Rebecca Honey

Dec 19, 2007 00:16

Name (or alias): tori
LJ: beautyfrompain
AIM SN: optional

Name: Rebecca Lou Honey(Goes by Rebecca, Becca, Becky, Becks, or anything else your character decides to call her!)
LJ: sweetandhoney
Played By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion.
PB = Emily Browning

Rebecca stands at a height of 5'8" and she is a well proportioned girl. She's not skinny in the world's standards, but she is not fat or even really chubby. Just thicker than the model-like twigs that seem to take over the school(not my words, hers I swear!). Light/medium tanned skin, light brown eyes, with brown hair that she switches up every now and then with dying and cutting it different styles. Her style is more on the funky side. She's not afraid to be original. She's got a nose ring, a belly button ring, and two tattoos -- all of which she will likely get more of once she goes home for the holidays.

For Reference: 16//January 14th
Seventh Years: September 2nd 1988 - September 1st 1989
Sixth Years: September 2nd 1989 - September 1st 1990
Fifth Years: September 2nd 1990 - September 1st 1991
Fourth Years: September 2nd 1991 - September 1st 1992
Third Years: September 2nd 1992 - September 1st 1993
Second Years: September 2nd 1993 - September 1st 1994
First Years: September 2nd 1994 - September 1st 1995
Gender: Female
Wand: 13 inch Birch wood with Phoenix Feather as the core
Blood: Halfblood
Birthplace/Location: Brighton, England
Status or Class: Lower-Middle class
Pet Name/Species:
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: T
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1: Care of Magical Creatures: P
Other Subject #2: Divination: A
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: N/A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Optional Other Subject #1:
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character:

laidback, funky, badass, free-spirited, friendly, observant, loves-to-learn, inquisitive, sarcastic, quirky


Rebecca is a lively character. She is confident and free-spirited, quirky and funky, smart and friendly all balled up into one!!

Becks is more on the funky, punk side of things when it comes to her style. She's become addicted to body piercings and tattoos. Her mother taught her daughter to be original. To be herself. To do things that made her happy and not care about what others thought. So that's just what she does!! Some might think she does it out of rebellion, because how many sixteen year olds have tattoos at Hogwarts? But she makes sure to get her mum's consent on everything!! So yeah, she's not exactly 'proper' in certain eyes, but she couldn't care less. And tattoos, where she grew up, are quite common at her age. A number of her friends have at least one and its not like hers are where just anyone can see them! She has a pirate ship tattoo on her lower back(YES! A pirate ship tattoo, kthnx) and then she has a shooting star on the back of her shoulder. She got her first one when she was home for the Christmas hols when she was fifteen and her second one during the summer... she hopes for a third this next holiday season. Yeah, she's kind of addicted. And her mom doesn't mind because she'd rather her daughter be doing that then taking drugs or something. Again, she supports the need to express herself. Plus, her mom is kind of a crazy hippie, so she's probably not the sanest person around.

She's quite chill. It takes a lot to get her angry. Becks is not a moody person in the slightest. She has one consistent mood which would be best described as her just wanting to have fun! She doesn't want to bother with worrying about things or over analyzing stuff and she's fully against being a spaz.

Smart girl. Intelligent in the book-smart sense as well as the people-smart sense. She likes reading a lot, loves to learn, but she doesn't talk about this part of her a lot, if at all. Not that she's ashamed, but... it's what she shares with her father. He instilled in her the love of knowledge and facts. It's something that she likes to keep aside, so that the memories of him won't fade or be tainted. If that makes sense... and yes, she loves watching people! She loves finding out what makes them tick! And what will make them react in certain ways!! Rebecca, above a lot of things, love's peoples reactions. Everyone is so unique in the way that they react to things, and she loves watching that for some reason. She's very observant because of this, and probably will know what's up with a person before others because she has keen instincts in this respect and can piece things together quite easily.

Because of her respect and love of learning, its given her a different level of maturity. Though this is something that she doesn't always let show either. She's wise enough to know when to be serious and when she can goof off and joke around. She could easily have a philosophical debate one minute, while the next she'll be acting as immature as a first year. Humor wise, she uses sarcasm a lot.

She has an inquisitive mind. She wants to figure out how things work. She asks questions because she wants to break things down, pulling it apart to put the pieces back together. It's something that her father taught her to do when she was little and it was something that she has kept on doing since.

In respect to how she behaves around the opposite sex: Becky is a flirt by nature. It's in her personality. It's not something that she goes out of her way to do. It's on autopilot, most the time she doesn't even realize or think of it as flirting. Its just her being friendly. Currently, she's not looking for a relationship of any sort because she just got out of a relationship. Well, she wouldn't call it much of a relationship, but having started to date a seventh year at the end of the summer, her time was monopolized a bit by him. And after fully realizing just how much of a jerk he was, she kicked him to the curb. Good times. Aside from that, she's also not the type to just randomly go and snog boys. She thinks thats quite lame, actually.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:

Basically, if she put her mind to it, Becks could be good in just about any class. She's got natural ability with her wand, and she's got patience for potions and other classes that take ridiculous amounts of time to see the outcome. But she's only really good at the subjects that catch her interest, because its in those classes that she will take the time to really dig into the process and theories and practicalities. So her interests lie in Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, DADA. All of which she gets excellent marks on and loves to itty, bitty pieces.

Not much shows that she's a Bird... and sometimes Becky isn't all too sure of why she was put into this house. But the love of learning, of finding out new information and digging into things, of pecking at them and seeing what makes them work, of asking questions, is something that her father instilled in her at a young age. He used to read her all types of books for bed time stories -- books about philosophy, and science, and history, and art! Things that most little girls didn't hear too much about. It fascinated her back then, and after her father died, learning new things fascinated her even more. So all this is to say that she is really good with details and memorizing things and observing people, because she likes to learn about everything and likes to know what makes them(people/anything) tick.

She's an artist!! Painting, drawing, sculpting... whatever having to do with visual. She's all about it -- due to both her parents and living in a very artistic city. And she helps her mom out with her art gallery when she's home. And yeah... she just loves, loves, loves it.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:

As stated above, she's only really good in the classes that she's interested in. Which means she's not good in the classes that she thinks are dull and boring! History of magic is high on that list, thanks. Though she does like history its just... the way the professor teaches it, she never was able to get into it too much. You can really just look at her marks to see what other classes she wasn't good in... but CoMC was... well, that one was more of the fact that she really did fail at the class. As cool as creatures are, Becky doesn't know one thing about taking care of them or how to treat them. So once she realized this, her interest died and she never could work up much energy to care.

She's rather blunt and outspoken. A fact which has gotten her into trouble on more than a few occasions. Its just because she believes in honesty, no matter how rude a comment may be. And she's not afraid to speak her mind, so even though being honest and being straight forward can be good things, its just... yeah, not something that she sees as a strength.


Biggest fear: That something horrible will happen to her mother. The thought of losing her other parent is something that she has had nightmares about. She's still sometimes haunted by the death of her father, though she's largely come to terms with it... but the idea of her mum dying and leaving her all alone is something that will bring her to a cold sweat.

Biggest motivation: To live life freely and have as much fun as she can in the process!! Woo!


Gerry Honey was the first of his family to attend Hogwarts. Being a muggleborn wasn't ever easy for him, as there were always those who looked down upon him and made it difficult to feel a part of the magical world. But there were also others who were extremely helpful and possibly the only reasons why he remained where he was. One in particular was Pegasus Fairchild, a girl from an upstanding pureblood family. Though they weren't the normal kind of purebloods -- her family had taught her that everyone was equal, despite their backgrounds and blood. So her kindness and friendship to him showed Gerry that there was more to the magical world than snooty rich witches and wizards. Their relationship soon blossomed after leaving hogwarts, and they were married.

A year or two of their blissful marriage went by before they had their one and only child -- a daughter they named Rebecca. She was their everything and they loved her very much. Her father was highly dedicated to his family and brought home the money by working at the Ministry while also working at a local art museum in Brighton where they lived. Though his wife's family was rich, Gerry was determined to bring home the bacon all on his own. And he did a decent job of it!

Sadly, though, when she was at the young age of nine, Becky's father passed away. He was visiting his own family, and while in the car with his sister, they got hit by a drunk driver on his side of the car. So yes... this hit both her and her mother quite hard. Rebecca was very close to her dad, and having him no longer around was a huge blow to her.

However, her and her mother quickly adapted to their new way of life. Peggy only allowed her parents to help her financially until she could get herself back on her feet -- taking her husband's stand that it was better to earn their own money than to depend on others. So she was able to actually get a job at the same art museum that her husband had worked at. And as the years progressed, Peggy was also able to open her own small art gallery in the city.

The death of Gerry also brought the two together -- Peggy is Becky's role model, inspiration, and best friend.

Aside from that... Becky's childhood was quite normal. She was raised as a pureblood, as that was her mother's background, though she remembers the stories her father would tell her about the muggle world. She remains to be quite fascinated by it, though she's not overly outspoken about that. She received the invite to Hogwarts as her mother predicted and thus began that chapter of her life!

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Father = Gerald(Gerry) Honey, deceased. Mother = Pegasus(Peggy) Honey
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. N/A

Year: 6th
House: Ravenclaw
Why are they in that house? Despite her being an unconventional Bird, Rebecca truly loves to learn. She blames that on her father, as stated countless times already, but she wouldn't have it any other way. And she's smart. Really smart. She just doesn't always apply herself unless she's really interested. And its something that she doesn't flaunt a lot, so if you know her but don't know her house? Placing her in Ravenclaw probably wouldn't be your first guess.
Position: (Subject to mod approval)

If this is your 4th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other current characters

Anya: here and here

Tegan: here and here

Celeste: here and here

MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: None that I can come up with at the moment...

Character Alliance: Currently Becky is indifferent to either cause. She's inwardly torn, seeing as she is a half blood and such but... she's kind of at the point where she thinks she's too good to take a side. Why take sides when you can be free from all that rubbish? Perhaps later in life she will come to the realization that its unjust to be so against people just because of their blood... in which case, she will be highly outspoken for the cause. But until then... she's just whatever about it.

status: approved, player: tori, location: england, gender: female, blood: halfblood, comm: hogwarts, house: ravenclaw, location: england: brighton, year: 6, age: students

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