart.
"Yeah," said Hagrid, glancing up, too. "Listen, I'm glad we've run inter yeh, Ronan, 'cause there's a unicorn bin hurt -- you seen anythin'?"
Ronan didn't answer immediately. He stared unblinkingly upward, then sighed again.
"Always the innocent are the first victims," he said. "So it has been for ages past, so it is now."
Blood: Muggleborn
Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Status or Class: Inherited money, wealthy / Lower-middle
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian / Irish / Catholic
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Aoife Reso / 35 / Nurse - Deceased
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Darren Reso / 37 / Secondary School Teacher - Deceased
Pet Name/Species: N/A
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: E
Charms: A
Herbology: P
History of Magic: E
Potions: D
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1: Muggle Studies: O
Other Subject #2: Care for Magical Creatures: A
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable):
Astronomy: A
Charms: A
Herbology: N/A
History of Magic: A
Potions: N/A
Transfiguration: P
Optional Other Subject #1: Muggle Studies: E
10 Words to describe your character: Confident. Proud. Honest. Obnoxious. Passionate. Creative. Dumb. Headstrong. Selfish. Self-Destructive.
Personality: Zak has a split personality.
One part of him is an outgoing, creative, obnoxious and loud young man. He carries himself with great confidence and importance. The boy does what he wants, when he wants and never thinks things through. He has no patience or tolerance for those around him that aren't enjoying themselves. Zak is fun loving and innovative. He's good natured and honest, with a lot of pride. He believes in himself and what he believes, no matter what he's told. He ignores all criticism and mocks those who allow it to affect them. He's proud of who he is and thinks everyone else should feel the same. Zak sometimes lets his emotions take over, and can become angry or annoyed very quickly. He's pushy and loud. The young lion is often very active once he wakes, but until he's showered and out of bed, he's one of the laziest around. Zak is a daredevil, willing to try anything that will give him a thrill. Zak cares very deeply about everyone around him. He hates being responsibility for other peoples emotions and tries to close himself off to them, by appearing constantly happy. Which, a lot of the time he genuinely is. Zak would prefer to be alone with no friends than have friends worrying about him. That said, he is more than happy to throw himself into their problems and help them solve it. He's there for them and he won't have it any other way.
On the other hand, Zak's emotions are very extreme. He's either happy and content or depressed and destructive. His confidence slips, and his enthusiasm vanishes. Zak becomes a total sloth, refusing to move for hours upon end. He lies and talks his way out of trouble. He becomes completely selfish and focused on himself. Zak refuses to allow anyone to worry. He hates responsibility, something he feels when his friends get worried. It tortures his mind, and he'll often try to force himself into being happy so they'll stop. Zak will still quickly lose his temper, but he'll lose it at himself. He, for being so stupid, for being so pathetic. Only he can call himself pathetic, Zak will outright attack anyone else that calls him as much. When he's in these moods, he simply wants to disappear. More than content to be ignored by everyone as he strums away on his guitar behind closed curtains. The Gryffindor becomes so self indulged that he can become self destructive, the daredevil in him shows it's negative side as he goes out to do things for the hell of it. Zak will knowingly throw himself into volitile situations without considering the consequences. The resulting pain gives him a rush, therefore it was worth doing. He hates himself but does nothing about it. Zak is more than happy to dwell on his own problems and push everyone away. He doesn't want to hurt them. His hurt is his own, they are his problems. Zak wants to deal with them himself, without help. He thinks himself stronger than that, even though it has been proven time and time again that he isn't.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Personality: Zak has many strengths, they are often countered by his many flaws but he does have them. Zak is a loyal and caring friend. He will not take his friends being hurt (emotionally or physically). He is always there for them, no matter what. He may not have the best advice to give, but he does have a shoulder for them to lean on. Zak would never give up on a friend of his, he'd stick with them until the end.
The boy is creative, he has been playing the guitar for a few years now and has improved drastically since he first began. His creativity, that had previously been placed in pranks and jokes, found a constructive outlet. Zak often plays and sings for his friends in an attempt to amuse and comfort. He's a natural entertainer, his charisma and confidence flows easily when he's in front of an audience. Zak is very innovative and randomly gets ideas out of nowhere when he's bored. He is constantly trying to bring muggle things into life at Hogwarts. Football in the halls, skateboarding down the moving stairs and more, for example...
Zak has great confidence in himself and what he stands for. He ignores all criticism, believing the only thing that matters is that he's happy with himself. He is very proud, and dislikes being insulted. Though most can be taken in stride, Zak does have a few weakspots. He is very honest and often speaks without thinking. He doesn't care if others disagree with him, he is comfortable enough with himself to give his opinion without any hesitation.
He is a good flier and hard worker. Zak is actively trying to improve in sports and up to a point, his studies. He wants to be good at magic and is willing to put some work into it. He's easily bored however, and quickly distracted. Zak is just looking to have fun, school and education don't particularly matter to him. Therefore most of the improvement focus goes to sports. Zak is a decent footballer and a good beater. He works hard to stay in shape for the two, and does his best to improve where he can in the given situations. His reflexes have improved since becoming Beater. His legs have grown much stronger and are well able to handle the demands of a striker on the football pitch.
Academically: Zak is an average student, bordering on poor. His best subject is Muggle Studies and his favourite is History, purely because his father taught it. He has a good memory and finds written work comes easily to him. He also likes DADA as he sees it as an important subject, however with lacking wandwork this subject becomes a much bigger obstacle than it should. Astronomy is one of his stronger subjects, as it's mostly theory and similar to the muggle subject. He's adapted to it much better than some of his classmates. Muggle Studies, obviously comes easily enough to him as he grew up as a muggle. Zak may be a bit thick, but he's not that bad...usually. CoMC is one of his better subjects despite not doing very well in it, or keeping it up. It's one of the few he enjoys. The different creatures fascinate him to look at and watch, but he's not too bothered in studying them.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Personality: Zak is a walking contradiction, he knows and loves it. He is either really happy or really down, his mood change is very extreme and happens suddenly. If he slips into a rut, he tends to stay in that rut for longer than you'd expect. It takes a lot for him to get over things, though he doesn't admit it, Zak is sensitive. He views this as a weakness, though he's able to dish out insults without a problem. He can end up taking things that are thrown at him personally. Zak is able to ignore criticism, but straight out insults can cut him deeply. He is very quick tempered and spontaneous, this often gets him into a lot of trouble. If his intelligence is insulted, Zak completely snaps. He himself has accepted that he finds magic harder than most, but it's still a touchy subject. He can become violent, and gets himself into a lot of fights and trouble with this mindset as he really isn't a good fighter. Due to this habit, he does have a fairly high pain threshold, but really, it doesn't make a difference. His ego and pride still get hurt, and they matter much more to him.
Zak can't stand seeing people around him hurt, he blames himself for it. He believes he should be able to fix things that have gone wrong for his friends, or that he could've prevented something from happening had he been there. When his parents passed, Zak took it very hard. It struck him that there was nothing he could do to help them...and had he been there, that he would've also been killed. Zak's mentality changed with this, and he became very self centered and very quick to anger.
When Zak has a problem, he's usually brought it on himself. He can't stand people helping him, or offering their sympathy. He hates himself for having a negative effect on peoples moods. He hides from responsibility and really can't stand being responsible for other people. He believes only he should deal with his problems, they were his fault so he will fix them.
The boy is lazy. He gets into a sloth-like mood, refusing to move for absolutely anything. He hates waking up in the morning, and really shouldn't be spoken to until he's had a shower. Recently he's completely given up on getting up and just stays in bed all day. Zak doesn't see the point to attending class, he's going to fail anyway, so why bother? He won't persue something that he sees no point in. He's also lazy in that sense, he gives up when something requires too much effort. Transfiguration really tested him in this area, and just proved how not bothered he was toward actual work.
Zak can become very self destructive. If something gets far into his mind and effects him deeply, he will get stuck in a rut and refuse to come out. He will try to deal with it himself, but usually he just falls farther. Zak avoids responsibility and therefore cannot accept certain things that happen. He goes into a denial stage and focuses on making the pain go away. He'll either cause more pain or momentarily numb the pain he has. He blindly refuses to accept what has happened, this was proven after his parents death. This hurt him more than most could've imagined. He started on the downward spiral, and hasn't hit the bottom yet. He falls fast and hard, Zak can see the problem but refuses to face it. He ignores it and continues his fall.
This Gryffindor has a very addictive personality, shown through his fondness for the bottle and the adrenaline rush he gets out of flying and dares. He can be obsessive to a point, usually knowing when enough is enough.
He is a very selfish person, focusing on himself and his happiness at all times. He is loud, brash annoying and obnoxious toward people. And is positively bratty to those he doesn't like. Usually he will continue what he is doing even if it's putting out other people, as long as he's having fun that's all that matters to him. Zak is ignorant toward other people and their feelings, unless they are particularly close to him.
Academic: Zak has a very hard time studying magic. His attention span is quite short, and he finds new theories etc. very hard to comprehend to begin with. His difficulties were proven when he failed his 1st year in Hogwarts and was forced to repeat. His worst subject is easily Transfiguration, a subject that he didn't have too much trouble with before 6th year. The science and theory behind it completely boggle his mind. Forget about the wandwork, it's far too complex. The Gryffindor has accepted that it's unlikely he will pass the NEWT exam in this subject. He worked hard enough at OWL level to get into the NEWT level class, but wasn't preprared for the change of standard in the work rate expected. Herbology is his other main weakness, though he did enjoy the actual class. Zak was fond of his bi-weekly clay fights with random plants. He never did well in this class, even if it was fun. He didn't receive the grade to continue, sadly. Potions is another weakness of his. Right off the bat, this was his worst class in 1st year all the way up to the OWLs. It was far too like chemistry, a subject Zak never took to when he was younger. It was chemistry mixed with magic, basically not a good thing. He spent most of his time cleaning up after class as he managed to melt his cauldron or make some non-explosive potion explode.
Zak's fears consist of him losing those close to him. And basically, when his parents died earlier IG, this was one of his main fears realised. He loves his friends and his family a great deal, the mean the world to him. Zak would give his life for any of them, believing they are all worth much more in this world than he is. It eats him alive inside when he thinks of his friends getting hurt because of him. He pushes them away rather than risk their feelings with the amount of stupid things he gets into.
He doesn't fear failure, it happens to him too often. Zak has grown to accept this fact, and humours it instead. He makes fun of his shortcomings, and tries to make light of the situation. He prefers to stay optimistic no matter what the consequences. For example, when he was informed that he was to repeat 1st year, he didn't let it get to him. Preferring to stay hopeful in the chance of getting new friends and a fresh start.
Despite popular belief, Zak does fear death. He fears his self destruction and he fears physically abusing himself. Danny absolutely terrifies him, as he views Danny as something he's becoming and he hates it. Zak loathes the idea of starving himself or self abuse. And yet, he knows it could be something he would do in the future if he can't pick himself up, though it would be for completely different reasons. Zak may be rather suicidal with his quick temper and violent reactions, especially toward the older lads, but he doesn't believe any of them would actually kill him in a fight. Zak may have underestimated some of them on this, but that's beside the point. Admittedly, if the thought of facing death crossed his mind, Zak wouldn't care. He tries to show himself as someone strong, who doesn't care where he's going. He would happily face death for his friends, no matter how terrified he was. But he fears the actual death part...Zak would seriously consider hanging back and becoming a ghost over going on. The thought of what would face him absolutely terrifies him.
Zak fears the idea of being forgotten. He fears that his name would not be remembered, that when he dies he will have left absolutely nothing of worth behind and that people will only know of him as a failure who had so much potential...or simply as a failure who brought it all on himself. And without him there to try and make a joke out of it or prove them wrong, his name would be forgetten and left behind in the past. A nobody.
Oh, and quite obviously, he fears You-Know-Who and the whole general DE thing.
History: Zak Reso was born in Dublin and raised in the city in a small apartment complex on Bachelor's Walk. His parents were still very young when they had Zak, and weren't married. Darren however, was fortunate enough to inherited an old apartment above an antique shop that had also been left to him. The young couple used what money they had to change the bottom two floors (previously the antique shop) into a living space. They sold off the antiques to various collectors and made themselves a bit more money to make up for the spending they'd done. A new apartment complex was built behind their building and the couple bought one of the smaller, modern ones to rent out. This way, they received permission to use the green area of the new apartment complex. Amazingly, one of Zak's current housemates moved into the apartment complex. Maggie Downey. She and Zak became great friends when they were younger, and ran amock. He attended primary school with Maggie, and they were still great friends, even though he was two years above her. Coincidentally enough, Zak was in the same class as Alex Departie. Their parents became friendly, and it wasn't rare for the two to spend days at each others houses. Neither have particularly fond memories of this. Needless to say, Zak was more than surprised to see Alex when he arrived on the Platform.
Zak had a fun childhood, terrorising the neighbours and his teachers. He wasn't a bright student, and between this and his love for random fun, his parents and teachers got to know each other too well for both Zak and his parents liking. Football was very important to him when he was young, and this interest stayed with him. He played for his primary school, and his local club. The young team did relatively in their leagues. Zak tries to practice as much as possible when at school, he still goes to training when he's at home and attends football camps around the town to keep his skill up. Quidditch has helped him immensly when it comes to football, his legs are much stronger and able for the running he has to do as a striker.
Their family weren't very well off to begin with, but his parents were smart with what money they had. Most of their wages went into an account for Zak when he was older. They earned enough for them not to have to worry about medical expenses or food. When they finally found someone to rent the other apartment, they began to receive a lot more money in. It was put to fixing up their own apartment and making it much more livable. Zak's young life at home was pretty much spent on a construction site. Each floor was constantly being redone or treated for dampness etc.
Zak is bisexual, and discovered this in his 4th year. His friends had always teased, as most of them were bi. Once Zak accepted this, he was happy and comfortable with it. It gave him his favourite rush and brought him pleasure. Pleasure that he had become all too fond of and was quite content to get through most means. And thanks to Zak, other students discovered this about themselves too.
There was no magical traces in Zak's family at all, so his letter came as a big surprise. Though it did explain some of the more, outlandish, results of some of his pranks. Especially the ones that both he and Maggie took part in.
His 1st year in Hogwarts was rather miserable, there was no one for Zak to relate to in his House or year. He was practically failing all his classes, and he began to question whether he really was a wizard. Zak started to play guitar at this point to keep himself amused. He learned the silencing charm and sat on his silenced bed practicing for hours. When he discovered he was going to have to repeat, Zak remained optimistic, thinking perhaps that he would get along with some of the newer students. Which he did, and the last few years at Hogwarts have been loads of fun for the older boy, despite his low grades.
When Zak came home for the holidays, he was amused to discover his friends had all grown an interest in skating. He fell right into it as the sport gave him a thrill that initially was similar to that of flying when that started up. Flying actually gave him a head start on some of the others when he started skating, his balance had improved by leaps and bounds thanks to flying. Zak bought a board and brought it back to Hogwarts, practicing where ever and whenever he could. Each time he went back home, his friends had fallen more and more into the skater scene. All of them had started drinking and a few of the older lads had already started on drugs. Zak never did do drugs with his friends, though he did start drinking. Their lives became more and more extreme within the city, and Zak followed along. He enjoyed the company and how much fun they had. Up in Stephens Green late on a Saturday night was always the best laugh. Muggle life has obviously influenced Zak when it comes to style and interests. The boy still insists on practicing football on the grounds, wearing jeans beneath his robes and trying any means necessary to listening to his tapes or CDs. He still has to get around that.
Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Zak is very tall, 6'2” or so. He has dark brown eyes, and light freckles. He sometimes has dimples when he smiles, it's all part of being adorable! He's needed glasses/contacts since he was 10. Zak chose to wear contacts from a young age because of sports, he didn't want to risk breaking pairs of glasses while playing soccer. He plays striker, so he really didn't want to miss the ball due to his eyesight. He has light brown hair, but often dyes it blonde. This is all to look cool, the boy isn't conceited at all. Zak is slim thanks to the sports he plays, he's not particularly muscular or anything though. His clothing style varies, basically he goes for comfort. And that comes in the form of baggy band t-shirts and jeans or tracksuit pants. Sometimes even sweatpants for the colder nights. He sleeps in black novelty boxers with Bart Simpson all over them.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Zak got along very well with his parents in general, he was equally close to both. He often felt guilty for the amount of trouble he caused them when he was younger. As he got older he became focused on not getting caught, this was in order to avoid having his parents pulled into it. Zak usually managed it once he focused. He loved them both very dearly, and would've done anything to make them happy. He always tried his best for them, and when he fell short felt pathetic. Zak knew how much they had put into raising him well, and doing the exact opposite to this encouraged behaviour when he was home, killed him inside. It was when he was 15 that he realised just how much he had succumbed to peer pressure, and from then on listened only to his judgement and took others words with a grain of salt.
Neither of his parents particularly embraced Zak's love for the skating culture, but they put up with the loud music and his rebellious attitude very well. Though they did encourage his interest in soccer at every chance they got. Admittedly, they were quite lax with 11 year old Zak when it came to rules and discipline. But they simply had faith in him, believing he'd come into his own when the time was right.
Zak's father was always very encouraging, and insisted Zak play soccer and hurling when he was young. Which he did quite successfully, he played for his school on the soccer team and found a hurling club to be part of, as well as a football club. He was a striker for both teams, his aim with the Beaters bat in Quidditch emerged from both sports, especially hurling.
Darren tried to help Zak with his schoolwork, especially history. But Zak simply wasn't interested. He didn't have the attention span to keep up, although he did become much more interested when he started at Hogwarts. And when he got home, would compare notes to what his father had. Darren couldn't believe some of the stories behind what had really happened.
His mother was always there for him, trying to keep him out of trouble. She often worked late hours and didn't see her son as much as his father did. Aoife was there to keep him in line, she was who Zak went to if he ever had a problem or needed help with something. He believed she could do everything and trusted her with the more important things. His father did the fun stuff, his mum was there for the more serious aspect of life. It didn't matter how much time was spent with either etc. Zak loved them both equally, and when they were killed, it cut him much deeper than most people had expected or even thought possible.
Friends: Optional:
Maggie Downey
Maggie and Zak go way back, like...waaaaay back. Basically, Zak has known Maggie since she was born. They were practically the only kids in the complex, and so became very fond of each other as well as partners in crime. They were best friends who shared everything, despite Maggie's mother not being overly fond of Zak. She constantly gave out about him, complaining that he was a bad influence on Maggie. Which, could be true to a certain extent, but nothing his mother would've admitted to. The two attended St. Mary's Primary school which was situated on Parnell Sq. They walked home together and all that fun stuff. Maggie moved away when Zak was 11, and Zak was left without his best friend for two years, until randomly she showed up in Hogwarts. The boy was thrilled to say the least, and insisted on catching up. Their friendship is still strong, except when Zak was going with Remy...or whenever Zak is with Remy. But other than that, they're good to go! Zak kinda views Maggie as a sister...except for that one time, in his 5th year when Maggie had broken up with Remy. Zak and Maggie got together one day at random...purely to make Mags feel better, of course. Yeah, basically they've stayed strong through thick and thin and they'll always be there for each other. Least, Zak will anyway.
Remy Cowan
Zak met Remy at the start of Remy's first year, the two hit it off splendidly to say the least. They are best friends, exboyfriends and were frequent fuckbuddies at one point or another. Zak fancied Remy for a while, and upon crashing a sleepover that the girls were having, made Remy come to terms with his own bisexuality (in a less...professional kinda way). Zak would do anything for Remy...unless it had anything to do with Danny. Who really just makes Zak uncomfortable.
Barrett Barbosa
Barrett is pretty much Zak's bodyguard. It's been this way since the train when the two got into a fight and Barrett almost fell out the door of the train only to be saved by Zak. It was random, but random things happen! Basically, Barrett has more than made up for Zak's 'heroic' act on many occasion, but he still hangs around. Zak would trust Barrett with his life, and he'd do anything for the big man.
Calie Myres
Zak first met Calie early into her first term when he caught Aislin teasing her, about what, Zak was never sure. But a Slytherin teasing a Gryffindor was not on. Zak basically told Aislin to shut the fuck up and left with Calie. They grew to be good friends from that. Zak loves Calie, and is very protective of the girl. He doesn't ever want to see her hurt, this stems from their initial meeting and how distraught Calie had appeared to Zak to begin with.
Chloe Hughes
Chloe and Zak had an odd relationship to begin with, basically, they didn't like each other. Chloe was a spoiled brat and someone Zak did not want to even try and deal with. Despite her and Calie being friends, Chloe and Zak never really saw eye to eye. At least not until 3rd year, when Chloe happened to stumble upon Zak saving her younger brother from a skateboard that came flying down one of the moving staircases. The board just missed the two boys as Zak shoved her brother out of the way just on time. They got along very well since then, Zak has fancied Chloe for a month or so now, and they briefly went out. Chloe never did know exactly what happened regarding the skateboard.
Jesse Martin
Zak and Jesse have an odd friendship, but a solid one. They only really got to know each other this year, but bonded over music and found that they actually do get along quite well...when Zak has calmed down. Zak really likes Jesse, but feels the boy needs a good kick up the arse to get him moving and out of his usual mopey state. He sees no reason for Jesse not to be happy, and thinks it's a shame that he can't just enjoy what he's got.
Other: Optional:
Slytherins and Zak do not get along. Especially 7th year Slytherins. Zak simply annoyed them far too much during his first year and often got beaten up by their gang. He hates them and they hate him, it's a mutual thing. For some reason it hasn't really dawned on Zak that speaking to them or pranking them still generally isn't a good idea and results in pain for the most part.
Danny Parker
Danny is a 4th year Ravenclaw who quite simply freaks Zak out. He symbolises exactly what Zak doesn't want to become. Zak can't stand being around him, his attitude...everything about him, simply disturbs him. He has no other way of putting it.
Camilla Lee
Zak doesn't really know what to think of Camilla. He thinks she's a great kid, but has no idea how to treat her other than with kindness. Zak is completely oblivious to the fact that Camilla adores him, he simply thinks she's just extremely friendly. He met her first when he found Remy giving out to her about something and told him to shut up and get over it. Since then she's always seemed to follow him around...
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval. Zak owns a Comet, he's had it for the last three years. It's in decent condition. He also has a skateboard, which starting now, will be making frequent appearances.
...Zak's infamous for his idiocy? Does that need mod permission?
Year: 6th (Should be 7th, repeated 1st)
House: Gryffindor
Why are they in that house? Because no other house would take him. Er, no. Seriously, it's the only house Zak really fit into. Zak is a loud, brash and confident boy, he's enthusiastic and very proud. His pride alone is that to a Gryffindor. However, Zak is courageous to a point, happily standing up for his friends without a second thought. For me? He is a stereotypical, idiotic Gryffindor.
Postion: (Subject to mod approval) Quidditch Beater
ROLEPLAY SAMPLE -- PLEASE ENSURE THAT THIS IS IN THIRD PERSON NARRATIVE POINT OF VIEW Resting his head gently down on his knees, Zak shut his eyes and took a deep breath. He had managed to overcome the withdrawal from his drugs. Though he still couldn't sleep on the bed, the violent kicking during the night had yet to stop. His heel showed the result of what happened the first time he had tried in the form of a deep purple bruise and horizontal cut low down. It hadn't bled much. Lucky really, Zak didn't expect there was much medical care to be given or received in this place. He longed for his bed, he longed for his friends...he really longed for his friends. He had time to think here, no longer did he believe a lone fire had killed his parents. Zak had drawn up his own conclusions. It was an attack. A planned attack. His fists clenched in anger as he thought of it, he wanted to hurt the people who planned this. Who would've thought they'd be all around him? He wished he was an animagus, like Barrett, then he could kill them all and blame a random bear. Like Joey in Friends blamed random raccoons...
Character Secrets: Zak has no uberimportant secrets, other than I suppose, he's doing drugs. That's pretty much known at this point though, I believe.
Character Alliance: Good guy, without a doubt.