Lillian Rose Meyers

Aug 31, 2007 17:58

Name (or alias): Lena
LJ: lenabee
AIM SN: Optional: heylenabee

Name: Lillian Rose Meyers
LJ: spunkylil
Played By/Physical Description:
She stands at about 5'5 and weighs around 135 lbs. Lil works hard to maintain her physical appearance, working out every day to stay toned and in good shape. Her style of dress is usually very casual and she has expressive hands that move a lot when she talks. She's a very physical person - touchy feely with those she considers friends and while she doesn't have an extraordinarily short temper, she'd rather fight her way out of a situation than talk her way out of it. This shows a lot in her physical mannerisms and the way she can never sit still for long periods of time. She's very fidgety, especially when she's nervous.

Played by Eliza Dushku.

Age/Birthdate: 20/March 28

Gender: Female
Wand: ten inch alder with a dragon heartstring core
Blood: Halfblood
Birthplace/Location: London
Status or Class: Middle Class
Pet Name/Species: None
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: D
Charms: E
Herbology: P
History of Magic: T
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Muggle Studies: A

NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Charms: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: A

10 Words to describe your character: spunky, wild, dark, energetic, impulsive, determined, focused, passionate, tomboy, confident

Lil is not by any means a typical girly girl. Quite the opposite - she rarely bothers with a lot of makeup and she tends to spend a lot of time hanging out with boys and doing tomboy-ish things, like a pickup game of football or rugby or even just hanging out and watch a match on the telly. She's a woman of action, so much so that most of her family was surprised that she didn't end up sorted into Gryffindor as a student. She's the sort of person who would rather settle a dispute with fists than words and she hates sitting still, choosing not to whenever she has a choice.

She's full of energy and likes to blow off steam frequently, channeling her energy and whatever is happening in her life into her work or into excising or going out dancing. Anything to be constantly in motion. Slowing down is just not an option for her.

Though it's not readily apparent to everyone, Lil has an enormous ambitious streak. She's always felt her mother's disappointment in her and that is part of what drives her to be a success in her work, even if she knows Mum would rather she settle down and have a family like a proper girl. That just isn't for Lil, though. She's seen her parents marriage and she wants no part in a relationship like that. Besides, her work is important and she'd much rather excel at that and make a difference in the world.

Lil is quite confident in herself, too. Some would say she's too confident to the point of being almost cocky. She doesn't think so, though. She knows her strengths and how to use them and she's not afraid to play those up to get what she wants. It shows in the way she carries herself and if that's off-putting or intimidating to some, well, she really doesn't let herself be bothered by that. She's not much of a people person, anyway, so if people don't like her, she doesn't really let it get to her.

Strengths: Both magical and personality: DADA, Transfig

Exercise/Fitness - Lil is very focused on taking care of her body. She runs daily and does whatever else she can to keep in shape. It's important for her line of work, anyway, but she's really just always been focused on staying in the best shape possible.

Dancing/Clubbing - She hasn't had any formal training and it's not the sort of dance you would normally take lessons to learn, but Lil loves to blow off steam by hitting the clubs and working up a sweat dancing the night away.

Horror movies - Lil loves films of all kinds, but the scarier, the better. Even if she does tend to make fun of the lead females in those films for being so wimpy.

Boxing/Fighting - She has a full sized punching bag hanging in her spare room, which she's converted into a bit of a gym/workout room and it's her main source for working out stress and aggressions. She's probably not someone you want to get into a fistfight with, and she has to be pretty seriously provoked before she'll throw the first punch, but going a few rounds with the punching bag is something she enjoys a lot.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: History of Magic, Herbology, Astronomy

Insomnia - Lil has a real problem with insomnia. She tends to only get a few hours of sleep a night, though it's not for lack of trying. Her mind is just too active to fall asleep most times. As a result, she tends to go out and stay out until late, trying to work and party herself into exhaustion so she can catch a few hours of sleep before work.

Darkness - While Lil in unequivocally good in terms of her beliefs, she has an inner darkness that could easily blur the lines between right and wrong. She'll never switch sides, but she could easily end up doing some questionable things in the name of right and bending/breaking the rules to get what she wants.

Loner - Lil isn't one for close friendships. She adores her brothers and she's closer to them than anything, but she doesn't form close friendships easily, especially with other women. Growing up in a family that was mostly male, she's always been able to relate to men more. And when it comes to new people, she just doesn't open up to them very well at all.

Attention Span - Lil doesn't have the best attention span at all. She was always horrible at the subjects that require patience or sitting still for large periods of time. She's very fidgety and doesn't do well with things that require a lot of research. Just tell her what needs done and let her do it, but she doesn't have the patience for sorting it all out herself.

Ambition - I list this as a weakness, because Lil's sense of ambition can be overwhelming at times, and not in a good way. She can become obsessed when she wants something and she's unusually driven when it comes to her career as a hit witch. She's willing to do just about anything to get ahead and be the best in the department and the same applies to most other things she wants. If she sees something she desires, she'll just take it, no matter if it belongs to someone else already. Jobs.. positions.. boyfriends... little details like someone else being in her way don't tend to dissuade her from going after them.

Fears/Motivations: To be forced into her mother's life. The most horrible thing she can envision is marrying some.. muggle doctor or someone similar and be forced into a life of "uselessness," doing nothing but cooking and cleaning and making/raising babies. No, Lil wants a life of purpose. She wants to do something important and she wants to know she isn't reliant on anyone but herself.

Lillian grew up in a house full of boys and, as such, has always been a bit of a "tough chick." She wrestled and played sports and did all the things boys tend to do growing up and, for the most part, her brothers always treated her like an equal, rather than like their fragile baby sister. They can probably be blamed largely for how extremely active she's always been.

Lil and her mother aren't very close at all. Rose always wanted to dress Lil in pretty dresses and see her having tea parties and playing with dolls. Lil is her only daughter and she knows that her mother is disappointed that she isn't more of a "girl," but Lil just can't help it. Those girly things never really interested her and as a result, she's much closer to her father and brothers.

Sadly, she didn't see much of her father growing up. He's busy in his job as a doctor, often keeping odd hours when the hospital has him on call, so even though Lil loves and adores him, she doesn't feel nearly as connected to him as she does her siblings. She spent more time around them growing up than anyone and she attributes most of her raising to them, though her mom was around plenty and the kids never really wanted for anything.

Brian made up for not being around by pretty much giving his kids whatever they wanted. Lil used to sit on the stairs and listen to her parents fight over it, over her dad not being around, over the way he spoiled the kids, over how it was fine for him that Lil was how she was. She always felt responsible for the fighting, because the topic often turned to her and she hated it, the way they fought, which is probably why she intends never to get married or have children of her own and why she has a tough time getting close to other people.

It was a surprise when Lil was not instantly sorted into Gryffindor once she got to Hogwarts. Everyone was sure such an active and energetic girl would end up there. They didn't count on her strong ambitions to land her in Slytherin, yet another disappointment for her former Gryffindor of a mother. She had a strong thirst to prove herself, to be successful and make her parents proud, and the hat saw that almost right away.

Lil decided early on that she wanted to work for the Ministry, in the Department of Law Enforcement, specifically. She learned about the Hit Wizard career path in third year and decided it would be perfect for her. She'd always had a strong sense of wanting to do something about the horrible things happening in the world and becoming a Hit Wizard seemed like the perfect way to do it. From then on, she worked extra hard to get the required OWLs and she applied to the department about halfway through her seventh year, letting out a joyful scream right in the middle of the Great Hall when she got her acceptance to Hit Wizard training in the last weeks of that school year.

Now that she's there as a recently trained Hit Wizard, Lil absolutely loves her job. Her family complains that it's dangerous and her father, being a Muggle, doesn't even really understand what she does or why, but she loves it and she's determined to be the absolute best at it.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Her parents are Rose and Brian Meyers. Mum is a housewife and Dad is a doctor. She also has a set of twin brothers, currently in their late twenties and another brother who is now 21. (I am leaving this extremely vague, so if someone wants to pick them up to play, they can.)
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command.

Prior School: Hogwarts
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?): Slytherin
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?): Most people who knew her expected Lil to end up in Gryffindor, but she has a strong sense of drive and ambition that is what pushed her over to the Snakes. Lil's passion takes a back seat to her goals, her desires to do something important with her life (though she'll definitely be glad to use her fists as a means to get what she wants).
Occupation: Hit Witch/Trainee to become a Hit Witch (I'm not sure what the traning time/process is for these - Lexicon doesn't reall say).
(The Department of Magical Law Enforcement maintains squads of trained Hit Wizards whose job it is to capture dangerous wizarding criminals. A group of these Hit Wizards captured Sirius Black after he supposedly killed Peter Pettigrew. The Hit Wizards are not the same as Aurors. Hit Wizards, it would seem, are sent primarily against criminals while Aurors track down and capture Dark Wizards. The Magical Law Enforcement Squad asks for a minimum of five O.W.L.s, requiring Defence Against the Dark Arts. )

If this is your 5th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other IG characters
Bri - Great Hall with Jul
Maible - With other 3rd Years on the Grounds
Ed - Proposing to Ash
Beccy - Gryff Table at the Leaving Feast

I also intend to post up some open threads soon, too, at least for Maible and Beccy.

MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: None.

Character Alliance: Good, ironically. She's atypical for her house that way and it certainly didn't make her many friends in her house, because she's always been quite vocal about it, but Lil supports Dumbledore completely.

She's a bit young to be in The Order already, I think, but I'd love for her to move in that direction through the course of the game.

location: england: london, player: cece(lena), comm: atlas, status: approved, location: england, age: adults, gender: female, house: slytherin, blood: halfblood, comm: atlas: ministry

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