My choices for the slots I am not gamemastering in are below the cut.
Slot 1:
First Choice: Enigma Society: Ante Up - Jack Schleick
Second Choice: Unbent, Unbroken, Unbowed - Jeremy "Bolthy" Zimmerman
Third Choice: All the Myths are True: The Wyrd West II - Dawn Vogel
Slot 2:
First Choice: Super Villain Team Up: Brain Trust - Rain Donaldson
Second Choice: Once Upon a Time in the West - Dead Man's Hand - Tymen
Third Choice: The Queen Beneath the Waves (A Dashing Blades of Amber
Adventure) - Sol Foster
Slot 6:
First Choice: Where Angels Fear to Tread - Mark MacKinnon, Jesse Scoble
Second Choice: Four Colors Alfresco: Faerie Queene - Rachel Holmberg
Third Choice: Dashing Blades Of Amber - Sol Foster
Slot 8:
First Choice: Rebma Confidential: The Big Deep - Jeremy "Bolthy"