DGM Dressing Room Kink Meme!
Welcome one, welcome anonymous to the DGMDR Kink Meme. If you know how this goes, get to it! If you don't:
Make a request anonymously though a comment including the pairing of your choice and at least one kink to include. (If you need inspiration, see
this list for ideas)
To fill a request (And please, try to!)
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Comments 205
Kink - Bondage and clothes mostly on.
Bonus kink: Someone keeps being denied an orgasm
A little frustration will quickly get you nowhere.
"Just what does she see in you?"
Kink: Frottage, power play.
River was blissfully silent but his memories laughed at him. This is what you were, they whispered. The reminders were all there from the renewed cutting of his skin and the groan of need when he was finally able to breathe again. "E-enjoy it while it lasts," He managed to hiss. Tyki paused to jerk the Exorcist's pants down within missing a shift of his hand. Did he dare continue? Of course, why would he stop?
"Because Joyd will have you soon enough." The Noah reached in and twisted something. It hurt and Mikk swore through clenched teeth, thrashing ( ... )
After years together traveling from world to world, this situation seemed only natural. Alternate prompt: how did they end up in bed anyway?
I also now want to see Solo parading around as a hot chick.
"My, my you're such a prude. We'll have to change that."
Do your worst~
Kink: Double genderswap or only one genderswapped.
"It makes me curious what you've got going on in your trousers~"
"M-more than I used to!"
Allison seemed to notice as well, breaking the kiss and then squeaking with surprise at the sudden lack of certain... assets... she normally possessed. "Uh..."
"You didn't eat anything rainbow, did you?"
"Not last I checked!" She- He, rather, shifted as his partner sat up slightly, though he was still straddling his lap.
Now, Mikk wasn't normally one to be interested in guys. But this was a bit different though, wasn't it? Because she wasn't "really" a man and more importantly than that it was Allie. Why waste an increasingly-scarce opportunity to share a moment of intimacy over something as trivial as a change in sex ( ... )
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