(no subject)

Mar 15, 2009 11:07

1. Whats your favourite sandwich filling? peanut butter, cucumber and cream cheese.
2. Do you have any style icons? nope
3. Whats your skin colour? clear.
4. What colours do you like to wear? black, blue, pink, orange, purple
5. What do you like most about yourself? I dunno...
6. What colour eyeshadow do you wear? I don't really wear make up... but when I do it's usually green.
7. What colour are your eyebrows? light brown?
8. Do you keep your armpit hair? ewwwwww
9. If someone hot asked to see you naked for $200 dollars, would you show them your assets? 200 bucks? Nah, not enough money.
10. Whats your cup size (If female)? US 42C
11. How long is your hair? past my shoulders
12. Which family member do you look like most? I say my dad, but hubby doesnt see it.
13. How long do you spend in the bathroom? maybe 30 minutes. Thats including shower and "prep"
14. Do you walk around your house naked? no
15. Do you dance around your bedroom in your underwear? no
16. What part of guys do you like the least? Guy's who ego's are too big and don't have the big dick to match it (XD)
17. What part of guys do you like the most? eyes, smile
18. What annoys you about guys? when they get all butthurt over a stupid video game.
20. Describe your figure: um, curvy with some weight to lose.
21. Describe your ideal man: dark brown or blue eyes, tall, a little bit of meat on their bones, funny, smart, and is a big dork like me. Oh, also, a shit picking grin.
22. Do you like men with beards and goatees? Beards... not really. Depends on if the guy can wear it. Goatees... sure. Hubby has one. :D
23. Do you like guys who are small in *that* department? TBH, no.
24. What would be one of the things important to you in a relationship? honesty and trusy
25. How do you rate virginity? anal sex = loss of virginity. Dumbass children these days...
26. Are looks important? Somewhat... But I would choose someone who's a bit plain looking than a hot dude because we most likely have way more in common.
27. Would you do topless modeling? nah
28. Would you get your nipples pierced? nope
29. Whats the best word to use: cephalopoid!
30. What is your most sexiest feature: eyes, smile...
31. What is your least sexiest feature: my hips and thighs.. :(
32. Are you looking for a partner right now? Anyone know a gay sugar daddy that wants to spend money on a straight girl?
33. So you don’t have a crush on anybody? Not anymore. Thats ok tho.
34. What celebrities do you think are hot? Seth MacFarlane, Gackt, David Tennant, Michael Shanks...
35. If you could look like any celebrity, whom would you look like? I dunno... a lot of celebs are cut to look fake, and looking fake it bad. :(
36. Green apples or red apples? green!
37. Lights on or off? off
38. What time do you go to sleep? around 10 PM
39. What TV do you watch on Fridays? my DVR.
40. Are you still friends with everyone at school if you have left? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... no. Most people from my HS are tools and losers.
41. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Sean
42. What annoys your friends about you? Don't know. My "friends" are too busy acting stupid these days.
43. How high do you play your stereo? Zune is at max volume on 20, car stereo is on 30. :D
44. What colour are your curtains? No has curtains...
45. What make mascara do you use? Some stuff I got as a free sample.
46. Where do you buy your clothes? In a store and online.
47. What are you thinking right now? I have garlic breath...
48. Are you on speaking terms with your parents? Yes
49. Do you like children? Sort of. I'm undecided on this.
50. Has your love life been good or bad? Medium rare.
51 What was the last alcohol you drank? Bud Light on friday night.
52. Are you scared of commitment? I can be. Even though I'm married... I still get weirded out that I wont be able to see what else is out there. I didn't really ho myself out like my husband did.
53. Do you want a serious relationship? I have one.
54. Are your parents religious? No but my stepdad pretends to be at times.

More Random Questions
List the stuff you hate, it can be anything: idiots invading good fandoms, like Utena, Sailor Moon and Gackt; the way my friend acts when another friend is around; the way someone at work tries to step all over everyone to achieve a high goal; the fact that another friend is acting selfish when her boyfriend may serve jail time for something stupid.
List the stuff you love, it can be anything: music, funny movies, cheesy horror movies, my cats, my husband.
Has your family ever walked in on you while you were naked/in your underwear? my mom believed in the knock knock open thing. So, shes obviously seen my in my skivvies.
Have you ever been sprayed with sewage? ew, no.
What body sprays do you wear? Halloween and whatever smells good from Bath & Body Works.
Whats your BEST facial feature? my eyes
Whats your WORST facial feature? the freakin small gap I have in my teeth. Obviously those braces didnt to a good job.
Whats your favourite dessert? Oh I have a few. Dessert nachos. They have fried cinnamon crisps topped with strawberries, mango, homemade whipped cream and chocolate syrup. And chocolate molten cake. It's devil's food cake with warm hot fudge in the middle, topped with ice cream.
What was your last most hilarious thought? I dun remember, just woke up.
Whats your favourite word? Fuck!
Have you ever dreamt of sex with someone you know? Yar
Do you have a lot of nightmares? sometimes.
What do you dream about in general? work... ugh
When you dream about friends what are you doing? realizing they are being stupid.
What did you last dream about? I have no clue. :(
What was your last nightmare? being chased by zombie snakes...
What has been your most interesting dream? tbh, it involved Gackt. It was bizarre.
Have any of your dreams ever come true? no.

[x] You love hoodies.
[x] You love jeans.
[ ] Dogs are better than cats.
[x] its hilarious when people get hurt
[x] You've played with/against boys on a team.
[ ] Shopping is torture.
[x] Sad movies suck.
[x] You own/had an X-Box.or Wii or ps2
[x] Played with Hotwheel cars as a kid.
[ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[x] You own/had a DS, N64 or Sega.
[x] You used to watch Power Rangers.
[x] You watch sports on TV.
[x] Gory movies are cool.
[ ] You go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[ ] You like going to high school football games.
[x] You used to/do collect baseball cards.
[ ] Baggy pants are fun to wear.
[ ] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[x] Sports are fun
[x]Talk with food in your mouth.
[x] Sleep with your socks on at night

[ ] You wear lip gloss
[x] You love to shop.
[ ] You wear eyeliner.
[x] You wear the color pink
[ ] Go to your mom for advice.
[ ] Cheerleading ISSS a sport.
[ ] You hate wearing the color black.
[ ] You like hanging out at the mall.
[x] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[x] You like wearing jewelry.
[ ] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[x] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[ ] You don't like the movie Star Wars.
[ ] used to be/are in Gymnastics/dance/Cheer
[ ] It takes you around more than one hour to shower, and get dressed
[x] You smile a lot more than you should
[ ] You have/had more than 30 pairs of shoes
[x] You care about what you look like.
[x] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[x] You sometimes wear body spray/perfume/cologne.
[x] You love going to the movies.
[x] Used to play with dolls as little kid.
[ ] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy/joke of it.
[ ] Like being the star of every thing.

How long ago was your last kiss? at 130 am.
Did you enjoy your last kiss? sure!
Do you like the last person that you kissed? sometimes
Do you hope your next kiss is with the same person? sure
Have you ever thought of somebody else while kissing a person? yar
What kind of kiss was your last kiss? a frenchie kizu
When do you hope to kiss somebody next? In about 20 min to convince him to go to the park. :D
How often do you think about the last person that you kissed? often
Are you in a relationship with the last person that you kissed? Yar
If yes, since when? August 01
Was your last kiss boy/girl? dude
Have you ever kissed in the rain? yar
Under a mistletoe? no
While a large crowd was watching you? no
Under the stars? Yes
Arm? Yes
Foot? No
Top of your head? Yes
Neck? Yes
Lips? Yes
Eyelid? yes
Cheek? Yes
Forehead? Yes
Ear? Yes
Shoulder? Yes
Stomach? Yes
Back? Yes
Hip? Yes
Leg? Yes
Hand? Yes
Bathroom? Yes
Living Room? Yes
Bedroom? Yes
Laundry Room? Yes
Outside? Yes
In a chair? Yes
On a bench? Yes
In a car? Yes
Frontseat? Yes
Backseat? No
In a truck? No
At a party? Yes
In a bed? Yes
On the couch? Yes
In a closet? Yes
At a restaurant? Yes
At the mall? Yes
At the movies? Yes
In the Kitchen? Yes
In someone else's house? Yes
In your house? Yes
Your mom? Yes
Your dad? Yes
Grandma? No
Grandpa? No
Pets? Yes
Your siblings? Yes
Your Bf/Gfs Mom? Yes
Your Bf/Gfs Dad? No
Your Bf/Gfs Grandma? No
Your Bf/Gfs Grandpa? No
Your Bf/Gfs Pets? Yes
Your Bf/Gfs Siblings? Yes
Your Friends? Tes
Your Bf/Gfs Friends? Yes
Where were you? no idea...
Do you remember what you/they were wearing? nope
Was there a song on? prolly not
Did anyone see you? maybe
Did it remind you of anything? No
Were you in love with the person? Yes
What kind of kiss was it? good?
Favorite type of kiss? loving and sweet
Favorite geographical location to be kissed? Las Vegas... loved to be kisses in Japan
Favorite body spot to be kissed? Lips, Neck
French or Peck? Both
Soft or hard? Soft
Fast or slow? Slow
One long one or a bunch of quick ones? bunch of quick ones
Biting? some
Licking? no
Eyes Open or closed? Closed
Do you kiss in the morning even though you KNOW your breath sucks? yeah...
Where do you put your hands? depends on the kiss... maybe around the waist.
Where do you like their hands? around me
Do you grope or hold? Hold
Would you rather kiss standing, sitting, or laying? all 3?

Kissed someone and regretted it? Yes
Been injured while kissing? Yes
Been embarrassed while kissing? Yes
Kissed someone you shouldn't have? Yes
Kissed a friend's crush? Yes :(
Been kissed against your will? no
Kissed someone who didn't want you to? No
Kissed someone because you were drunk? no
Kissed someone to make someone jealous? yes
Kissed someone while you were dating someone else? No
Bumped teeth while kissing? Yes
Kissed someone with braces? No
Kissed someone while you had braces? yes
Kissed a smoker? Yes
Is it really like licking an ashtray? Yes
Kissed someone while you were eating? No
Been passed something edible during a kiss (by their mouth)? Gum
Kissed someone of the same sex? Yes
Kissed someone of the opposite sex? Yes
Kissed your cousin? No
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