James Foster

Nov 05, 2007 01:31

Name (or alias): Mel
LJ: f4l
AIM SN: fearlessf4l

Name: James Dylan Foster
LJ: james-foster
Played By/Physical Description: Ryan Taylor / James is 6'2", slender, not muscular. He has longish brown hair, and cool blue-grey eyes. He's pale in complexion.
Age/Birthdate: 15 / November 21st, 1991(?)
Gender: Male
Wand: 9 inch Ash wand with a dragon heartstring core.
Blood: Halfblood
Birthplace/Location: Leeds, England
Status or Class: Lower
Pet Name/Species: Artemis / Owl
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: A
Other Subject #1: Divination: A
Other Subject #2: Ancient Runes: P
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable): N/A

10 Words to describe your character: Analytic. Curious. Obedient. Vengeful. Deceptive. Patient. Calm. Quiet. Close-minded. Arrogant.

Personality: James is very perceptive of people around him. He observes his fellow students, quietly taking note of what makes them tick, what gets under their skin and the like. Over the years, James has become more and more uncaring of his behaviour toward others and how he treats people. He demands respect from everyone, but rarely returns it. He's protective of those close to him as he recognises they will be useful in the future. When it comes to mistreatment of those he loves, James can be downright vindictive. He is teaching himself to exploit weaknesses and to manipulate those around him. James hasn't been particularly successful at either as of yet.

He is studious and a hard worker. James aims for the best in life and accepts the only way to get there is through hard work. He doesn't expect anything to be handed to him on a silver platter, and he doesn't particularly want it to be either. He appreciates the idea of hard work, things just taste that much sweeter in the end anyway. He spends most of his time in the library because of this, ensuring he receives the grades he knows he deserves. James has a lot of weight on his shoulders with the aspiration of a healing career ahead of him. He knows it will require a lot of work and even more once he's finished school.

He's very interested in plants and potions. James is curious by nature, and enjoys testing new concoctions to see what results they bring. It's this curiousity that's driven him to wanting a medical career (that and upstaging his father). While wanting to be a Healer may make James appear to have some underlying sympathy and caring for those around him, nothing could be further from the truth. He strives to be a Healer for information, he loves a challenge.

James is very determined. If he aims to do well, he'll do well. He sticks to things he sets out to do, no matter how unpleasant. He aims high and ultimately reaches his goal, even if it requires going about it in a roundabout (possibly not so moral or legal) way. If he wants something, he'll get it. He's dedicated and prepared to prove it.

To those that he has no strong feelings toward one way or another, James is civil. He is reserved and tries to read people he doesn't know, judging them quickly on first encounter. The less he has to deal with people, the better. He has trouble admitting he was wrong, but can be quick to redraw his own personal judgement should he get to know them better. James doesn't try to push people away, he just isn't the easiest to get along with.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:
James is a good flier. He's flown since he was very young, but was never interested in quidditch (aka. he sucked at it) or other team sports. James mocks the quidditch players, believing them to be no more than idiots (aka. he resents 'jocks' for their skillage). He has a keen interest in racing and can be seen speeding around the quidditch pitch at breakneck speeds at least once a week.

He's a very patient and obediant young man. James is eager to please those in authority positions, he believes powerful people will get him places. He just needs to work up to their level. He sees no point in wasting time and does his best to be efficient when things are asked of him.

Studying and schoolwork were important to James. He worked hard at them and doesn't hide it, he's not one of those 'Oh, I do nothing' students that came out with O's on every exam. He enjoys studying to an extent and over the last few years has become very efficient at it. All the hours spent in the library has made James very adapt at research and he uses this to his advantage when dealing with people dislikes.

Potions is something James has a natural talent for. He's very concise, and enjoys the amount of thought that goes into it. Plant properties and effects also interest him, potions is simply an area for him to express his creativity and curiousity. It's not rare for something to explode on him, even if he knows what he's doing. James has yet to learn the importance of following rules and guidelines when it comes to potions. He'd much prefer to experiment, and found himself in bad favour with the Potions master none too often. James is good at potions though, he works hard at it. But when it comes to potions he's confident in, potions he knows he can make, he'll start experimenting with different ingredients to see what effect it will have.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
James is very arrogant, this causes problems with the surrounding student body. James is not popular in the school, except within his own small group of friends. He can be intimidating to younger students. He carries himself with importance, and will flaunt his almost perfect bloodline to those that know no better. But bring up his less than stellar financial background or the fact that his father is a halfblood, and he'll snap.

He's not above using violence where words will do. He's very touchy when it comes to his parents and background. He resents his father for being as he deems him, absolutely useless. As far as James is concerned, his father destroyed a perfect bloodline and stole the prestige from his mother. The failed dream of becoming a Healer doesn't help his father in any way either. His temper has gotten him into a lot of trouble in the past. He's a physical fighter, preferring the use of fists over wands.

His wandwork is a bit sketchy. James is much more comfortable working with visible compounds but can do alright when wandwork is needed. Most of his results are strong due to hours spent in the library studying up on the theory behind it all. James found that if he could visualise the magic behind the wand, that it came to him with a lot more ease than just learning the words and movements out of a book. That said, he's only strong in a low emotion enviroment (i.e. he can do it in a classroom, but he'll struggle in a duel or similar situations where his emotions are running high).

He is very curious about how things work and how people tick. James reads people well, he's quite intuitive when it comes to those around him. That said, curiousity has also brought a world of troubles down on him. He's not very subtle, and has hassled students for information before. James has been caught rooting through people's belongings and has been punished for it. These actions have earned him a label of 'weird', something he's not exactly proud of or happy with. In fact, being called weird to his face is something that will result in his temper showing itself.

He doesn't appreciate being annoyed, humilated or angry. These three states of mind often hinder work and leave him frustrated. He is incredibly vindictive when it comes to dealing with those that cause his mental angst. James doesn't think much of talking things out, instead he takes his time planning a way to get revenge. He's not necessarily a loyal friend. He looks out for himself and while claiming dedication, will just as quickly turn his back on them.

James is especially weak in ancient runes and astronomy. He found runes boring and stars dull. If something is uninteresting to him, he finds it very hard to spend a long time devoted to it. While some of the history behind it all can be interesting, James couldn't care less about the rest of it. Figuring out runes and star patterns are not high on his to do list. They meant nothing to him, he doesn't appreciate the importance or meaning behind it all. He preferrs subjects where the results will have some instant effect. Not a translated latin phrase that has no value behind it at all.

James is an ashamed halfblood. This said, he has a superiority complex and still sees himself as better than those with lesser blood status. His father is to blame for his blood status, and James makes no secret of this. He's egotistical and elitist, forcing his opinions upon those around him without listening to theirs. James doesn't hide his allegiance, he doesn't see the point. Voldemort is going to win anyway, why be called on as a coward when he can support in the open? He is very close minded when it comes to accepting people.*

Fears/Motivations: He fears being upstaged by his father. James has some deepset 'daddy issues', and fears that he will sometime grow up to be like him.

History: James was born into a lower-class halfblood family. He is the eldest of three. His parents are Jon (HB) and Linda (PB), both attended Hogwarts. Linda is from a middle-class family based in Plymouth. Jon is from a large lower-class family based in Liverpool. Linda was a former Hufflepuff and Jon was a Gryffindor, they were in the same year and started dating (against Linda's parents wishes) in their 6th year. They got married in early 1986 (three years after leaving school), James arrived 9 months later. His mother was 21 when he was born, his father 22. James' father was still studying to become a Mediwizard and has since achieved this, he works at local quidditch games, and is on call for St. Mungo's should they ever need an extra hand. He didn't have the grades for a Healer, so he went for the next best thing in that field. James has two younger sisters, of whom he is very protective. Ruth (10) and Katie (7), their mother minds them at home.

Linda's parents were a typical elitist, well-bred family. Linda was their youngest, she has an older brother who her parents favour (mainly due to the fact that he didn't marry into a 'muggle-loving' family). They were never fond of Jon, and tried to prevent the marraige on numerous occassions. When James was born, they made sure to give him the 'right' values, the only values they viewed acceptable for a grandson of theirs to possess. They were successful, without realising it James learned a lot from the family on weekly visits down. Sometimes he would spend weekends and holidays with his grandparents on his own. He rarely saw his father's side as both grandparents passed away when he was very young. Jon's father rarely visits and most of the other relations are all scattered across the globe. Jon tried to prevent the effect of his parents-in-law on James, but ended up focusing his efforts on Ruth and Katie when he realised it was too late.

His father's involvement in local quidditch meant that James took to flying when he was very young. He was never any good at the game, but found there was nothing he enjoyed more than flying at high speeds. James could often be found practicing dips and dives from the matches they saw. When he turned 13 his father surprised him with a new broom for his birthday. James adored it, and brought it to Hogwarts with him where he uses it often.

The family wasn't (and isn't) very well off. His father works hard at his job, but it's not very well paid. His mother minds the children of other pureblood families along with Katie and Ruth. James resents this very much. It didn't mean much to him when he was younger, in fact he enjoyed it! There was always someone to play with when he was little! But as he got older he realised that the family had always been struggling and that his father didn't seem to be doing anything to change this. Around the age of 12, James developed some 'daddy issues'. He's very much a mother's boy.

When James realised that it was school that held his father back from doing anything better with his life, he started pushing himself at school. Working hard for his just above average grades. Hours were spent in the library pored over books of various kinds. He wanted to prove that his family could make something of themselves. James is very bitter at his bloodline, and can be vocal about how his father 'destroyed' a perfect lineage. Despite being halfblood, he still sees himself as better than those with lesser blood, but hates that he doesn't have the claim of pureblood or the wealthy background to hold up his arguements. Just his own self importance. He works hard in school and strives to become a Healer, to show up his father and because he hears the money is good. He intends on putting a stop to the babysitting that his mother does, James sees her as being so much better than that.

Everything is about reputation, he carries himself with the arrogance of a rich boy because this is how he wants to be seen. Wealthy, intelligent with a strong bloodline. This stems from the visits of his relatives (mother's side) over holidays and the way they looked down on his father, his mother...James hated how they were treated as inferior, and though he took pleasure in seeing his father belittled (by his mother's parents especially) when he got older, he never did appreciate seeing his mother subjected to the snide comments. This is where his ambition has come from, this is where his unforgiving and harsh nature came from.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: James is very close with his mother and two sisters. He adores his sisters and has very high hopes for them both, and they equally adore him. He always plays with them when he's home and helps them with their magic or their flying. They look up to him a lot, even though their father is trying to help them see that he's not the best role model to have. Jon is hoping that when Ruth attends Hogwarts she'll have a different experience to James and that it will open up her eyes a bit.

James and his mother get along all right. Their view points differ an awful lot, but James still adores the woman. From seeing how she was raised by his grandparents, he feels there's still hope and that she's just misguided. He wants her to have the absolute best in life and feels that's not possible while she's married to a loser like his father.

He and his father do not get along. Not since he was around 12. Up until then they had a steady enough relationship, but a summer spent with his grandparents gradually changed his point of view on his dad (who up until then he had steadfastly defended to his grandparents). James subjects the man to snide remarks whenever they meet and made a point of working to be everything his father wasn't. He tries to prove himself as being better than his father.

Friends: James wouldn't have many friends in school, I don't think. Purely because he is a difficult person to get along with. That said, there's probably one or two that he hangs out with frequently enough that he'd consider his close friends. NPC's for now though, methinks.
Other: //

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. May James please be the not-so-proud owner of an old Comet broom? He's had the same one for 5 years.

*I figure this is where I put a plea for the pureblood thing? Basically, it doesn't matter all that much. I would like for him to be pureblood to satisfy the whole elitist thing he's got going, but he can be just as elitist without it. He'll just be all the more touchy about his background. If he isn't to be pureblood, the idea is for his father to be halfblood (hence the mother's parents disdain for his family). That'd make James a halfblood but he would primarily focus on his mother's background and dislike his father even more for destroying his lineage.

Basically, I would prefer for him to be pureblood but it's not essential. If he can be pureblood, lemme know! If not, I'll edit in the halfblood dealie :)

Year: 5th
House: Ravenclaw
Why are they in that house? A keen curiousity and a desire to learn is what the sorting hat found was the most prominant traits in this young lads mind and so, he got put in the birdcage.
Position: n/a

If this is your 4th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other current characters

MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: James is an aspiring Death Eater.

Character Alliance: Voldy, baby!

player: mel, status: approved, gender: male, location: england, year: 5, location: england: leeds, blood: halfblood, comm: hogwarts, house: ravenclaw, age: students

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