Saturday, February 17th- Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

Jul 09, 2008 14:08

Where: Quidditch Pitch, Hogwarts
((join us in aim chatroom NPQuidditch and watch the game on googledocs))
When: Game starts at 11am
Weather: high 53°F/11°C, low 35°F/2°C; scattered clouds around noon, clear skies otherwise

Round 1-5 Recap!
Trip starts out with the quaffle.
CeCe tries to spot the snitch but doesn't.
Zak hits bludger2 at Trip hard, she's out three and the quaffle falls free.
JJ tries to spot the snitch with no luck.
Jul picks up the quaffle.
Bludger2 takes Remy by surprise and he's out for three on a crit hit.
Tegan tries to hit bludger2 at Jul but she slips and falls instead, out three on a crit miss.
Will tries to intercept but Jul evades.
CeCe tries to spot again with no luck.
Will steals the quaffle from Jul.
JJ tries and fails to spot the snitch.
Trip comes back in.
Jul tries to get the quaffle back but Will evades.
Jesse hits bludger1 away from where it's ready to attack Anora.
Zak hits bludger2 at Arisha for a body clip.
Bludger1 goes for Anya who hits at CeCe but she shoots wide (even though it's close range) and CeCe easily evades.
Anya tries again and hits bludger2 at Jul scoring a body hit, Jul's out for one.
Remy comes back in.
CeCe fails to spot the snitch.
Zak hits bludger1 at Will but he evades again.
JJ fails to spot the snitch.
Anya hits bludger1 at Anora but Anora evades easily.

Round 6-10 Recap!
Will still has the quaffle.
Jesse hits bludger1 at Arisha for a body clip.
Anora tries to intercept the quaffle but Will evades.
Will shoots and Asher blocks. No score!
Bludger1 goes for Jesse who hits it at Arisha again, she evades again.
Jul takes the quaffle from Asher for Gryff.
Cece tries and fails to spot the snitch.
Bludger2 goes for Tegan who tries to hit it away but fails and is hit, she's out three on a crit fail.
JJ tries and fails to spot the snitch.
Jul passes to Remy.
Nate moves nervously in front of the goals.
Zak hits bludger2 away.
Cece fails to spot the snitch again.
Tegan comes back in.
Bludger1 goes for Jesse who hits it away.
JJ fails to spot the snitch again.
The snitch taunts CeCe by hovering right next to her, she remains oblivious.
Remy and Anora are both advancing dangerously toward the Puff goals.
Bludger2 attacks Nate and clips his body.
Bludger1 goes at Anya who hits it away.
Arisha catches up and tries to intercept but Remy evades.

Round 11-14 Recap!
Remy moves in and shoots at the goal, Nate can't stop it, SCORE for GRYFFINDOR!
CeCe tries to spot the snitch with no luck.
Will takes the quaffle from Nate.
JJ tries to spot the snitch and fails.
Will moves around Anora who's coming closer, he tries to pass to Arisha...and falls off his broom. Out three on a crit miss, the quaffle is up for grabs.
Trip swoops in to recover the quaffle.
Cece fails to spot the snitch.
Anora tries to intercept from Trip but she evades brilliantly with a crit hit.
Zak hits bludger2 away since no one's around.
Bludger1 goes for Jesse who hits it away.
JJ fails to spot the snitch.
Jul tries to intercept the quaffle but Trip evades again.
Jesse hits bludger1 away toward Trip even though she's out of range.
Bludger1 goes after Trip on its own, this time she doesn't see the attack coming and she's body hit, out one round and the quaffle is knocked free.
Trip comes back in.
Jul claims the quaffle.
Arisha tries to intercept but Jul evades easily.

Round 15-18 Recap!
CeCe spots the snitch.
Bludger2 attacks Anora but she's hyper alert and evades easily.
Will comes back in.
Trip goes in for an intercept and Jul tries to evade too much, Jul falls and is out three rounds on a crit fail, Trip takes the quaffle.
JJ fails to spot the snitch.
Anora steals the quaffle from Trip and passes to Remy.
Zak hits bludger1 towards Trip for good measure but she evades.
Bludger1 goes for Anora and this time she doesn't see it soon enough, body hit and she's out one.
Trip swoops in to try and steal from Remy but he breaks away easily.
Remy shoots at goal but Nate BLOCKS with a crit hit. No goal.
Nora comes back in.
Will takes the quaffle.
Bludger1 goes for Zak and he hits it away.
JJ spots the snitch.
Bludger2 goes for Will but he evades like a pro on a crit hit.

Round 19-21 Recap!
Bludger2 attacks Trip, taking her completely by surprise and she's out three rounds.
Zak hits bludger2 at Will in close range but Will evades, continuing on with the quaffle.
Jul comes back in.
Bludger2 (is busy) goes for Tegan who hits it away successfully this time!
Will is blocked by Jesse so he passes to Arisha.
The snitch flies by J.J., he tries to catch but misses.
Bludger1 goes for Tegan who hits it (without falling!) at CeCe, scoring a body clip.
J.J. makes a move and CATCHES THE SNITCH!


Final score: Gryffindor 10 - Hufflepuff 150

hogwarts, present rp

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