Nov 20, 2006 20:51

February 18, 2006

Gryffindor = 150
Ravenclaw = 0


ararejul: sadhana moves downfield with the quaffle
ararejul: bludger1
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 16
ararejul: bludger2
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
ararejul: snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
ararejul: derek moved 4
ararejul: to hit bludger2
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Miko Kristi:
ararejul: derek = 4+4+9= 17
ararejul: derek hits bludger2 towards cece
ararejul: jul moves to steal quaffle from sadhana
ararejul: jul
ararejul: beater hit = dexterity + strength + 1d201d20>10 choose direction1d20
ararejul: jul
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
ararejul: 3+4+2+1
ararejul: 10
ararejul: sadhana
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
ararejul: 2+4+2+7=15
ararejul: Jul misses and nearly falls off her broom
ararejul: jul hates life
ararejul: jesse moves towards center
ararejul: jfk looks for snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
ararejul: snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
ararejul: jfk is blind
ararejul: zak moves to hit bludger1
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
ararejul: 3+4+6=13
ararejul: zak hits bludger towards JFK
ararejul: lia goes after bludger1
ararejul: Cece
ararejul: looks for snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
ararejul: snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
ararejul: Cece flies around looking for snitch
ararejul: Remy
ararejul: is bored
ararejul: very bored
ararejul: nick moves down the pitch
ararejul: snitch moves
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
ararejul: tybalt moves to intercept quaffle from sadhana
ararejul: tybalt attempts to steal
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
ararejul: sadhana
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
Flute1285 has entered the room.
Miko Kristi: hello caitlyn
Miko Kristi: :D
Flute1285: Hello!
ararejul: 5+4+5+14=28
Flute1285: *watches*
ararejul: haha
raven annabelle: also, we're on skype
ararejul: *headnod*
raven annabelle: it's fun
ararejul: 2+4+2+11=19
ararejul: Tybalt steals quaffle from sadhana
ararejul: maddox is scared for his life
Flute1285: Aww, poor Maddox.
ararejul: haha
ararejul: yeah
ararejul: dude jul totally almost fell
raven annabelle: Mads: NERVES OF STEEL
ararejul: dari moves towards tybalt and quaffle
ararejul: sadhana is pissed off she lost the quaffle
ararejul: and goes after tybalt
ararejul: derek moves towards the action
ararejul: jul is mortified and moves forward to keep sadhana from getting to tybalt
ararejul: Jesse guarding
ararejul: JFK
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
raven annabelle: :O
ararejul: obviousle he sees the snitch
ararejul: and moves to grab
ararejul: snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
ararejul: lia's up
ararejul: she's not really doing much
Flute1285: So do I roll, then?
ararejul: want her to move to the bludger or protect her area
ararejul: no roll. rolls only happen when there's something to do
Flute1285: oh, okay.
Flute1285: Protect her area, I think.
ararejul: okay
ararejul: lia moves into position
ararejul: cece follows jfk
ararejul: instead of looking for the snitch
ararejul: nick goes forward to help sadhana
ararejul: and tries to steal the quaffle from Tybalt
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
ararejul: 10+4+4=18
ararejul: Tybalt evades
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 13
ararejul: 13+3+5=21
ararejul: Tybalt escapes
ararejul: Snitch moves
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
ararejul: Tybalt moves toward goal
ararejul: Maddox moves to block
ararejul: Maggie moves to help
ararejul: Dari moves to steal
ararejul: sadhana moves to steal
ararejul: derek moves towards Bludger1
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
ararejul: bludger1
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
ararejul: derek misses bludger
ararejul: good job idiot
ararejul: jul moves towards goal but is SCARED OUT OF HER MIND THAT TYB WILL GIVE IT TO HER
ararejul: (and therefore stays behind him)
ararejul: Jesse moves towards bludger2
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
ararejul: bludger2
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
ararejul: jesse hits bludger towards maddox to distract
ararejul: bludger strength = 4+4 = 8
ararejul: maddox evade
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
ararejul: maddox 5+3+10=18
ararejul: Maddox basically laughed at Jesse
ararejul: and moved
ararejul: JFK follows snitch
ararejul: zak moves towards bludger1
ararejul: zak hits bludger1
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
ararejul: AND FALLS
ararejul: AND DIES
Flute1285: HAHAHA
ararejul: bludger1 laughs at him
Miko Kristi: my inner colin laughs at him too
ararejul: zak misses 3 turns now
ararejul: lia's turn
ararejul: want lia to protect or move to bludger1
Flute1285: Move.
ararejul: okay lia moves toward bludger1
Flute1285: I want her to do something.
ararejul: haha
ararejul: she's near it now. but not close enough to hit it
ararejul: 1 turn and she will be
Flute1285: Cool.
ararejul: Cece figures JFK KNOWS NOTHING and tries to find the snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
ararejul: 4+2+2=8
ararejul: snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
ararejul: she doesn't see it and follows jfk instead
ararejul: Remy is bored
ararejul: Nick goes after tybalt
ararejul: Snitch moves
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
ararejul: Tybalt moves in to score
ararejul: maddox moves to guard goal
ararejul: maggie moves to assist
ararejul: dari moves to defend
ararejul: Sadhana moves to defend
ararejul: Derek moves to hit bludger1
ararejul: ...again
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
ararejul: DEREK PWNS THE BLUDGER and aims at Maggie
ararejul: 4+4+20=28
ararejul: Maggie evades
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
ararejul: 3+2+6=11
ararejul: Maggie gets hit by quaffle and starts to fall
ararejul: er...
ararejul: bludger1
ararejul: Jul goes to save Maggie because.
ararejul: Jesse moves towards Maggie
ararejul: JFK moves toward snitch
ararejul: zak still lost a turn from hitting air
ararejul: sucks
ararejul: lia moves towards the action because she hates being left out
ararejul: Cece looks for snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
ararejul: 2+3+3=8
ararejul: snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
ararejul: cece is regretting becoming seeker
Flute1285: Hahahahah!
ararejul: then follows jfk
ararejul: remy decides to start doing figure 8s he is so bored
ararejul: Nick tries to steal the quaffle from Tybalt
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
ararejul: 4+4+12=22
ararejul: Tybalt evades
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
raven annabelle has left the room.
ararejul: 5+5+18
ararejul: Tybalt smacks him away...
ararejul: snitch moves
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
ararejul: Tybalt shoots to score
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
ararejul: 4+5+20=29
ararejul: Maddox moves to block
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
ararejul: 5+5+20
ararejul: Tybalt throws AMAZINGLY
Miko Kristi: >:D yay mads
ararejul: Maddox moves with quaffle towards Dari
ararejul: er
ararejul: nm
ararejul: Maddox moves toward Sadhana and tosses her the quaffle
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
ararejul: 5+19
ararejul: Sadhana moves to catch
heylenabee has entered the room.
ararejul: er
heylenabee: HI GUYS!
ararejul: Dari moves to catch
Miko Kristi: hi :D
ararejul: ...
ararejul: hey lena
heylenabee: how's my girl doing so far?
ararejul: good
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
ararejul: 11+3 = successful catch
ararejul: Dari has the quaffle
heylenabee: awesome!
heylenabee: what do I need to do?
ararejul: ummm
ararejul: nothing?
heylenabee: I'm just here for moral support then?
heylenabee: shiny
ararejul: haha
ararejul: well in a bit you can tell me what dari wants to do
heylenabee: hahaha okay
heylenabee: she wants to, um, score?
ararejul: haha
ararejul: really?
ararejul: no way
heylenabee: hahaha
heylenabee: on and off the field, actually ;-)
ararejul: Maggie holds on to her broom and tries to get back on
heylenabee: hahaha
ararejul: Dari takes off towards the goal
heylenabee: is it bad that my inner Bri just laughed
ararejul: right?
ararejul: haha
ararejul: a bit
ararejul: she got hit by a bludger
ararejul: and almost got knocked off
heylenabee: Bri: *laughs then cheers loudly for Dari*
heylenabee: and yes, towards goal
ararejul: sadhana moves down field with dari
ararejul: Derek moves into position to protect
heylenabee: YAY DEREK
Miko Kristi: colin is cheering against gryffindor
Miko Kristi: dani and tim are cheering for ravenclaw
heylenabee: ahah good for colin
heylenabee: ahaha Tim better be!
ararejul: Jul checks if maggie is okay then goes to intercept
Miko Kristi: haha, julia's listening to my comments on skype
heylenabee: hey, Kristi... do you want to thread Tim/Bri in the stands later maybe?
Miko Kristi: hehe, maybe
ararejul: Jul attempts to steal quaffle from Dari
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 16
heylenabee: obviously they would go together
Miko Kristi: yup
heylenabee: GTFO Jul
heylenabee: :P
Miko Kristi: word
ararejul: 4+2+16=22
heylenabee: ahaha you know what amuses me?
Miko Kristi: ?
heylenabee: if Colin is against Gryff, he is technically cheering for Dari right now
heylenabee: teehee
ararejul: dari evades
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
heylenabee: AWESOME
Miko Kristi: hahah, well.. he hates more people on the gryff team
heylenabee: GO DARI
heylenabee: hahaha
heylenabee: I want my girl to have a good game
ararejul: 4+3+3=10
ararejul: <.<
ararejul: >.>
heylenabee: cause she's all nervous
heylenabee: :P
ararejul: jul steals quaffle
heylenabee: NOOOOO
ararejul: sorry buddy
ararejul: Jul: *proud*
ararejul: Jesse moves to protect Jul
heylenabee: Dari: *pouts*
heylenabee: Bri: *conflicted*
ararejul: JFK moves towards snitch
ararejul: Zak is still fighting to regain balance?
ararejul: sad
heylenabee: hahahaha
ararejul: Lia moves towards bludger1
ararejul: Cece looks for snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
ararejul: 2+4+10=16
ararejul: snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
ararejul: Remy thought he was going to get some action
ararejul: and then doesn't
ararejul: *seethes*
heylenabee: haha
ararejul: Nick moves to steal quaffle back from Jul
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
ararejul: 4+3+9=16
ararejul: Jul attempts to evade
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
ararejul: 3+4+9=16
heylenabee: GO NICK
ararejul: ...
Miko Kristi: yay nick! [/dani]
ararejul: sudden death
heylenabee: haha Kristi
ararejul: jul
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
ararejul: nick
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
heylenabee: we're not biased at ALL
Miko Kristi: >.>
ararejul: XP
ararejul: Jul struggles but escapes Nick
ararejul: Snitch moves
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
ararejul: Tybalt moves to help Jul
Miko Kristi: colin throws a rock at remy's head
OnlineHost: Miko Kristi rolled 1 20-sided die: 16
Miko Kristi: <.<
ararejul: Remy evade
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
ararejul: <.<
ararejul: >.>
ararejul: a rock hits him on the foot
ararejul: <.<
ararejul: >.>
Miko Kristi: ahahaha
ararejul: anton sees and deducts 5 points from slytherin
Miko Kristi: >:|
ararejul: Maddox moves to block
ararejul: Dari is VERY PISSED
ararejul: what would you like dari to do
ararejul: steal back?
ararejul: Dari chases Jul to steal it back
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
ararejul: 3+2+11
ararejul: jul evades
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
ararejul: 3+4+19
heylenabee: sure, steal back
ararejul: Dari misses
heylenabee: damn
ararejul: Sadhana moves to steal from Jul
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
ararejul: 4+2+8=16
ararejul: Jul evades and kinda goes AHHHHH
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
ararejul: 3+4+11=18
ararejul: and escapes again. desperatly looking for tyb
ararejul: Derek moves towards bludger1
ararejul: Jul throws quaffle to tybalt
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
ararejul: 4+5-9
ararejul: Jul fumbles the quaffle
ararejul: and hates herself
Miko Kristi: ahaha
ararejul: Jesse moves to Bludger1 and hits it towards Nick
heylenabee: ahahaha excellent
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
ararejul: 2+4+6=12
ararejul: nick evades
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
ararejul: 4+3+12=19
Miko Kristi: w00t
ararejul: Nick dodges bludger
ararejul: JFK moves to catch the snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
ararejul: 4+2+5+7=18
ararejul: snitch evade
ararejul: forgot +1 due to first spot = 19
ararejul: snitch evade
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
ararejul: 20+8=28
ararejul: JFK misses
heylenabee: BOO
ararejul: Zak struggles to get back onto broom
heylenabee: hahahahaha
heylenabee: brb
ararejul: Lia is seriously mad for no action and goes after bludger2
ararejul: Cece moves to catch snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
ararejul: 4+5+2+7=18
ararejul: snitch
OnlineHost: ararejul rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
ararejul: 1+8=9
heylenabee: NOOOOO
Miko Kristi: bah >.>
heylenabee: suckage
heylenabee: SO NOT ON
Miko Kristi: damn it
heylenabee: Dari demands a rematch
ararejul: NOT MY FAULT
ararejul: O.O
ararejul: hahaa

match, gryffindor, ravenclaw

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