Name (or alias): Matthew
”soundingfurrows”AIM SN: Optional: boneman1115
BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: John Locke
”pc_minister” Played By: I don’t have one
Birthdate: 25 March 1892
Age: 113
Gender: Male
Wand: 20 centimeter maple with a unicorn hair core
Blood: Pureblood
Birthplace: London, England
Location: London, England
Status or Class: Affluent, upper class, elitist
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/Death Eater
Family: His parents have both died, and he has never been married or had children he claimed.
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation:
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation:
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations:
Pet Name/Species:
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: D
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
Other Subject #1: Arithmancy: P
Other Subject #2: Divination: A
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable):
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: A
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: E
Transfiguration: A
Optional Other Subject #1:
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: ambitious, philanthropic, ruthless, driven, cold, decisive, talkative, subversive, killer, organized
Personality: John is very talkative. He thoroughly enjoys history and tries, to the best of his ability, to place history into the context of the present. The belief that the only effective way to avoid making past mistakes is to remember them pervades his thought processes. He is also very devoted to his cause. He agrees, in a fervent way, with Voldemort's goals. Whether he specifically agrees with Voldemort himself, or worships him in the hero-worship way the Dark Lord seems to demand remains to be seen.
John is ambitious, as his Slytherin heritage indicates, and he is ruthless in pursuing what he wants. As Minister, he puts people in positions of power only if he feels they will further his agenda, whether they do it willingly or subconsciously. He does sometimes get overzealous, though, and that can and has gotten him in trouble.
Strengths: Both magical and personality: Magically, he is very good with wand-intensive magic. As one of the Inner Circle, his knowledge of magical history has proven indispensible numerous times, and combined with his wand skill, he is a force to be reckoned with. He is also marginally skilled with potions, but rarely works with non-wand magic simply because he has no time. Even his wand magic, since he took up the work at the Ministry, has fallen into somewhat rusty disuse. He is more useful to Voldemort in other capacities, capacities that, coincidentally, fit John's own agenda very nicely.
He has a very commanding presence, as is necessary for any effective leader, and can quiet a room simply by raising his hand. He is tall, which makes his figure even more imposing, but his physical size matters little. His deep voice evokes attention from even the most unattentive listeners.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: Oh, does he ever love to talk. About what rarely matters; John simply loves to chatter. It makes him a good politician, really, the ability to talk a lot and say little, but it often turns him into a bit of an irritating long term conversation partner. At social and political functions, he can often be found wending his way through a crowd, chatting off first this ear, then that, filling the minds of his unsuspecting victims with anything from his campaign platform to the unfortunate weather of the week.
It could also be said that he does not possess the dedication to matters of magic that do not directly concern him. Potions, for example, have little bearing over the magic he thoroughly enjoys, so he cares little about them, save for their potential use in one of his plans. He is also woefully lacking in knowledge of magical creatures, or matters of math or the stars. Most non-wand magic eludes him all but completely, and because of his lack of desire, he has never pursued it through his more than 100 years of life.
Fears: John fears failure. All leaders fear failure, but he knows that his failure would mean the end of the wizarding society he dreams of. All hope of purifying the wizarding race would be lost, at least in his mind. But, like any good leader, he does not often dwell on his fears, and will never admit them. Admitting them, he feels, would make them real, give them substance. Only if they have substance are they dangerous.
He also fears that his own personal agenda will be exposed by one of Voldemort's plans, and that would mean the end of his very long life.
History: John Locke was born to David and Anna Locke on April 3rd, 1892. A comfortable family, it was only five years before David got a rather pleasant promotion at the Ministry. By not changing their lifestyle, the Lockes soon grew to be a very affluent family in the wizarding world, and they became known for their philanthropic tendencies. To the present time, John has continued the aid work his parents started.
In 1903, the letter accepting John to Hogwarts came in the mail, with little surprise from either David or Anna. Their son had shown proficiency with a wand since they had purchased one for him at the age of eight, and they knew he would do well. What they did not see (though they should have given his propensity for spending the vast majority of his time reading) was his love of all things history. So, when he excelled at History of Magic to the point of detriment in his other classes, his parents found themselves torn between being pleased and irritated that corporeal things like herbology fell to the wayside in favor of past events and long dead heroes. John, obviously, continued to disagree, and continued to excel in History of Magic, earning Outstanding marks on both his OWLs and his NEWTs in that and only that class. Though he performed well in many other classes, nothing would ever replace his love of history and what could be learned from it.
Once he graduated from Hogwarts, he moved immediately into an internship in the Ministry. His parents never saw it, but Locke's emerging keen eye for politics caught the attention of the right people. From intern to personal assistant to assistant researcher, he found his strength in Charms to be a handy tool in the development of new spells. For thirty years he worked there, until word of a certain Lord Voldemort came drifting through the Ministry. His ideals, though radical and against everything his parents had taught him, appealed to John, who had come to believe in the relative weakness of the non-pureblood wizards. Being a politician, however, he saw the wisdom in keeping his feelings secret. Nevertheless, his abilities again caught the eye of the right people, and on May 18th, 1956, John Locke became Marked as one of Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. It did not take him long to work his way up in Voldemort's ranks, and by the mid 1980s, he had attained what had become known as the 'Inner Circle.' Very little happened without the Inner Circle knowing of it, which placed Locke in an interesting position to begin building his own power and ability. His political eye told him that he might be of more use to the Dark Lord in a position of greater power, so very slowly, he began building support for himself.
A slow process it was, too - nearly twenty years he built his supporters within the Ministry, until, after the attack on the 2005 Hogwarts Halloween Ball, the time had ripened. In one fell swoop, Locke ordered the assasination of Minister Carlyle, secured the suddenly vacant position for himself, and reorganized the Ministry to allow Death Eaters to occupy more positions of power. It was a move that placed him unshakeably in the Dark Lord's confidence, and his place in the Inner Circle solidified all the more. Now, nearly a month later, new changes are crossing John's desk, changes to the school itself. Corina Mayfield, he thinks, may be a bit overzealous, but her ideas, most of them, are solid enough.
Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. John Locke is a long, lean man, with black hair streaked in silver. He has a beard to match his long hair (which he keeps pulled back into a tail at the nape of his neck). His entire body speaks of a life of laviscious luxury, from his neatly trimmed fingernails that cap off thin, finely boned fingers, to a face that is all too clear cut for a man. One could not say he looked hard, from his face - in fact, more likely would be the opinion that his face looked all too soft. That opinion, though, would be quickly belied after a short political conversation. John Locke is Minister of Magic for a reason.
Perhaps the only hint of hardness is in his eyes. Crystalline green, they glitter out of his head in an almost eerie fashion, and clash readily against the darkness of his hair while meshing with the fairness of his skin.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command.
Why are they in that house?
Position: (Subject to mod approval)
Prior School: Hogwarts
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?): Slytherin
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?): Ambition, hidden ruthlessness, willingness to learn anything
Occupation: Minister of Magic
ROLEPLAY SAMPLE -- PLEASE ENSURE THAT THIS IS IN THIRD PERSON NARRATIVE POINT OF VIEW "It's nearly time for your speech, sir" John looked up at the aide standing there nervously and straightened his papers.
"Of course it is, Mensis. Thank you." Today was a necessity. With the recent onslaught of killings by Lord Voldemort's hand, the public had to be assured that the government was doing everything in its power to put a stop to them. And they were - every Auror was deployed to various (wrong) parts of the country and the world, looking for Death Eaters and their leader. John had made quite certain they would never find Voldemort, though some of his less favorite Death Eaters might find themselves in the unforgiving hands of Arthur MacAlaister soon enough. Today's speech, he hoped, would reinforce the publics support of the Ministry and mean that he could continue his own plans without needing to meet with Voldemort to decide who was to be sacrificed for the good of the overall operation.
So, with a deep breath, he stepped out of his office and into the hallway, which was lined with security personnel to defend him should he be attacked. As if that would happen.