User Name/Nick: Yuna
User LJ: yunafire
AIM/IM: Yunafires
Other Characters: Verona
Character Name: Ted Sprague
Series: Heroes
Age: 33.
From When?: After his death in "Landslide" (Season 1, Episode 22.)
Inmate/Warden: Warden. At the point of his death, Ted's anger over his powers had subsided when he learns they just happened, and not the fault of anyone. He still carries a burden of guilt regarding his wife Karen, as he accidentally gave her cancer from his radiation, and thus he made a deal with the Admiral. Rehabilitate an inmate or two, and he can see her again.
His burnt wedding ring. Abilities/Powers: Ted has the ability to emit radiation, or explosions, similar to a nuclear bomb. His ability to control his power is severely limited, more so when he is emotionally agitated. According to Mr. Bennet, Ted's power is capable of destroying every living thing within a twenty mile radius. He can also release an EMP wave - to shut down Primatech's security/electricity, or jumpstart a car - by "burning bright, not hot". There's also the unfortunate side effect of giving cancer to loved ones, but in all fairness to NOT killing the whole barge he's gotten control over that aspect.
Personality: Ted has always been a loner who has carried around a lot of repressed anger. His days with Karen were the happiest time of his life. She made him feel wanted, a reason to exist.
When Karen's oncologist, Dr. Fresco, diagnosed her with cancer, Ted's repressed anger, quite literally, exploded and burned the doctor to a charred skeleton. He couldn't understand how a deadly disease could take away the only person that ever mattered to him. At her deathbed he knew he was the reason she was dying, but didn't understand how or why.
Ted never wanted to hurt anyone. He's one of the 'good guys', though his moral compass doesn't always point north. After Karen died, he wanted revenge on those he felt responsible. At the time he thought those who had abducted him, Mr. Bennet and the Haitian, had injected him with something that gave him the power.
Only as an extreme measure did he take the Bennett family hostage, with Matt Parkman's help; he was that desperate for the truth about his powers. Eventually they learned that they just happened. (Unknown to him, he inherited the power from his mother,
Mindy Sprague, who could absorb and redirect energy.) At the time of his abduction, he was only giving off low-levels of radiation, and it was Noah Bennet's call to release or kill him. He chose release, as Ted had a family and he didn't want to take that away. Though Ted still blamed him for Karen's death, and expressed that Noah should've killed him, he wasn't as angry as before. It wasn't the Company's fault that his powers escalated.
After escaping from Primatech (aka "The Company") with Matt and Noah's help he joined with them to get rid of the Company's "tracking system". After that his plan was to move away, try to live his life as best, and as normal as possible. By then he had learned to mostly control his radioactive explosions, by keeping his emotions in check. Unfortunately, Peter Petrelli absorbed his ability in New York, and only then did Ted learn about Peter's vision of exploding and killing everyone in New York like an atomic bomb.
He tried to get out of the city as fast as possible, but the FBI got to him first, thanks to a tip from Sylar. He didn't resist arrest, even tried helping them by requesting a concrete cell so he couldn't hurt anyone. He figured so long as they got him away from New York, he couldn't explode and kill innocents.
Unfortunately, he didn't get far. Sylar killed him and took his ability. That's when the Admiral came to him, being the generous gentleman that he was. Like a mobster he had an offer that Ted couldn't refuse. (Er, sorry for the bad joke.) It was a chance to ease his own guilt, to bring Karen back, and for everything to be happy and normal again.
History: (Copied from Ted Sprague's entry on
HeroesWiki. It covers every scene in great detail. To watch it under 4 minutes
click this link)
FBI Agent Audrey Hanson and LAPD officer Matt Parkman are investigating the murder of Robert Fresco, an oncologist at UCLA. His body was found burned to a char and emitting 1,800 curies of radiation. A fingerprint found seared into the man's bone is matched using the FBI's CODIS system to Theodore Sprague.
They go to Sprague's house and find signs of severe radiation damage throughout: photographs have the faces singed out, there are burns on the keyboard of a computer and around a doorknob, and nearly everything in the bedroom, where the radiation count is highest, is burned and melted into scrap.
Matt and Audrey travel to Karen's hospital, where they encounter Ted watching vigil at his dying wife's bedside. He readily admits to accidentally killing Dr. Fresco when they argued about Karen's prognosis, and only resists when Matt and Audrey try to take him away from his wife's bedside. He grabs a nurse and holds her hostage, and tells them that he doesn't know what will happen if they shoot him ... he might even explode. Matt uses his telepathic abilities to calm Ted by relaying messages from a comatose Karen. Ted releases the nurse, whose arm is covered in radiation burns. After a last reminiscence, Karen dies, and Ted agrees to go peaceably with Audrey for questioning.
Later, as he is being processed by the police, two small marks are apparent on his neck. They are identical to marks Matt discovers on his own neck.
Ted is sitting alone in an interrogation room when Matt Parkman and Audrey Hanson come in. Audrey gives Theodore a glass of water. Theodore complains that they won't let him go to his wife's funeral. Audrey tells him that they need him to answer a few more questions. She asks Ted how he's able to do what he does. Ted exclaims that nothing matters since he killed his wife. Matt glances at his radiation badge and notices it's turned red. Ted screams that he just wants to be left alone and doesn't know anything about any nuclear material. Matt tells him to relax, but Ted just gets angrier. He tells them out of frustration that if they want him to be the bad guy then he'll blow the place apart. He grabs the glass of water and it quickly begins boiling. Audrey threatens to shoot him and Ted tells her to just do it. Matt tries to calm Ted down by showing that he's not alone in having abnormal powers. He tells Ted they're just trying to understand what's going on and to relax. He manages to calm Ted down and tells him to take him back to when this all started.
Matt hears Ted think that he blacked out and when he woke up things just started dying. Remembering his own experiences, Matt asks him for how long he blacked out and whether he was drinking. He asks if when he woke up he had bruises on his arms. Ted shows them the mark on his neck and Matt shows the same marks on his own neck. Ted explains that he was in Kansas a few months back having sold a dialysis machine to a university hospital. He went to the hotel bar where he saw a couple from Wyoming, a few professors, and a student from Haiti. The next thing he knew he woke up in his car in Arizona two days after his abduction with cuts and bruises on him. Matt asks Ted if he feels sick at all or gets headaches and Ted admits he has headaches. Audrey asks Ted if there are any more dead bodies that they need to know about and Matt defends him, telling Audrey that it's not his fault. Matt tells Ted that he, too, blacked out and lost two days, and now he can't stop hearing people's thoughts. Matt offers a description of the Haitian man Ted saw at the bar and they confirm that they both saw the same man right before they blacked out. Agent Elisa Thayer comes in and several agents take Ted away. As he's being escorted out, Ted tells Matt to find the Haitian. Later, Ted escapes, burning a car in the process.
Now in a cabin at the Nevada Desert, Ted receives an IM from a user named "Wireless" on a laptop in his cabin. After confirming that he currently does not have an Internet connection, he sends a reply asking how this is possible. When he receives a schematic for a pneumatic syringe, Ted suggests that he and "Wireless" meet. A woman standing behind him introduces herself as Hana Gitelman and the two compare Marks.
Ted visits his wife's grave. He tells her that he misses her and that "they" are going to pay for what they did. He places some flowers down which quickly wilt away due to Ted's radiation. The grass all around Ted also wilts away. He tells her that she's not going to like what he has to do and so he has come to say goodbye. Matt meets Ted Sprague in a cemetery. Ted tells Matt that he has found out that the Marks on their necks are because they're being tracked. Ted tells Matt that he had his blood tested and that the isotope is in his blood and bets that it's in Matt's as well. Ted encourages Matt to join forces with Hana and him, telling him he can be a hero, and that they need his telepathic power to be successful.
Ted and Matt break into the Bennets' home to get information on what "the Company" has done to them. They are interrupted by the Bennet family returning home. Matt wants to leave but Ted insists that they confront them there and then. Ted threatens to get "very bright and very hot" unless Mr. Bennet gives them some answers. He wants to find a cure for what's happening to them and if there is no cure he'll kill everyone. After Mr. Bennet tries to pull a gun on them, Ted loses control and threatens to shoot Sandra. Matt shoots Claire instead (knowing that she will heal) preventing Ted from shooting Sandra.
Ted insists that he stay with the family while Matt and Mr. Bennet go to the paper company to get evidence of their abductions. While they are at the paper factory, Ted practices making fireballs, all the while intimidating his captives. He catches Claire trying to rescue her brother and mother. Ted figures out that Matt and Mr. Bennet have been secretly trying to trick him into not hurting anyone and confronts them when they return. Mr. Bennet gives him his medical file and explains that there is no cure and he has been giving off low level radiation even before he was abducted. Thompson arrives and shoots Ted in the shoulder. Ted completely loses control of his powers, falling to the ground and releasing waves of radiation that set fire to the house. Mr. Bennet tries to sedate Ted but cannot get close enough. Claire manages to get close enough to Ted and sedate him.
Later, Mr. Bennet and Thompson observe a restrained Ted in a secure cell.
With help from Mr. Bennet, Matt Parkman breaks Ted out of his cell at Primatech Paper. Mr. Bennet tells Ted through Matt that he is able to create an electromagnetic pulse. Ted's EMP knocks out the alarms in the building. Matt and Ted break Mr. Bennet out of his cell, and they all escape. They then go to the Burnt Toast Diner where they discuss how to bring down the Company. They need to go to New York in order to disable the unit that controls the Company's tracking system. Ted comments that "he's never been there".
Ted, Mr. Bennet, and Matt stop at a used car lot to get a car to take them to New York. Ted defrosts and starts a car with his power and they leave. When the three of them arrive in New York, they run into Peter and Claire. Peter's hands start glowing with radiation. Ted asks Bennet what he's doing and he replies that he's absorbing his ability.
After being briefed on the predictions of a nuclear explosion destroying New York, Ted decides to go to Nebraska with Peter and Claire to avoid the risk of causing the explosion. Sylar, however, listens to their conversation and calls the FBI to inform them of Ted's location. Ted, Peter and Claire attempt to leave New York but are instead surrounded by FBI agents. He calls to Peter to run and is pushed to the ground, surprised that Audrey Hanson is the one to catch him. Ted pleads to be put in a concrete cell lined with lead, in order to protect everyone.
In transit, Sylar flips the armored vehicle holding Ted. He opens the back door and finds an upside-down Ted saying he has been injured. Sylar says he can help, and proceeds to "help" by slicing Ted's head off and stealing his power.
Sample Journal Entry: I did the best I could. Just when things were going well, it all goes to shit. Usually how the world works anyway, right? I tried to do the right thing. Get the heck out of dodge before New York became a crater. But then Sylar... I don't even know what happened. It's all a blur.
I was getting a handle on this power, controlling it. I never meant to be a killer, it just happened. I only wanted to become normal again, but of course that couldn't happen. That would be too nice, and the world never works like that.
So I'm dead now. But I can still do something good, or so this Admiral guy tells me. I could be a warden, he says, and if I'm successful, I can see Karen again. How can I pass that up? It's a chance to be happy, with Karen. Go back to how things were, before... before everything.
Sample RP: Being "the quiet guy" wasn't working out so well. He had an inmate to look after now. He had to be responsible for them. Unfortunately, they were insistent on getting into trouble and the peaceful approach just wasn't working.
Frustrated, he paced in front of their cell, at a loss on how to proceed.
"I try to be a nice guy, I really do. Then you go and attack someone? What do you think would happen, or were you just not thinking at all?" His hands were becoming warm and he knew they were likely glowing. Ted took a few deep breaths. Stay calm... he thought to himself, and balled his hands into fists. They began to cool, and he relaxed. Killing your inmate won't help their therapy, he reminded himself.
"Look, you're going to stay in there for a couple of days. Get used to the cell, because your cabin will resemble it very soon. Maybe when I can trust you again, you can have your luxuries back."
He turned and left before his inmate could reply. Besides, being so close to a cell made him feel antsy. Back at his room, he slumped at his desk, and stared at his inmate's file. Maybe, just maybe, if he stared any longer it'd spring to life and offer some life-changing answers.
After a minute, that didn't happen. He sighed. With the way he was feeling, depending on an inanimate objected seemed worth a try. This job was turning out to be harder than he had expected. He figured all it'd be was a few therapy sessions and things would work themselves out. But, no, that wasn't happening. His inmate apparently had immunity to therapy. Talking to him was like talking to a brick wall.
Ted glanced at the framed portrait on his desk. It was Karen and himself, smiling like the young happy people that they were. At that time in their life, the world was full of promise and opportunity, not cancer and explosions.
"I'll make this work out," he said, determined. "I promise you, Karen."
Special Notes: I cannot write applications to save my life. Seriously, I get such a major brain cramp.