Name (or alias): Lena
AIM SN: heylenabee
Name: Anna Elizabeth Farley
Played By/Physical Description: Daveigh Chase
Age/Birthdate: August 7, 1991 | 15
Gender: Female
Wand: Oak, 12 inches, Dragon Heartstring
Blood: Pure
Birthplace/Location: Canterbury, Kent, England
Status or Class: Upper Class
Pet Name/Species:
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: P
History of Magic: A
Potions: D
Transfiguration: O
Muggle Studies: A
10 Words to describe your character: Lazy, Easy-Going, Friendly, Strange, Loyal, Snobbish, Emotional, Playful, Materialistic, Loving
Those who know Anna well know she can be wild, talkative and a little odd, even if that isn't the first impression she gives off. She might sometimes seem quiet when you first meet her, but it's just because it takes her a moment or two to warm up to new people and really open up. Once you get her talking, you really can't shut her up for anything, especially if it's about something she is passionate about.
Anna is a little bit materialistic and some might see her as a spoiled brat. Her family has always been very well off, financially, and it's not often that she's told "no" when she wants something. Generally pouting and whining for long enough will earn her whatever it is she wants, which also means that she has more material possessions than her less fortunate peers. The latest wizarding fashions, the new model of every new gadget or knick knack. She's OWLing home for new robes far more often than is necessary and she can be a bit snobbish about the appearance of others, even when she's not trying to be. She might not judge someone by their blood, but she will judge them by their appearance - tattered robes and secondhand things do not impress her.
She has a playful side, too, even if it mostly shows around her friends and her brother. Those who don't know her might not think it of her, but she's constantly teasing her brother, poking fun where she can.
Anna is loyal to a fault. She could even be considered blindingly loyal. Once she puts her faith in someone, she truly believes they can do no wrong, no matter how much evidence you might give her to the contrary. She is equally stubborn when it comes to her values and belief system. It's hard to convince Anna she's wrong - about an idea or a person - if not outright impossible. Once she believes something, she will carry that belief forever.
She's a complete sap, too. Anna cries at the drop of a hat, particularly at a specific time of the month. She doesn't stay depressed or mopey for long, but when she does get in those moods, it's probably best to avoid her, unless you're one of the few who can pull her out of it.
It might seem contradictory to call her easy-going, given her propensity toward snobbery, but she really is an easy girl to get along with most of the time. Even if she doesn't especially like a person, she'll be perfectly polite and friendly to their face and, honestly, unless you are just obviously poor or you're rude to her first, she's not going to have a problem with you.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Anna is a very talented flyer. She's been flying since she was young, when her father started teaching her how. She doesn't fly much anymore - who wants to be caught flying around on a Cleansweep? - but it's definitely something she still has a skill for. She is also very skilled at any wandwork.
Anna's wandwork is pretty good, too. She's grown up around magic and even managed to learn a bit before starting school. Now that she's in her fifth year, she's become a pretty capable witch. Her best classes are Charms, Transfiguration and DADA.
Personality-wise, her biggest strength is her friendly and easy-going nature. Regardless of how she actually feels towards someone, she is polite and courteous towards them, which makes her fairly easy to get along with.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Potions is absolutely her worse class. She doesn't understand it and she doesn't care to. She constantly melts cauldrons, which is somewhat embarrassing, but even when she's tried to get a little help with the class, she ends up failing miserably. She's not much better at Herbology and she isn't quite sure why she signed up for Muggle Studies, because it isn't very interesting and she lacks the focus to actually do very well in the class.
She can be petty, materialistic and jealous-minded. She doesn't like to share the people or things she views as hers, for the most part and while she is outwardly pleasant to almost everyone, she's not above plotting a little petty revenge against the people she doesn't like.
She also can't cook. At all. Oh, she does alright with the cooking charms, but she can't properly measure or combine ingredients to save her life.
Losing the people she loves. This is a part of why she is so helplessly loyal. Sometimes, she is afraid that if she disagrees with them or doesn't always side with them, they'll leave her.
Anna was born on August 7th 1990 to Lucian and Emilia (Johnston) Farley, just under two years after her older brother William. The Farley family dates back many years. and the line contains a lot of elitists and former Slytherins, though Anna and William have both manages to end up relatively untainted by that attitude, somehow, though that applies to Will more than it does her.
Will and Anna's parents weren't around much as they grew up. The two of them never wanted for much of anything, and their parents weren't horrible or anything, but it wasn't a house full of affection. They spent more time around their Uncle Darius than anyone else when they were young and he is Anna's favorite relative next to her brother.
It might have been a surprise that Anna was sorted into Hufflepuff if her brother hadn't been sorted there ahead of her. Some of her Puff traits are a little more latent, but they are there. A part of her feels, though, that the other members of the family were disappointed not to see her in Slytherin. Perhaps if she'd been a bit more ambitious or determined, she would have ended up there.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Anna is pretty close to her family. She can go to them for anything. She loves her brother William very much, but doesn't really show it. She's also very close with her Uncle Darius because she grew up with him being around a lot. She's possible closer with him than her own parents. She'd do almost anything for her family, if they asked.
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command.
Anna has a CleanSweep 11, but she is very unhappy with it, even if she doesn't fly it all that much. She's a little too materialistic for her own good, sometimes, and she wishes she had something newer and more impressive.
Year: 5th Year
House: Hufflepuff
Why are they in that house? She's loyal to a fault. This is her biggest Puff trait and probably the main reason she was sorted into the house.
Position: Prefect, if possible? I think it'd fit alright with her personality and she is a Pureblood.
If this is your 4th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other current characters
Charms ClassMaible:
CoMC ClassBeccy:
DADA ClassNate:
Herbology Class Ed:
Ministry LunchroomOllie:
Diagon AlleyLil:
Random Club MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: None.
Character Alliance: Neutral-ish. She's not terribly invested in either side, really.