You know the line, "If it's too good to be true, it usually is!"? Yeah. It is SO true.
So, last time I checked in... I told you guys about Angel and all of the good she has been and will be doing for my family.
Here's how my week went.....
Last week, Angel transfers $20,000 into Dave's brother's account, and Thursday after it clears, he writes me a $20,000 check to pay off all of my debt. I deposit the check into the account and wait for it to clear. On monday, it shows in my account and I call the bank to make sure it cleared. The lady tells me that the money is there and I tell her that I will be writing lots of checks to pay off my debts, just so the bank is aware. I call all of my debtors and get the payoff amounts.... and do check by phone for all of them. All in all, about $10,000 in bills.
So, Tuesday morning, I wake up to check and make sure the correct money is being taken out, because I have a few more local bills to pay and can't do internet banking for those. My account was $-7600!!!!!!!!! I start to panic!! The ledger showed enough money so WTF was going on. Angel said that sometimes, when you pay off a bunch of bills like that... your account can get mucked up if too many people pull money at the same time. She said to let it go and check it tomorrow.
Wednesday morning, I am now $-5600! I was so confused, but she told me that it was working itself out. Then, my bank calls me. It's the Fraud Prevention department!!!! The guy starts telling me that the $20,000 that was deposited into my account was pulled back out and I am now responsible for the $5600. And from the way things are looking, this could be fraud. The account that Chris wrote me a check from, had been closed and the money could not be accounted for. WTF? I assure him it's not fraud, just a big misunderstanding. Luckily, I had put $5000 in my business account to pay my friend back and I had $850 in there to finish up photo books! So, I transferred that money into the withdrawn account to fix it. In the meantime, my account is frozen for 24 hours.
On Thursday, Angel tells me that she will be wiring the $20K back into my account. I also have a guy calling me telling me that my $3664 check bounced and if not fixed ASAP, I will be fined and get in loads of trouble! She calls her bank and wires the money to pay off that bill.
Friday, there is still no money in my account and she tells Dave that she wired the money into my account on Friday at 2pm. No word about Thursday at all. Meanwhile, the dude calls me back and says no payment has been made and I am very close to getting into LOTS of trouble! Dave calls her and she calls the company and pays by check by phone. We have a conformation number and it will be taken care of. Still, there is no money in my account!
Saturday, I wake up and Dave tells me that a check for $591 was taken out of my account and that he used the money for our Spring taxes to cover it. I called my bank and asked why the wire transfer didn't go through yet.... and I was told one was never put through to my account and that there are none even pending!!! WTF? At this point, I am in tears and I am really pissed off! I called the bank back and asked for an in depth and fully detailed statement for what happened with the check on Monday. I was told to call loss prevention and so on on Monday when they were back in the office. So, I will going to the branch first thing Monday morning to get this looked at.
Yesterday was a real eye opener for me. All of the little things in the past few weeks that have been going on and things that just didn't seem right, all of a sudden started to make sense. All the little things that no one else noticed... and that my paranoid ass kept to myself. Here is what I am talking about.
1. She bought me a platinum chain and told me we would go and pick up a charm for it. When we went to the jewelers, I asked about it and she said she ordered me an Onyx pendant. A few days later, it was a Emerald pendant, and the other day she bought me a locket and said that now I have a charm for the chain.
2. She said she had a big photo job lined up for me. Yet, every time we had it scheduled... there was some reason we couldn't go.
3. In the building of our deltec's.... she kept saying she talked to the people there... yet when I asked her questions about the homes, she got none of my questions right. Trust me, I know everything there is to know about those homes!
4. She had to go get some dental work done, and she was all like, "You need to go to this guy. He's awesome! And he only charges $30 to whiten teeth!" But, the next day when she was talking to AJ about it.... it was $170
5. She had like 5 surgeries coming up, and every time, she was too sick. Or there was a problem with the insurance.
6. She has a 10 year old daughter, that no one has ever met.
7. She was supposed to give Taylor his final Chicken Pox vaccine, and every time, there was a reason why she couldn't. She also told me the vaccine was in my freezer, I never saw it! And why the fuck would you keep a vaccine in the FREEZER!?!?!?
8. When the whole bank fiasco took place, why did she transfer the $20K that was taken back into her personal account?
9. She has an Indiana state Drivers License and she is from VA?
10. No one has been to her new house that isn't finished and ready yet?
11. She couldn't get a new Driver's License because she needed her Birth Certificate... umm no! You need your old license and your social security number.
12. She signed the paperwork for the new land "Angelica Beard"... when her and Chris aren't married yet.
In talking with my friends (who she also fucked over!) they each had their own little things they came out to me about. Such as:
1. Why does whenever she goes out shopping... does she have Chris open a store credit card and make him pay for EVERY THING?!?
2. Why did Chris write the check that bounced from my account.
3. Why does she have 2 first names and like 5 last names?
4. If she is pregnant, why does she drink alcohol on a daily basis?
5. She makes excuses all the time as to why she can't do something.. esp when it comes to money.
6. She has a bunch of addresses she uses.
So, we played some detective work today. We looked up her name and can't find anything. There are no Doctors with her name licensed anywhere in the US... in ANY of her names. I called the hospital she "works" for and there are no doctor's there by that name.
She is a fucking fake and she is taking us for fools! Maybe Chris, but I'm smarter than I appear. So many people think I'm this shy and gullible little girl.... well, they couldn't be more wrong! She picked the wrong person to fuck with!!!!
We called the local cops and got our side of the story in. There is nothing I can do until I get a hold of the bank and see what happened. Tomorrow, I am going to pick up Dave's mom and take her to the cops, so she can do the same. And she has been getting leary about Angel and has been taking bills and such out of the garbage and saving account numbers and stuff. So, we will have a shit ton of her information to give the cops. And I can't wait! I hope the fucking bitch rots in hell!
I will do everything in my power to take her the fuck down. Mark my words! She is done for!
Anyways, I need to get some rest. I have the headache from Hell and I really should eat. I haven't eaten all day, but even the smell of food makes me nauseated.
*sigh* If this isn't rock bottom... I don't want to know what is!
I will keep you all updated!
<3 Lor
ETA - I got wind on her Human Pets account that she is telling her friends she is in Ottawa CN doing medical research. One asks asks her if she will be there in May/June, and she said yes. We're afraid she is going to bounce soon.
What can we do? Can we contact the FBI?