Name (or alias): Lacey
AIM SN: optional merelylilac
Name: Tia Morwenna Bostwick
tia_bostwickPlayed By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. (PB Abigail Breslin) Tia is too young to care what she really looks like and has a tendency to run around looking not quite put together. She's clean, just not precisely pressed. She has blue eyes and straight, light brown hair which she does comb before she leaves the dorm but running around throughout the day tends to give it a slightly windblown, disordered look. Her clothing choices can be a little eccentric because she'll throw on whatever combination of shirts, skirts or pants, and the odd accessories that suit her when she gets up regardless of color or logic, a point which her father privately finds adorable but blames her mother for aloud and pretends to discourage.
Age/Birthdate: 11 / July 17, 1995
For Reference:
First Years: September 2nd 1994 - September 1st 1995
Gender: female
Wand: 10” willow with a phoenix feather core
Blood: Halfblood
Birthplace/Location: Thirsk, England
Status or Class: lower middle
Pet Name/Species: Sir Herman Cadswallow IV (a toad) as well as a plethora of cats which are kept at home
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: P
Other Subject #1: Care of Magical Creatures: E
Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable): N/A
10 Words to describe your character: energetic, bouncy, active, personable, curious, outdoorsy, friendly, outgoing, talkative, optimistic
Personality: Tia is a little ball of energy. She's been quite the handful her parents, which is not to say that she's not well behaved but she always wants to be doing something. She enjoys getting her hands into things and tends to tag along with anyone who looks like they're up to something interesting. She likes to watch people work on things even if she can't be helpful herself because watching at least means she can feel involved; she's taken to calling this lending 'moral support' ever since she learned the phrase. Ideally Tia would like to get her hands into anything she can, even if it just means carrying things around the house for her mum or grabbing a tool when her dad asks for it to be useful.
Like any child her age with an active imagination, Tia loves to run around playing games in the yard; sword fighting with sticks, building forts out of blankets (she's had a field day with her dorm room), or climbing trees and declaring them intruder free zones to be defended to the death- or water balloon soaking, whichever comes first. She can be a little wild but she was raised to respect authority so as soon as someone tells her to cut it out, she'll listen.
Tia enjoys talking to people and cheering them up. She's young enough not to understand why anyone should be sad and feels it's her duty to improve moods when she notices someone who's down. Of course if it doesn't work and they get snappy, Tia will probably listen and leave them alone. There's fun to be had somewhere, and if someone older than her insists on being grumpy, it's best to leave them to it and enjoy herself somewhere else so as not to bother them. She forms attachments easily and is willing to stand up and speak on anyone's behalf if they've been nice to her in the past. This isn't to say that she never thinks ill of anyone but if you're on her good list, you'll stay there until Tia has a good reason to take you off. She likes to think the best of people.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Tia loves working with her hands, something that she's picked up from her mother and years spent playing helping in the garden and outside in general. Because of this, she's taken very well to subjects that focus less on wand work and more on remembering what to do where and when. She enjoys the more organic subjects. Tia loves Herbology and will be signing up for CoMC as soon as third year rolls around. She loves living things, getting them to grow, taking care of them and knowing what they can be used for. Though many find it boring, Tia also loves History of Magic. She thinks hearing about battles is simply brilliant and if you get her started, she can probably rattle off more obscure dates and details of this goblin war or that than you want to know. (She also happens to think Professor Binns is fascinating, being a ghost and all, if a bit silly.)
Tia is extremely self confident, though that may stem more from her age and less from a choice. It doesn't occur to her to worry about what impression she gives off. As she gets older she'll probably rein in the crazy a bit, dress more normally and stop building forts or plotting Great Hall take overs, but her ability to be herself and not worry if others like it will probably stick. Though she was nervous about being sent away for school and the beginning of the term didn't go so smoothly with the first year abductions, once things settled down and she'd gotten a feel for things, Tia was right back to being her normal bouncy self. She'll stick up for her friends no matter what, and if it comes to it, she's willing to take the fall should something backfire and get them into trouble (if someone has to take the fall; she'd rather get them all out of it but it doesn't always work).
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Though she thinks magic is simply brilliant, mastering wand work is a bit of a trick for Tia. She manages well enough in Charms but only because she works hard at getting the spells down. It would be disappointing to go to a school for witches and wizards and not be able to even move something with her wand but some of the other courses have proven more difficult. She just hasn't been able to get the hang of Transfiguration. Changing one thing into another doesn't make sense to her and her attempts always come out half phased and a little depressed looking. (She asked if she could keep the tea kettle with tortoise legs but was told no.) Defense Against The Dark Arts she finds interesting and she loves reading about it, but the spell work is stubbornly difficult and her ability to do much of anything there is hit or miss. Tia's not a violently inclined person. Though she likes to play out battles or throw balloons and the occasional funny but harmless jinx, actually and truly hurting someone is a line Tia is reluctant to cross so DADA has proven difficult (even if it's defense and not geared toward hurting per se).
Tia loves to talk to people and follow them around. Unfortunately she doesn't always realize when she's not wanted and can make a pest of herself without meaning to, which can lead to her being snapped at. She expects everyone to be happy and chipper so it confuses her when someone doesn't want to play around. The idea that running through the hallways won't fix whatever is wrong is too serious a concept for her just yet. Tia hates to be in trouble and about the only time she'll appear shy is when she's being called out on something by an authority figure. She's not above trying to talk her way out of trouble by denying that she did anything wrong, even if the lie is obvious, but the downtrodden look generally gives her away.
Tia is terrified of thunder and lightning and when she was very young she used to herd all of the family pets into a hastily formed shelter in the bathroom whenever a serious storm came by. Anymore, she's managed to gear it down to simply hiding under a blanket with Sir Herman but she still loathes a storm. She's already staked out hiding spots in her dorm and around the castle should she be caught by one while away from home.
Being as young as she is, Tia isn't motivated by anything particularly significant just yet. All she wants right now is to figure out all the brilliant things there are to do with magic. She's familiar with some bits on account of her mum but it was never openly used around the house so Tia's quite taken with having whole castle full of it. As she gets older, she'll follow her mum's footsteps and likely end up doing something in Herbology or perhaps healing.
Tia Bostwick is the oldest of two children, though since her younger brother Ian is only two she likes to think he doesn't really count. In all honesty, she does love her brother but he's not nearly old enough to be a good playmate yet which makes him rather worthless for a majority of the time. Tia came around a little sooner than her parents had planned and therefore gained a few good years of being the only child in the house while Merryn and Kyle balanced jobs, a house, and a living together as a married couple in general with the unexpected early addition of a baby. Her parents made it all work though. The Bostwicks are a very tightly knit, generally happy family.
Merryn is a halfblood witch and a former Hufflepuff who works with rare (and common) magical plants. For covering purposes she's a landscaper but really she lends her services to local witches and wizards, growing whatever they might need or tending their own plants if they're having problems with trickier species. She and Kyle met a few years after she was out of school. He was bar tending, she was taking a break and checking out a Muggle pub with some of her friends from where she was working. They clicked. Kyle still works as a bartender because the tips are good and he enjoys working evenings; it gives him more time to spend with Tia and Ian during the day.
Kyle of course knows that his wife is a witch. Although it was a tricky subject to bring up, keeping something like that secret was hardly an option and Merryn broke the news early on when it was clear they were getting serious. Merryn keeps her around-the-house spells to a minimum, or rather has trained herself to keep it subtle. With so many Muggle friends and family around, a slip up would be entirely too easy were she careless. She's very careful about where and when she uses magic. The more obviously unusual plants she grows are kept in their own corners of the garden or her greenhouse and all are charmed so that Muggle eyes will pass right over them. That Tia could always see them was the first hint that the Bostwick's daughter would be getting a letter to Hogwarts.
Tia's mother gave in and agreed a more common, Muggle sounding name would be best for her but Merryn just as often calls her daughter by her middle name- or rather almost her middle name. Morwenna rolled more smoothly as a whole but when exasperated or feeling particularly fond, Merryn tends to call her daughter Morwen. Tia has no problem the name and will answer to either, but she doesn't spread it around. When it comes down to it, Morwen is a special name that only her mum is allowed to call her. It wouldn't feel right if someone else used it, even her dad, though she hasn't bothered to correct Ian yet who uses Mo-wen and Tia interchangeably.
Tia spent her first eleven years in the garden with her mum or playfully tagging along with whatever her dad was doing around the house. She got along well with the neighborhood kids and was upset at first when she realized that going to Hogwarts meant she wouldn't be seeing all of her friends anymore. Or the cats. Or her mum and dad. Or Ian, much as she pretended not to care about him. Reassurances from her mum eventually won her over though and when her dad mentioned that she'd be able to show him all kinds of things he couldn't do (which seemed ridiculous but must be true) Tia agreed to go. It's a good thing too, because Tia adores life at Hogwarts, even if she does get homesick from time to time and is looking forward to hols so she can tell her mum and dad in person everything that she's seen so far.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: see History
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional: Sir Herman Cadswallow IV is the only pet Tia's parents would allow her to bring to school, though she did try to convince them that the professors wouldn't notice if she brought a very small cat or two along also. Sir Herman, who is in fact the first toad and only toad that Tia has owned (the IV made him sound more official she matter of factly informed her parents) has been one of her closest friends for a number of years and could hardly be left behind. He would be among other magical pets at Hogwarts! Although Tia doesn't consider herself to be in need of one, Sir Herman is a bit of a living security blanket, a tie to home that makes her feel less alone on the occasions when being a first year starts to wear. Besides that, he's a toad and therefore brilliant.
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. None.
Year: 1st
House: Hufflepuff
Why are they in that house? Tia is a people person. She likes nothing better than to follow people around and keep them company. Or get up to things, or help out, or throw together an impromptu play for their amusement. She genuinely cares about people. Tia thinks everyone is interesting in their own way and well worth at least a few minutes spent getting to know them. If they don't want to talk, well, Tia will move on and perhaps try another day. She's caring and fiercely loyal to people she likes, which is quite a large list and includes pretty much everyone who doesn't tell her to get lost.
Position: (Subject to mod approval) None
If this is your 4th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other current characters
Derek with the plague and
getting help to the HW Lenore losing a friend and
planning to get out Professor Crone teaches sex ed and
also with the plauge