That is all.
I couldn't post about last week's episode. It was literally so perfect that I honestly couldn't think of anything to say.
This season is knocking it out of the park week after week, and I couldn't be happier.
Also? The fucking fanservice is UNBELIEVABLE. This week we had Melin magicking Arthur's pants down and then non-con wrestling on the floor, cllimbing over him in bed, WET ARTHUR WALKING THROUGH A WATERFALL (.....................................................) and Arthur and the knights playing with Merlin (I swear we were five seconds away from a gangbang there) and appreciating him, and to top it all off? KILGHARRAH SAYING THAT THE BABY DRAGON WAS A SYMBOL FOR MERLIN AND ARTHUR AND THE WORLD THEY WOULD MAKE TOGETHER ASDLJFHALDSJFHASLKJD WHAT IS EVENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
Arthur and Merlin are gay dads you guys. (Okay, I am ignoring the fact that Arthur wanted to destroy it, but one look at that gorgrous baby dragon and his heart would melt. I KNOW IT WOULD)
Also? Merlin can be a BAMF anytime he wants. "I am the last dragonlord" indeed. BE STILL MY PANTS.