Camilla Jangmi Lee

Sep 03, 2006 17:47

Name (or alias): Jean
LJ: bluejeans07
AIM SN: Optional: zelko07

BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Camilla Jangmi Lee
LJ: camilla_lee
Played By: Nara Jang
Birthdate: February 14, 1990
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Wand: 10" rosewood with a unicorn hair
Blood: Born of two Muggleborns, so half blood?
Birthplace: London, England
Location: London, England
Status or Class: Upper middle
Race/Culture/Religion: Korean-English/English/Protestant
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Peter Lee/33/Misuse of Muggle Artifacts
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Mina Lee/32/Homemaker
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: n/a
Pet Name/Species: Sugar/hamster
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: A
Charms: P
Herbology: EE
History of Magic: A
Potions: EE
Transfiguration: P
Other Subject #1: Care of Magical Creatures: EE
Other Subject #2: Ancient Runes: A
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable):
Astronomy: n/a
Charms: n/a
DADA: n/a
Herbology: n/a
History of Magic: n/a
Potions: n/a
Transfiguration: n/a
Optional Other Subject #1:
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: gentle, amiable, sincere, naive, shy, sensitive, optimistic, gregarious, feminine, wifely

Camilla has a very good personality, she is always gentle and kind with everyone. There is no mean bone in her body but because of this, she can never stick up for herself or say no to other people if they want something from her or want her to do something for them. She knows herself to not be very intelligent so she willingly follows anyone who she believes is smarter than she is. Her hobbies are all kinds of handicrafts such as sewing or knitting, cooking, baking, and sewing. She also loves 'cute' video games (something she shares with her father) such as Nintendo games and Final Fantasy games (games like Halo are simply too violent!)

Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Camilla is a very gentle, caring person, she's kind to everyone around her and it is very hard to make her angry or upset because she sincerely believes in the goodness in everyone. She's demure, motherly, ladylike, organized, a hard worker, and loves pink and anything cute. Her talents lie in cooking and crafts that involve her hands, her strongest talent is singing and she possesses a very pure, strong voice with a clear, high pitch. Camilla's best subjects are Care of Magical Creatures (she can't stand flobberworms although she loves everything else) and Herbology, she does above average in these subjects. She does fairly all right in Ancient Runes, Potions (it's like cooking but you can't eat it) and History of Magic, and she's only good at very specific Charms (cleaning charms, knitting charms, basically charms that go along with her interests).

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Because she assumes the best in everyone, Camilla is very naive and innocent to the ways of the world. She's been sheltered from the pain of war and slightly spoiled as the only child by her doting parents. Camilla is also very shy and she blushes very easily, any boy that flirts with her can make her turn tomato red and cause her to clam up. She can't say 'no' to anyone if they want her to do something (except sexual favors or trying to steal kisses from her) and it's very, very easy to take advantage of her. Camilla has only one dream: to be a bride and she refuses to see any other sort of future aside from that, locked in her own 'fairy princess fantasy world.' Her wandwork isn't very strong but overall, she's very average as a student, doing only slightly above average in her best subjects, probably getting an A-/B+ at the very most. Her worst subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts because she's doesn't like to think about all the scary things she'll need to defend herself against. She's also too sensitive and can start crying very quickly over the smallest thing, like accidentally stepping on a bug.

Fears: Squishy, slimy things like flobberworms. Any kind of bug or spider. Very, very tall heights, and things going too fast.

History: Daughter of Peter and Mina Lee, two Muggleborns. Peter was a Gryffindor who after graduating Hogwarts, traveled to Korea and met Mina, another Muggleborn witch. They soon married and lived in Seoul for about two years before moving to London where Camilla was born. Peter works for the Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts, Mina is a housewife. Camilla is a treasured daughter, well loved and sheltered by her parents from the problems of the world. Peter has a bit of a hero complex and is the center of his wife and his daughter's worlds.

Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion.
Camilla is Korean-English, has a creamy complexion and dyes her black hair to be a reddish brown. Her hair is naturally straight but she tends to curl it when she feels like it, usually wearing with bangs and partly pulled back into two tails. Her face is heart-shaped with rosy cheeks and dreamy eyes. She has a very slim body, a flat chest (something that she agonizes about), but she also had strangely wide hips (good for birthing!).

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Camilla is completely doted on by her parents. She is her father's princess and basically a shyer, younger form of her mother.
Friends: Optional: Because of her gentle, amiable nature, Camilla is very friendly with a lot of people. Her best friend is Lisette Jasinski, a Ravenclaw in her same year, the two of them dream about being society wives together but Camilla is very intimidated by Lisette's intelligence and pretty much does anything she says and believes everything Lisette tells her.

Another friend is German transfer student Jaegar Katzenkaiser. She was scared of him at first but quickly grew to really like him because of his silly antics. Jaegar can always make Camilla giggle and Camilla in turn becomes an oblivious coconspirator for various pranks and silliness. He's also the person who has to put up with her prattling his ear off about complete nonsense.

Currently, she fancies Zak Reso, a tall sixth year Gryffindor boy. She's fancied him for quite awhile but never brought up the nerve to tell him how she felt and she only sat back and watched as he went from boy, to girl, to Remy Cowan, to various girls, and finally settled on another Gryffindor girl to date. While others think of him as a wild boy with loose morals, Camilla sees him as a tall, handsome prince who never fails to be nice to her and treats her like a little sister.

Von Courtlandt is her father figure while she is at Hogwarts. He adores her because of her shy, sweet nature and the fact that she smells like sweet peas. She, in turn, loves him completely and sees a wonderfully kind person in him despite the fact that she also thinks he's very strange and eccentric. But she believes that it takes all kind of people to make a world and Von's presence improves it.

Danny Parker was a boy who was in class with her until he got sick and had to be held back a year. She found him when he returned when he was playing a piano and she immediately bonded with him because their similar love for music. She does have a slight crush on him because he's fits her idea of what a fragile gentleman is but has no idea about his darker side or why he's sick.

Other: Optional:
Remy Cowan is the only person that she's ever really 'hated' and even then, hate is a strong word. Remy seems to take everything that she wants from her and he's infuriatingly lazy and careless. He has reduced her to tears a few times even though he doesn't know it by various things he's said, sometimes because she's misunderstood his meaning, or because she's too sensitive, and also because he's too stupid and self-absorbed to care.

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval. None

Year: 5th
House: Hufflepuff
Why are they in that house? Camilla is a Hufflepuff because she really isn't anything that defines the other Houses: she's not brave, smart, nor cunning. Instead, she is gentle and loyal, a girl who believes in other people.
Position: (Subject to mod approval) n/a

"...And he was ever so nice, and complimented me on my cookies- Jaegar, are you even listening to me?" Slightly irritated, Camilla blew her bangs out of her as she shook her friend's arm. "Jaegar... JAEGAR! Oh for goodness sake, you really ought to pay attention when people are talking to you! Here I am trying to tell you about this lovely Slytherin boy I met, really it's terribly interesting since most Slytherins are... well... aren't so nice and polite... but this one was so well-mannered and quite handsome as well!"

When she realized Jaegar really wasn't paying attention to her, she heaved a great sigh and gave up. Oh, bother it all! He really was too much like a haughty cat sometimes for her liking!

Character Secrets: None

Character Alliance: Cheerleader for Dumbles, she'll even make the uniforms!

location: england: london, status: approved, location: england, gender: female, blood: halfblood, comm: hogwarts, house: hufflepuff, player: jean, year: 6, age: students

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