Philippa June Lowell

Jan 28, 2008 13:35

Name (or alias): Lina
LJ: echochaser9
Email: echochaser18[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM SN: optional echochaser18

Name: Philippa June Lowell (aka "Pippa")
LJ: bidshistorical
Played By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. PB: Zooey Deschanel; Pippa is decidedly average in height. Five foot six, which is something that she'll argue is average (even though she knows it is above average, but give a girl her pride), she is extremely fair in skin. Not albino white, but fair enough that unless she's careful, she burns, but there aren't any freckles on her skin which is something that used to disappoint her sorely as a kid. What she does have going for her is hair that is just past the shoulders and naturally wavy and naturally dark brown, which when coupled with a very startling set of clear blue eyes, makes for quite the show. Her face is heart shaped, like her mother's, and she's usually smiling. She likes to smile, gets a kick out of it, and it's wide and open. Her fingernails are usually painted in vivid shades of blue or purple or red and she likes to wear rings (usually only one or two thick silver ones on her thumb or index fingers).
Age/Birthdate: 18 || 28 September 1988
For Reference:
Seventh Years: September 2nd 1988 - September 1st 1989
Sixth Years: September 2nd 1989 - September 1st 1990
Fifth Years: September 2nd 1990 - September 1st 1991
Fourth Years: September 2nd 1991 - September 1st 1992
Third Years: September 2nd 1992 - September 1st 1993
Second Years: September 2nd 1993 - September 1st 1994
First Years: September 2nd 1994 - September 1st 1995
Gender: female
Wand: 12 1/3 inches, unicorn string, made of vine.
Blood: halfblood
Birthplace/Location: Cardiff, Wales
Status or Class: middlelower
Pet Name/Species: Cricket (cat)
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: P
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1 (Arithmancy): O
Other Subject #2 (Ancient Runes): E
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: N/A
Potions: N/A
Transfiguration: E
Arithmancy: O
Anicent Runes: E
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: nostalgic, odd, moody, friendly, genuine, gestured, impulsive, sentimental, blunt, sardonic, intelligent

Pippa is an idealist, who would like to paraphrase her 'idealism' with the fact it is strongly rooted in a sense of nostalgia. An appreciation for what came before. She is perfectly aware that what came before wasn't so merry and bright, but she is pretty certain that it was a great deal more classy than times nowadays. In some ways, she refers to herself a 'teenage rebel', except she is perfectly aware that in order to rebel, one has to be rebelling either towards or against something, and she's not really doing either of those things. Instead she plays around in the whole idea of being a metaphorical rebel, marching to a beat of her own drummer, just still managing to just keep time.

Strongly taking after the artistic nature of her mother, she loves the classics (classic everything) and the accleptic. Extremely well read, she has the tendency to read and walk, curl up around books (books and apples and maybe a cup of tea or coffee is her favourite recreation). Possessing a somewhat droll sense of humour mixed up with her quirkiness, she'll let people ask her questions only to turn around and ask them one herself. She likes the idea of helping, of healing, of fixing those who are just outside the realms of accepted society. She doesn't believe in accidents, she believes in fate, that things are supposed to be how they are, and that human error is just a process of learning (she wants to work in Accidental Charms someday). She can get moody and sullen and be very psychosymatic about the moon and the lunar phases. She can be chatty and talkative and move a thousand miles an hour when she wants, though in reality she can be quiet, calm, very introspective. When she gets upset or angry, particularly when she gets irritated she gets extremely quiet, putting on a bumblebee pin, and ignoring whomever it is that is annoying her until they have the courage to ask, at which point, she tells them.

Music and moving is her passion, she likes to do things. She can't imagine not being able to not do things (she hates people who talk about doing things, but never actually go through with them, all talk and no action, that's not a way to live, that's a way to die). She can be practical, when she wants to be. She's incredibly distractably, her attention span goes nowhere, usually going along with what line of thinking suits her at the moment. She loves coffee (on an IV drip, please) and frozen yoghurt, also the smell of buttercream frosting, which probably lends to the fact that she usually has this almost hyper way about her. She's quirky, definitely, especially given some of the odd traits she picked up from her father (lunar cycles, namely, when the moon is full, she's irritable and bratty, and sleepy, which is all in her head, but it started when she was a kid, and well, it hasn't worked its way out yet). When bad things happen, she retreats, becomes serious, really serious, and it tends to be kind of shocking, an off colour on her, because gone is this sort of kitschy-retroculture girl and here is this almost dark human being. She pretends that this side of her doesn't exist. A lot of the time she's very good at that.

Pippa bites her knuckles, cracks them, is a fidgeter, usually tapping her feet to a song that only she can hear. She can wiggle her ears. And her nose. That's about as weird as she can get. Oh, and don't get her started on the colour Green. It's a long story. And not a very interesting one either. She's determined, a bit of a hothead, and definitely a romantic, and she is a person who would be best described as realistic about the present, and idealistic about what can be. She enjoys the process of studying and reading, thinks that without information and working, no one can get there. She lives in a chronic state of disorder that makes perfect sense to her, since everything is classified by some sort of system, in some sort of disarray that she enjoys, but makes no order to anyone else in all of existence.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:
When Pippa cares about something, she doesn't let anything or anyone get in her way. While she's not the sort who goes loudly, unheaded into battle (she likes to know all the facts before doing anything), once she's in something she's there for the long haul. She's stubborn, but she believes in things and is passionate about her beliefs, be them big, small or very foolish. She isn't the sort to judge based on first glances or first meetings, or really anything that she can help, since she believes that people should prove how they should be judged and given more than one chance to do so. Her chronic quest for the facts is definitely a strength, because it helps her be open to new ideas that might pass into her world view, however quirky they might be.

Magically her talents lie in different areas, one being Arithmancy, which is one of her passionate loves, and she definitely loves despite the fact that she has skill in the area, not due to it. She is also talented at Charms, which is helpful, given that that that is what she wants to go into, and so Charms and Charm Reversals are something of a trick of hers. Her wandwork isn't that bad either (though it needed some work for a while). She is also not half bad at Herbology, finding plants to be calming and soothing and having an odd sort of language to them. It's a bit like Arithmancy really. She is a master of research, and the essay, and even she's bored as all get out by a subject, she'll at least try to enjoy writing on it, and that is better than nothing (though sometimes she does get a little distracted subjectwise).

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:

There are many things that could be considered (and definitely are) weaknesses when it comes to Pippa. She's clumsy for a start, and when she's not particularly enthused about something she loses interest very fast, letting her mind wander and it all goes downhill from there. She has an odd abhorance to the colour green in all forms, which she won't explain, even though she can (it's a long story, probably). There's the fact that she gets moody and irritable in an entirely psychosymatic way around lunar cycles which makes her rude and awful for no reason at all except parental sympathy. Then there's the more serious stuff, like the fact that despite all of her hopes and fighting and stubbornness, her passion for people to do the right thing, to go for what they believe in and all of that, she has this terrible lack of an ability to be perfectly honest. She doesn't lie to people, nothing like that. She just doesn't share; especially when she's angry with someone she really trusts. She just shuts down, fails to acknowledge them. When she's on a tirade she can be fairly hot headed, though she's mellowing a good bit in her "old age". It's just that catch with her, that wanting for everyone to be honest with her, but she can't let herself be fully honest with anyone. Not really anyways. She doesn't forgive easily, not if someone keeps wronging her or if she's hurt.

Magically her biggest failing is in DADA. She is AWFUL at it, absolutely atrocious and it might be traced back to her third year and a particularly dreadful incident concerning a grindylow, but she's fairly certain it started before then and it probably did. The fact of the matter is, her horribly OWL grade came as no surprise at all, given that she pretty much saw it coming a mile off. She's also not very good at History of Magic, having come to the sad conclusion that no amount of research could make that subject or the way it is taught interesting, especially when all it has to do with is war and heists and chitchat. For the time in her life when it was mandatory, she slept through it and read to catch up and really she believes that she'll live longer now that she's done with it.


For a long time, Pippa was honestly afraid of cats. All right, she wasn't afraid of them, per se, she just didn't care for them very much (re: at all). She didn't like the way they moved and was quite certain that they were going to lay on her chest and suck out her soul when she was sleeping. Now, she is a rational person, but children aren't always rational, and to be weened out of this...quirk...her parents got her a kitten. Which terrified her for a good while. Then she eventually warmed up to it and then grew to love. This creatures name is Cricket. He might be insane. He is the most most neurotic little stick of a grey cat you'll ever meet. Pippa adores him, but he is pretty much the only cat she likes. She also has a certain strong, pit in her stomach belief that she's never going to be inlove. That her heart and her body are physically in capable of loving those outside of her family, and if she can it's only going to be in a platonic sort of way. She thinks she might be broken, misshapen, mispent, and that it's all going to lead to her being eaten by the derranged offspring of Cricket when she dies alone. In addition, Pippa is horribly defensive about her family. You can pick at her for any thing that has to do with her as a person, you just cannot mock her family or the secret family notso secret. That is off-limits. A real no-go area (of course, she picks at David, but she's his sister, thus this is allowed). She wants things like equal rights or at least, less stereotyping for werewolves and she wants to fight that sort of horrible closemindedness that keeps so much of the Wizarding World in the metaphorical dark ages.

Academically, her out of school goal is to work for the Ministry, particularly in the Department of Accidental Charms. She knows that it will be hard, as the Ministry scrutinises everything, especially those with such sketchy blood background as her, but she doesn't care and she firmly believes that the only way to change the Ministry is from the inside out. Also, she cannot deny the coolness that is the cleverness of that odd area of Charms.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there was a half-blooded wizard, named Kelly Lowell, who went to Hogwarts and did fairly allright. He was run of the mill, but a likable sort, except for the fact that he had been bitten as a child by a werewolf, which caused him to become quiet, studious and have the tendency to slip under the radar. All of which are good things when the majority of Wizarding Society would rather you were just not there. Anyways, after he left school, he met and married a muggle artist named Morgan Boulanger, and they loved each other and believed like all those who are foolish and in-love and damned by the odds that their love will be the one to beat them.

Ah. How wrong they were.

As Kelly was a werewolf, it made keeping a job fairly hard, and thus he went through several, all trying to keep his new family afloat. At first it seemed like it would work, as it was just Kelly and Morgan and Pippa, and one child is fairly easy to manage on odd finances, and Pippa was the first, the eldest and it was fairly easy. Unfortunately, fate and well, you know, sex lives, made it so that one became two as David followed roughly a year later, making one tot, two, and a bit more of a squeeze. It became even more difficult when Lottie followed after that and while Pippa remembers those early years fondly, she does vaguely recall the air of tension that never seemed to be gone from their lives. It wasn't, especially given, the fact that not only was it a mixed marriage, because a non-werewolf and a werewolf, but due to the fact that Morgan was a Muggle, and eventually things just fell apart. Kelly, perfectly aware of the fact that he was not stable enough to support his children, took a less active role in his children's lives and while Pippa never begruded him (it did take her a lot more time to warm up to her step-father, though the introduction of the muggle world and all that it offered helped a great deal), it is something that she notices was missing from her childhood. Her mother remarried, and the rest of her childhood, spent pretending that the little outbursts of unchained magic were perfectly normal, and really just part of the art (she loves the artworld, the music world, and the fact that the best part about muggle society are the newspapers).

When she got her letter to Hogwarts she was more pleased than she'll ever admit to outloud, and the afternoon spent with her father making him share all of his memories and all of her hopes is still one of her fondest. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, which did fine by her, and she enjoys the cool, collected atmosphere that it offers. Which the early years made her a bit quieter, a bit more subtly defensive about certain things, she has adjusted and grown and really hopes that the Hogwarts population does not hate her for David's existence. It is still not her fault.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: DAVID AND LOTTIE (her siblings). She loves them both terribly large amounts, but the gist of the matter is that she sees right through David and always will. She will be the first person to call him on his ridiculousness, and the last person to believe that he's sauve and charming. Lottie and her somewhat clash, given that Lottie is more of her father's daughter and Pippa is more of her mother's, and while she loves her sister, she is definitely waiting for her to grow up.
Friends: Optional: Atticus Cartier. While they're definitely on different sides of life, they have an understanding, and she finds his quiet, standoffishness amusing. What could've been a horrible clash, turned out not to be so and they're friendship is odd, as she is mostly trying to teach him to appreciate life. His sister? Totally a lost cause.
Other: Optional:

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. Pippa's father is werewolf; this fact is fairly widely known and it's cost her father several jobs, and is something that causes Pippa to get riled up about things even closely related to that, especially since she hate the fact that one thing means that he is always under suspiscion/investigation.

Year: Seventh
House: Ravenclaw
Why are they in that house? Pippa is innately curious, and her intelligence is high-minded, and sure, she has enough traits to make her a Gryffindor, she's more quiet in her more "rebellious/fighting the power" goals. She believes that nothing can be accomplished without the information to do so and even if she's one of the more off-beat Claws, she is a Claw nonetheless.
Position: (Subject to mod approval) none; Pippa has no desire to be in politics let alone involved in the messy politics that is being a Prefect these days.

MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets:
+ It's a cheap secret but Pippa once dyed her hair blonde for a summer in an effort to appear more interesting or at least...more something. It was a bad idea and she regrets it and refuses to acknowledge that it happened. Even though it did and there are photos.

Character Alliance:

+ Good. Though she is pretty ambiguous as to what this means. It's not the Ministry as they're definitely not showing their brightness at the moment. She knows that the Other Side is just plain bad news, and thus she wants nothing to do with it, plus she really just wants people to act intelligently and get along.

year: 7, status: approved, location: england, gender: female, blood: halfblood, comm: hogwarts, location: wales: cardiff, player: lina, house: ravenclaw, age: students

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