Ashleigh Elizabeth Barton

Jun 07, 2006 03:23

Name (or alias): Crystal
LJ: hope99_31516
AIM SN: Optional: hope31516

BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Ashleigh Elizabeth Barton
LJ: ashleigh_barton
Played By: Ali Larter
Birthdate: January 13, 1988
Age: 17 almost 18
Gender: Female
Wand: 13" oak with a hawthorn handle and phoenix feather core
Blood: pure
Birthplace: London
Location: London
Status or Class: upper class
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/English/agnostic
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Matthew Barton/36/open for anything you may need
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Alexandrea Hamilton Barton/35/doesn't work
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: none
Pet Name/Species: Willow/Common Barn Owl
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: P
Charms: O
Herbology: D
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1: Muggle Studies: E
Other Subject #2: COMC: P
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable):
(Estimated Scores)
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: E
Herbology: N/A
History of Magic: N/A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Optional Other Subject #1: Muggle Studies: E
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character:
Dedicated, Friendly, Giving, Goofy, Innocent, Loving, Loyal, Naive, Shy, Sweet

Ashleigh is a very friendly person. She's nice to you if you're nice to her. You have to actually do something to make her not like you. However, if she is previously bothered or aggravated, it takes a lot less to send her into defense mode.
The people she cares about take top priority in her life. If you hurt them, you will have her as an enemy.
She will fight for what she believes in... though she wont shove her beliefs down your throat. It is totally acceptable if you do not agree with her and she is capable of having a civil conversation about it.
Ashleigh is quite shy when trying to speak to a large group; she feels much better during a one-on-one coversation.
She's an honest person. If you don't want her actual opinion, it's best not to ask.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Ashleigh is a determined and hard working individual. She will, normally, set aside fun to do what has to be done. She is practical and will choose to focus on a subject she needs as opposed to one that she is good at; even if the consequence for that action is a fallen grade in the less important class.
Charms and DADA are her best classes. It takes very little studying to grasp or make top marks in these classes. She is also very good at Astronomy and History of Magic.
Ashleigh is a very friendly person unless given a good reason not to be. She is more apt to sit back and ignore someone being rude to her but if you make the mistake of crossing one of her close friends she will quickly become a very vicious protector.
She has quite a bit of book knowledge. When curious about anything she will find a book to learn about the subject.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Ashleigh chooses to ignore most aspects of the outside world until it is shoved in her face.
When angered (though this rarely happens) she tends to lose rational thought. She doesn't use deductive reasoning she decides (using mostly her heart and emotions) and then acts.
Potions and Transfiguration are her weak classes. She is strong at the written, the practical portion being her downfall. Ashleigh only managed OWLS in these classes because she determined they were the more useful classes and focused all of her attention on them. (Failing History of Magic and Astronomy, two classes she would normally be really good at, as a result.)

Other than the very trivial fear of heights, Ashleigh fears leading a life filled with bitterness and anger. Her mother lives this way and she has never tried to explain her feelings or emotions. Ashleigh doesn't have a clue where such things (especially directed toward her) stem from. This is not an open fear or something that is on her mind daily but she does think about it when making important decisions in her life.

An only child, Ashleigh grew up alone in the home of her wealthy pureblood parents. Her mother, battling her own issues, was always very strict; only making brief appearances to scold Ashleigh about her grades (even if she had top marks). Due to the lack of motherly affection or attention, Ashleigh is and will forever be a daddy's girl.
Her father did his best to make sure Ashleigh felt loved and had the things she needed and wanted. Due to this, Ashleigh is quite spoiled when it comes to her father... but only with her father. She doesn't let her wealthy up bringing cloud her judgment.
Ashleigh spent her earlier years at Hogwarts lost in her studies, trying desperately to please her mother. (Choosing to miss out on things, like Hogsmeade, because she used every free minute to study her weakest subjects.) She, occasionally, found herself interested in this boy or that boy, even managing a few boyfriends but chose, in the end, to focus her attentions on school work, treating said boyfriend more like a friend. Deciding that her mother's opinion was neither needed nor wanted, she's managed to open up quite a bit during her last year at Hogwarts.

Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion.
Ashleigh is average in height and had a slender build. She has long, blonde, waxy hair and blue eyes. Though she tans quite easily, she normally has a fair complexion.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Ashleigh is a Daddy's girl. Her mother viewed her as a mistake... something that stole her future. For the most part, her mother didn't help raise her; her father took all of that responsibility into his own hands. Her mother only took a small interest in her when she started school... and that was only to push her to be perfect (even when she was already making top marks).
Friends: Optional:
Ashleigh has only one best friend. Tilly Ryan. She considers other people close friends but she found something in Tilly that she didn't even know she was looking for.
Taylor DeLouise is one of her closest friends. They only met a month ago but she knows that he would be there for her if she needed him and she would return that favor in a heart beat.
Other: Optional: Ashleigh has recently realized that she is head over heels in love with Edward McMillan. She'd do anything for the boy.

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval. None.

Year: 7th
House: Gryffindor
Why are they in that house?
Ashleigh has a tendency to be lead by her heart. When too emotionally close to a situation, she doesn't think her options through, she just acts (or speaks, for that matter).
She's friendly to all people unless they give her a reason not to be. Once angered, however, she doesn't know when to back down.
She is also very loyal to her friends. If she's your friend, she's your friend forever. She not going to turn her back on you if you make a mistake or if she doesn't agree with you about something.
She doesn't consider herself 'brave' but in a sticky situation, she will do what has to be done even if she could get hurt in the process.
Postion: Prefect

Prior School:
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?):
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?):

Prior School:
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?):
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?):

Ashleigh turned her attention back to her companions only to find them unconscious. Or dead. She ran over, "Tilly," she screamed, shaking her friend and then feeling for a pulse. There was a pulse; a weak pulse, but it still existed. Not dead. Not dead. Thank Merlin just asleep. She looked around... everyone was asleep.

A shower of green sparks went into the air, that obviously meant that there were other conscious people. Under normal circumstances, Ashleigh would have went to see what the hell was going on. However, she couldn't very well leave Tilly there by herself. "I'm not leaving you, Tilly," she said, unsure if her friend could hear her. "I'm not leaving you." What the fuck is going on.

"If you're able to move, assemble beneath the star."
Standing up, she saw a green streak circling through the air. Surely that is where Ed would be. At least, that's where Ed will be if he's still awake. She silently cursed herself for allowing him to leave her alone; it didn't matter that something like this couldn't have been predicted. Ed is alright, she assured herself, Ed is fine.

Ashleigh couldn't expect that anyone would come looking for her. If everyone was gathering under the star, the people there would assume she was unconscious as well. For now, she was on her own. She reached down and squeezed Tilly's hand one last time, before crouching behind one of the end tables, wand up and ready. If this turns out to be some sort of Slytherin prank, I'll kill Ed. Yet a part of her hoped that it was a prank.

Ashleigh watched the room with caution, eyes flashing from point to point, flinching slightly as something flashed. Then there were Death Eaters... at least ten of them. She slapped her hand over her mouth to silence a scream, as she watched a spell head into the direction that everyone was gathering. Just hide and be quiet, she thought, just hide and be quiet. Silently she hoped that Ed was among the unconscious.

Character Secrets: None.

Character Alliance: To be perfectly honest, Ashleigh doesn't really care unless it effects her or the ones that she loves. However, the recent attack at the Slytherin party has pushed her closer to the side of the good...

location: england: london, comm: atlas, year: 7, status: approved, location: england, gender: female, comm: hogwarts, house: gryffindor, player: crystal, blood: pureblood, age: students

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