I am never one who has the patience to read over AIM conversations, no matter how interesting you may say they are, but this one is quite a memorable one. After coming back to my room after taking a tinkle, I saw that some stranger had messaged me. So what do you do when somebody speaks to you? You answer.
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HealthyCoho (9:56:00 PM): What do you think about Jack Bauer?
healthycoho signed off at 9:58:28 PM.
HealthyCoho signed on at 9:58:28 PM.
nuclear volante (9:58:44 PM): may i ask who this be?
HealthyCoho (9:59:08 PM): ?
nuclear volante (9:59:14 PM): i mean yourself
nuclear volante (9:59:16 PM): who is this
HealthyCoho (9:59:59 PM): You're asking who ME?
nuclear volante (10:00:12 PM): yupp
HealthyCoho (10:02:06 PM): Well, isn't rather existential question? On one level, me person who you messaged and asked if ME hugged tree today. But there so many more levels to who ME .
nuclear volante (10:03:06 PM): you must think you're so clever
nuclear volante (10:03:17 PM): but i think you need to work up on those grammatical skills beforehand
HealthyCoho (10:03:39 PM): Avast! On another level, me me, person who resides in North cEntral Texas, creates music an' writin', an' has rather serious infestation by imp o' perverse makes me nar take much seriously. ...ARRRRRRRRR!
HealthyCoho (10:04:30 PM): An' on yet another level, ME or may just figment o' yer imagination used ter reinforce yer dream physical world exists an' has constants an' other structures ter reinforce illusion o' consistency an' reality.
nuclear volante (10:04:54 PM): you ought to write a book about that
HealthyCoho (10:05:18 PM): So in context, ME but shadow puppet on wall. ...ARRRRRRRR!
nuclear volante (10:05:26 PM): i mean, you seem to have gotten so far
nuclear volante (10:05:30 PM): why stop right there? keep going
nuclear volante (10:05:33 PM): i want to learn more
nuclear volante (10:06:08 PM): you have enlightened my fragile mind immensely, so much so that i want to quit my job and climb the himalayas
nuclear volante (10:06:22 PM): plant a flag on the summit with a picture of your ass on it
HealthyCoho (10:06:37 PM): An' on yet another level, ME simply just one small fragment o' all . ...ARRRRR!
nuclear volante (10:06:59 PM): because apparently you are a supreme being, having influenced my decision to risk my life and climb an infamous mountain range
nuclear volante (10:08:04 PM): what happened?
nuclear volante (10:08:14 PM): you were going so strong, oh great one!
HealthyCoho (10:08:26 PM): Did ME manage ter miss memo today National Talk Like Pirate Day?
nuclear volante (10:08:51 PM): one who has the audacity and friendly nature to talk to strangers and speak to them as though they have been your friend for decades! i feel that we are best friends already
nuclear volante (10:09:16 PM): check your sources, son, pirates can't type
nuclear volante (10:10:34 PM): oh but wait - you don't need sources. being that you seem to have studied existentialism quite intently, you are probably an insanely intelligent human being
nuclear volante (10:11:33 PM): you are SO brilliant that you re-wrote the entire world's history in just one simple IM window
nuclear volante (10:11:39 PM): i take my hat off to you
HealthyCoho (10:12:16 PM): Moi? ME werd prefer nar ter painted wit' brush. Bein' called intelligent carries so many expectations an' ME fer one nar really want ter live up ter anyone's expectations, nar even me own.
HealthyCoho (10:13:32 PM): Avast! An' wasn't much, all told. touch o' bargain basement Descartes, along wit' some New Age theory. Low grade stuff.
nuclear volante (10:14:06 PM): speaking in such indecipherable words, you probably think you are outwitting whoever has the patience to listen to you
HealthyCoho (10:14:35 PM): But me in whimsical mood after spendin' day in me studio, so 's probably reason fer me mood.
HealthyCoho (10:15:38 PM): An' besides, all scuttlebutt chatter anyway. Nothin' o' great import. ...ARRRRRR!
nuclear volante (10:15:53 PM): only took you about 15 minutes to realize that
nuclear volante (10:15:54 PM): congratulations
HealthyCoho (10:16:32 PM): Avast! Raaaargh, took me about fifteen minutes ter mention . Big difference.
nuclear volante (10:17:04 PM): i mean, i am only being polite here. after all, you were the one who contacted moi
nuclear volante (10:17:42 PM): not sure if such brute pirates like you know what chivalry is
HealthyCoho (10:19:23 PM): ME just responded. ...ARRRRRRRR!
nuclear volante (10:20:05 PM): you were probably speaking to yourself most likely, not sure how you mistook a stranger like yours truly to be yourself. being that i am so inferior to your brilliance
HealthyCoho (10:21:06 PM): Inferior? Sorry, ME nar accept concept o' cavemen bein' inferior or superior ter others.
nuclear volante (10:21:40 PM): you make perfect sense
nuclear volante (10:21:45 PM): excuse me for my inexcusable error
nuclear volante (10:23:29 PM): but caveman...you are quite insulting towards this "caveman" of which you speak of
nuclear volante (10:23:52 PM): because the caveman comes in many different varieties
nuclear volante (10:24:09 PM): and to assume that they are all one type of creature is quite hurtful to their population
nuclear volante (10:24:25 PM): is it neanderthal of which you speak of?
nuclear volante (10:24:36 PM): homo ergastus?
HealthyCoho (10:24:43 PM): Each wit' their own flavor. ...ARRRRRR!
nuclear volante (10:25:21 PM): homo habilis?
nuclear volante (10:25:26 PM): sapiens?
HealthyCoho (10:25:27 PM): Ahoy, each has their place in order o' things.
nuclear volante (10:25:53 PM): indeed they do, however it would be wise of you not to put them at such a low standard
nuclear volante (10:26:27 PM): and with that,
nuclear volante (10:26:31 PM): i bid you adieu, oh wise one
HealthyCoho (10:26:46 PM): Since ME nar tend ter run into them big often, they're nar top o' mind. ...ARRRRRRRR!