1. Learn to unicycle.
2. (Re)Tape my band folder. - Left band folder at school.
3. Practice horn a lot!
4. Assemble and paint fishy.
5. Paint dinosaur.
6. Call Frances back.
7. Count the days until Governor's school.
8. Buy a swimsuit.
9. Go swimming.
10. Spend a considerable amount of time at Pullen Park.
11. Make a birthday list.
12. Get all the polish off of my fingernails.
13. Get more tacks.
14. Add stuff to bulletin board.
15. Take pictures of stuff.
16. Update to deviantart.
17. Finish sewing Spiderman gloves.
18. Make more gum wrapper bracelets.
19. Try mask+prom dress. - Don't have dress yet.
20. Find a way to make my room smell better.
21. Clean my room.
22. Read The Way the Crow Flies.
23. Try not to pass out from pollen intake.
24. Stay up until sunrise.
25. Sort through all old clothes; donate most to Goodwill.
1 week, 2 days, and 13 hours left.
Rachel: You owe me 10 dollars. Bug your mom to let you drive more.