Harvest Days

Sep 08, 2008 12:45

Friday my sinuses were really acting up, so I decided to stay home rather than go try to set up youth pointe and possibly make myself sicker.  I got all of my stuff packed and moved some things around in the garage so Nikki could pull the truck in while she is away on vacation.  I had already laid down and slept for about 45 minutes when katerinfg  arrived.  I was exhausted.

Saturday morning we just could not get moving, despite jumping out of bed as soon as Nikki and her mother had vacated the bathroom and we could shower.  I was appalled to discover that Meijer in my area had no camp pads to cut up for Tavern Brawl, and I ended up calling ladyvonkulp  to see if she could find any down towards Oxford.  I was also really annoyed at the McDonald's in Hamilton, which does not post their menu at the ordering window (I was on the phone with ladyvonkulp  when we passed the gigantic menu, not knowing it was my only chance to see it), so I ended up splitting dmitriizhirov 's breakfast with him.  We arrived on site with only a half hour before my class was supposed to start, which ended up being all right because no one showed up for it until after 10:30.  There just wasn't time to fit in all the information at that point without running over the beginning of youth pointe.  I think the bookbinding activity went well, but for the future ladyvonkulp  and I agreed that each child will need an adult with them and that once the activity starts, no one else can be added.  The process is just too complex to have children at all different points in the process, but the class is too good not to repeat.

dmitriizhirov delivered lunch to both of us, since youth pointe ran long, and then we escaped to finish lunch under the baronial pavilion.  During lunch I delivered some gifts, visited with all sorts of people, and picked up my new Turkish hat from Zaynab.  The afternoon's youth activities included making things for the tavern brawl, games, and paperweaving.  The tavern brawl prep was the most exciting, so most of the kids wanted to do only that.  I ended up getting a lot of surprise donations of foam, so there will be leftovers to use next year for youth pointe.  dmitriizhirov , Sven, yeah_itsme , ladyvonkulp ,  yavieriel , and the parents of the kids made things possible, because I have not had that many children at a youth pointe in a long time, if ever.  Everyone was wonderful help.

I closed things down so that the parents would be in charge of the kids for tavern brawl - if youth pointe has them, things are just too chaotic because the kids try to go past the listpoles to retrieve objects to throw, and this time was no different.  I threw a squid, and then started retrieving items and handing them to kids who were standing back to let the smaller children get close.  dmitriizhirov  and I caught half of the I Scandali show, and then court.  I was a little surprised that most of the people on the GRUF project were not in court to present the scroll cases.

Dinner was delicious.  We sat with Khayra, Kyle, Angus, and Melisande.  We intended to go right home after dinner, but we needed to finish tearing down youth pointe, and I needed to reimburse ladyvonkulp  for youth pointe and then we helped she and nicosomething  load the van, and I think dmitriizhirov  helped Phil load some of fiadnata 's stuff, and then we finally really left.  I crashed when we got home, hard.

It was a nice event, and I got to see a lot of friends, but I didn't really feel like I got time with many people.  Next weekend I am fleeing to Cleveland and planning absolutely nothing.

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