Title Lost Time; Better Days
Summary Let's say the Atwood's luck strikes again, although it’s a few days late
Fandom The OC
Timeline AU, the initial event is mid season 1, somewhere after "The Truth"
Beta If it counts, MS Word 03
Disclaimers I'm not sure who really owns the show "The OC" (Josh Schwarz or FOX), but I definitely do not owe it
The Worst Day )
Comments 5
so more soon?
This fic is a little difficult for me. There is this first chapter as it is now, but since it is my very first, I didn't think far enough and didn't consider Ryan's long recovery and a few other things.
So at the moment I'm trying to figure out if I should write a new version of the first chapter, continue with how it is, or both.
But I've already about 500 words of the 2nd chapter for "Shattered Faith".
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