Title: Fiction
Author: Michelle
Pairing: YamaChii & Ariyama
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Summary: Everything is a fiction....
A/N: Here's a short angst one shot from me, hope you people enjoy it. :) Sorry for disappearing for so freaking long. Lets see if you readers can understand the story. Inspiration came from BEAST's new song FICTION.
Fiction )
Comments 19
angst~y i like it! :D
Chii, don't worry, you're the one who yama-chan loves in the real world lol *is there even fake world?* :P
YamaChii is married XD hohoho
poor chii...
i swear i hate ariyama tonight.. They're just destined as bestfriend, not as a couple.. T___T *whacked by ariyama fans*
But still... T___T
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