[ABILITIES] Request for Update: Reed

Dec 10, 2009 10:01

Submitted here are my attempts at revising Reed's "abilities" based on the changes made in Final Fantasy Tactics v1.3. While this is an unofficial version of the game, the spirit of his abilities remains intact and I feel the way they manifest feels much more in-tune with roleplay, especially given the absence of any empirical 'stats' for his abilities to raise. For similar reason I've taken away the two awkward Oracle spells- Disbelief and Trepidation- and replaced them instead with knight abilities more in-tune with his role as a physical combatant. I hope you approve!


A FINAL NOTE: When compiling Ramza's abilities in my original application, I'd deliberately omitted an ability. "Focus"- or "Accumulate" in the PSX version- raises Ramza's physical attack stat by a single point for the duration of the battle. Given that I thought any move boiling down to "Spending a turn charging to increase one's power level" was a rather silly idea and especially ridiculous in an RP like this, I chose to instead interpret it as Ramza using that turn to steady his nerves and bolster himself to keep the rigors of battle from grinding him down. More of an exercise in mental discipline than any sort of ability. I have included it here only for the sake of completion.

ABILITIES: (List and descriptions to the best of your ability)
Though Ramza is a learned man in many methods of combat, his primary areas of expertise are in swordsmanship and leadership, though he has dabbled in magic to a lesser extent.
(Mun's note: For many of Ramza's ingame abilities, only names and functions are provided; I've attempted to provide some reason to his unique abilities in accordance with his character.)
-Swordsmanship: Ramza is a very proficient swordsman due to a combination of formal knighthood training and a great amount of combat experience spiced with often-mortal danger. He is very apt, accurate, and deadly with a good blade in his hands (Albeit less so with blades of Asian design such as katana or nodachi.)
-Ambidexterity: Following on his abilities with swordplay, in spite of his frame Ramza possesses a great deal of strength and prowess, and is capable of wielding two swords at once- even ones of exceptionally large size such as claymores.
-Armor Proficiency: Ramza is well-accustomed to fighting in all varieties of armor, including while holding shields.
-Throw Stone: While hardly a unique or even impressive ability by any stretch of the imagination, one of the first survival techniques Ramza had learned in combat training was the simple action of hitting an enemy with a thrown rock. While it is not very noteworthy as an ability, it would be likely to ping memories regarding his training or service as a cadet.
-Focus: In what periods of idleness he may find in battle, Ramza will often take a moment to steel his senses and bolster his strength.


-Steel: Ramza utters an inspirational word or command; the target will find themselves spiritually fortified, their fears becoming replaced by grit and determination. Pain takes its leave and endorphins take hold, spurring the recipient back into fray as their body seemingly begins tending to its own wounds.

-Tailwind: Ramza urges his target to take immediate action; said target will find him or herself rushing with adrenaline, prompting expedience in action. The recipient will find their movement and actions rapidly increasing in speed.

-Salve: Any good knight-cadet knows the importance of adequate preparation; but a GREAT knight-cadet knows improvisation as well. Ramza has learned how to create a simple topical salve on the fly, the likes of which is capable of curing minor ailnesses such as bloodlust, paralysis, impaired vision, mild to moderate poisons, and a lost voice.

-Chant: While his training may be combat-oriented, a heart such as Ramza's knows sympathy like none other; as a result, Ramza's compassion and sympathy may manifest as a luminescent cascade of healing energy, the likes of which can cure moderate wounds at the expense of exhausting Ramza's stamina reserves.

-Scream (Shout): The same principles of motivating one's troops work on oneself. As such, when faced with a difficult (most often combat-related) situation, Ramza's emotions come pouring out in the form of a magnificently loud kiai; in addition to being a very impressive sight, Ramza finds himself struck with battle-lust, becoming faster, stronger, impervious to pain and, incredibly enough, many forms of magic, until such time as the rush of battle has left his senses. (A note about the magic immunity: I leave it to parley with the muns of the battle in question as to whether or not the FFT-style magic immunity would prove effective against their characters' abilities.)

-Ultima: One of the few magical abilities in Ramza's arsenal, calling forth a pillar of blue light which then erupts in a very impressive impressive and equally damaging explosion. However, Ramza is also stuck with the unfortunate circumstance of having only learned such a technique through a relevatory experience; and, as such, he will not be able to learn it again through any means short of being struck with a near-identical technique. We are very unlikely to ever see this come to fruition, but it's worth mentioning should the situation arise, and it's worth a chuckle until then.

-Speed Ruin: Another of the few magical abilities in Ramza's arsenal, yet this is a spell of a subtler and more easily known nature. Reed will swing a blade at an enemy he has engaged, blue motes of energy gathering around and sinking against the victim from the waist. The poor subject who finds himself successfully snared in this attack will find the strength leaving his or her legs and his body feeling leaden, slowing down the foe for easier pursuit. (Another note: This attack does not always hit; many targets- particularly the expecting- evade or avoid the magic bindings entirely. Mun judgement.)

-Weapon Break: More of a tricky technique than any sort of exclusive ability. Ramza is experienced in not merely disarming foes but sundering their weapons entirely; any weapon that could be broken by a blow from metal- mundane swords wielded by other warriors among them- can be broken entirely with a clean, directed hit. However, this will not work on all weapons, nor is there any guarantee of success on the first, second, or subsequent blows... (Final note: Clearly the effectiveness of this technique is reliant on the weapon choice and battle prowess of the opposition. Once more, mun judgement.)

-An awful lot of abilities: Ramza actually has access to nearly every ability and ability set in the game that does not belong to a unique character. As it would be both cumbersome and ludicrous to feature or list them all, just take it on good authority that there is quite a lot he can do, and consequentially quite a lot we won't be seeing here.


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