On Saturday I lost myself in the town where I find myself, with my friends Nichole and Taylor. So here's to all the kids who can't experience Seattle with me. Pretend you're here.
I still don't have a digital camera, this one was "borrowed" from school. But I think I'll borrow it alot more.
To start off, a good picture of my friend Collin, that Mat took. I just thought it was rad.
"With every broken heart we should become more adventurous"...
Morning grunge. But grunge kind of started here, so it was okay.
Nichole doesn't look at all grungy...rather beautiful I think..
Seattle has weird art in it. For example, giant metal birds.
The day after Thanksgiving, they'll light the tree and the giant star in a huge ceremony.
I'm short.
My friends are adorable.
This guy was like "you people act like you've never seen a guy play buckets before" and the little kid danced and laughed hysterically. Just being there was so happy.
Commonly seen on postcards...etc...
For the best weed in Seattle...
We have random art things seasonally, like pigs all around town last year, and nutcrackers this year...I don't even know.
When I uploaded this picture, I realized they wanted a tip for photos. I laughed. Cheap bastards.
This blind guy really loved the guitar player's music. He was so intense.
Creepy/nice balloon guy.
The cutest redhead girls I've ever seen.
They really do throw fish. Just like the moving pictures.
This little girl was scared shitless, and her Dad was like, "it's just a fishy, he's dead" and then the guy behind the counter pulled the string and the poor little girl...
We spotted Santa Claus.
Tiny tiny Nichole.
This woman carefully picked out every flower, like it was so precious. She was very joyus and festive.
I love this seagull's face.
Playing in front of the first Starbucks (ever).
She was angry that I took this picture. But I love her face. She loves cake.
We're all so...white and paste-y.
The ghost Space Needle!
Taylor made fun of our emo hair. What a loser. : )
Yeah, and that's it. MORE ADVENTURES SOON!