New Haircut

Dec 27, 2011 13:01

I got some Christmas money from Mom and Dad, so I treated myself to a haircut. Since my hair is baby-fine, it tends to break off when it gets shoulder-length or longer. Instead of shedding like a dog in summer, I just get it cut short.

What a relief! It's no longer hanging in my face and I'm hoping I won't have to dig stray strands of hair out of the back of my shirt anymore.

In other news, I finally finished Camden's blanket that I started ages ago. I decided to forgo the fancy stitches and just do something simple.

Made with two colors, green and gold, and two strands held together. It's done in half-double crochet, with an edging of single crochet and bound off in crab stitch (reverse single crochet) in green.

I like the way the green and gold yarn makes random patterns on the whole thing.

Now to start on something else.
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