Daniel Winchester

Jan 30, 2008 18:57

Name (or alias): tori
LJ: beautyfrompain
Email: feistydancindiva@yahoo.com
AIM SN: optional

Name: Daniel Frederick Winchester
LJ: danielsocute
Played By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion.
Feild Cate = PB

He's your average 11 year old boy, really, though a bit on the scrawny side. He's got grey eyes with straight light brown hair that's probably a bit too long, but he always refuses to get it cut when his mother insists. He's got fair skin with a few freckles doting across his nose and cheeks. Daniel, at this moment in time, is only a small 4'5. Yes, sadly he has yet to hit his growth spurt.

Age/Birthdate: 11/July 27th
For Reference:
Seventh Years: September 2nd 1988 - September 1st 1989
Sixth Years: September 2nd 1989 - September 1st 1990
Fifth Years: September 2nd 1990 - September 1st 1991
Fourth Years: September 2nd 1991 - September 1st 1992
Third Years: September 2nd 1992 - September 1st 1993
Second Years: September 2nd 1993 - September 1st 1994
First Years: September 2nd 1994 - September 1st 1995
Gender: Male
Wand: 11 1/3" Oak Phoenix Feather
Blood: Muggleborn
Birthplace/Location: Bath, England
Status or Class: Lower middle class
Pet Name/Species: Gusgus / Golden Retriever(obvs, at home)
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: T
Potions: A
Transfiguration: A
Other Subject #1: CoMC: O
Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
History of Magic:
Optional Other Subject #1:
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character:

Loyal. Imaginative. Mellow. Friendly. Protective. Adventurous. Considerate. Open. Lovable. Driven.


Daniel, to say the very least, is a very agreeable young boy. There's not too much that makes him stand out from all the other first years like him... he hasn't quite reached that age where his future dominating traits have taken form. But he's a pleasant boy to be around, no one can really find fault in him unless you know him super well and have seen his uglier side.

He's not an extreme extrovert, but Daniel does like to make friends and he does it with a general amount of ease. He might seem a tad bit shy and nervous at first, especially if he is in a new environment, but he snaps out of that quick enough and can partake in good times with the best of them.

The boy is a bit of a dreamer, with a huge imagination. He'll often times imagine the most vivid of scenarios while playing with friends or playing with his toys(cuz he's still young enough to get away with that kind of thing).

Because of his position within the family, he gets picked on by his older brothers, so he knows how to defend himself and hold his own quite well. He knows how to get attention when he needs to, because of how many kids there are in the family... it can be quite competitive for the parents attention. This has also created that competitive streak inside him. But also, he has a very protective nature about him, as he looks out and cares very deeply for his little sister. He loves all his family members, though, and is loyal to them and will stick by their side through thick and thin.

He likes having fun and being a boy!! He loves doing adventurous things like climbing trees or looking for secret passages or seeing just how close he can get to the forbidden forest. He enjoys playing sports, though he's merely average and doesn't have immense skill in anything unless he really likes it and works hard at it. When he's older, he might even get onto the quidditch team, as he finds this new sport(new to him, that is) fascinating.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:

Because he has this idealistic mindset of fighting and killing the 'bad guy'(blame it on all those video games he plays back at home), Daniel takes a huge interest in DADA and therefore excels greatly in it. He is also a big lover of animals and creatures, therefore when he finally gets to take the class, he is a natural. His first year may be a little rough when it comes to wand work, but because he has such an intense drive to be good in DADA, it helps him also improve with wand word and therefore he starts getting good marks in Charms after awhile.

Daniel is a very caring boy. He's thoughtful. Considerate of those around him. For their feelings and general well being. He's a generous kid as well and has had to learn to share and be flexible in a house of five children. He's open and honest about things and doesn't like to hide the truth. He's not afraid to speak his mind, but not in a blunt way. In a gentle way, so as not to offend anyone.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:

Though he generally enjoys all of the classes because he finds this new world he is in fascinating, Daniel just doesn't have a natural ability at things like Astronomy and Potions. They also move too slowly for him. He likes being able to see results, like in the classes in which you can use a wand. He can see with his own eyes almost immediately whether he is getting something right or wrong, but in Astronomy and Potions... the pace is just too slow!

He has a big heart and therefore it might get trampled on a bit if he starts caring and looking up to the wrong people. He's a rather sensitive boy and expects people to treat him the way he treats them. So if someone doesn't follow through with what they promised, or is mean to him for unknown reasons... he could get very hurt by that.

He's new with the magical stuff, so he feels highly vulnerable. Most of his peers know more than him, so this is a position that he is not comfortable with at all.


He fears bad things happening to his family while he's away at school. Not that he'd be able to do anything even if he was at home, but at least he could be there. He's also deathly afraid of clowns.

Because he's such a dreamer, loyal, and protective of those who cares about, Daniel's motivation is to one day become an Auror. Of course at this age its just one of those silly fantasies, one of the many career's that a kid can dream up while young. But as the years go on, and as he grows up and learns more about the world, its a dream that will perhaps help shape him into the man he will become.


Daniel is the fourth child out of five, born to Freddy and Eliza Winchester. His siblings names are Maegan17), Robby(15), Clayton(13), and Brianna(9).

Coming from a muggle family, he's only heard about things in the magical world from fairy tales and fantasy movies and video games that he plays. He secretly always wanted to be one of those warriors who is at the forefront of a battle. Though once he got the acceptance letter after a few interesting things had happened to him, his world was turned upside down. He didn't know such things as magic really existed!!

Fortunately, he does have an aunt he is very close to and rather fond of who is actually a witch -- she is the only other person who has ever showed signs of magic(though his younger sister will eventually). His parents finally let her reveal what exactly she was, thus began his initial education to this new world. She told him all she knew, so most, if not all of what he knows about Hogwarts comes from her. It might possibly be information that is a bit biased and one sided, so he tries to keep an open mind about everything, not wanting to judge things too harshly at first.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. N/A

Year: 1st
House: Gryffindor
Why are they in that house?
Daniel may not be the crazy, outgoing, courageous type of Lion that can be found in the common room. He might get scared and nervous at times, but that doesn't mean he isn't brave. He's brave in more subtle ways. For instance, he is honest to the core. Even if it means he'll get in trouble, Daniel finds it very difficult to tell a lie. If one of his friends is in trouble, he will stand up for them without hesitation. He's the type of Gryffindor who hasn't fully blossomed yet, but give him time and he'll be able to make Dumbledore, and even Godric himself, proud!

If this is your 4th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other current characters


MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: None of his family even knows it, but he does descend from a magical family. Generations ago one of his great grandfathers was a squib, and because the family was pureblood and wealthy, they basically shunted him. He changed his name from Rochester to Winchester and made a new life for himself. It's something that would be hard to trace and won't actual ever come up in game most likely, but its there and I felt like sharing!!! XD

Character Alliance: Hint: He wants to become an Auror.

status: approved, player: tori, gender: male, location: england, location: england: bath, comm: hogwarts, blood: muggleborn, house: gryffindor, year: 1, age: students

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