Hey, guys. It's been ages. Sigh.
This semester, time-wise and sleep-wise has been pretty tough on me. Living with Texas (she loves planning things 24/7) means I don't get a lot of me-time (aka; aimless Internet time) so LJ's taken not so much of a back seat, as it is I've stuck it in the trunk. If you wanna keep up-to-date with me, check out my
plurk, that's about the only thing I have time to update nowadays. At least it feels that way sometimes.
Class-wise, I'm doing pretty good. We're finally out of 'stuff I know' in CS class and we started casual verbs in Japanese. わたしはとくいです。 Also, I applied for some study abroad scholarships last week. My essay was awesome, quite frankly, so I hope I get it. Going to Japan in the summer would be amazing, and not having to spend 6k on it would be even better.
Spent a lot of money this week too; a new comforter, a book to help me stop procrastinating, some new shoes... overall, it's been a tough week. I did pre-register for Anime Boston and buy the Trigun Boxset though, so it wasn't all bad. Last weekend I barely got the chance to breathe, but this one's shaping up nicely. With a little luck, I'll have time to finish some apps and un-hiatus from SH.
That's about it, I suppose. I'm not feeling my best, but it's probably because I have achilles tendonitis so I have to stick around on-campus till 4. On the bright side though, some Japanese students are coming to visit later; might head over and get over my crippling fear of new people so I can practice some Japanese...