Woo woo I'm kinda hyper today

Jun 30, 2010 03:22

I was going to post this the other day, but then I found the Potter trailer and kinda spazzed for a few hours and forgot. 8D

I got a package in the mail~ all the way from Belgium this time! The Path OST! *O*

ffff it's so pretty. I got Rose's picture card, and even though Ruby is probably my favorite, Rose's card is just fantastic. ToT I am vurry pleased. ♥

The inside gives me cravings to play this game again. I've been meaning to anyway... I should download it on my laptop, it will probably run a lot smoother on it. o3o

Looklook everything is red even the receipt I mean GOSH Tale of Tales so thorough *3* Red is kind of the theme of this game so yeah.

Perhaps the most exciting part is that my address was written by hand... so ofc I'm sitting there going DOES THIS MEAN MICHAËL OR AUREIA WROTE MY NAME OH MAN I WILL SAVE THIS ENVELOPE FOREVER *O* /megadork
idk it's just these are the people that actually got me kind of into video games and at the same time, even further out of them. That is... I'm really interested in the possibilities and future of games but most of the ones out there aren't too interesting to me. It's kind of hard to sum this up into words, but I guess I get bored with a lot of games because I feel like I'm just being told to burn the rope in every single one. WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY IS Tale of Tales is really different and definitely thought-provoking. Theirs was one of the few blogs I'd actually go out of my way to check on and read.

I've been wanting to write up an entry about just why I love the Path so much and why you should too but I haven't gotten around to it. :/

Anyway I listened to the soundtrack while sewing Mary-Day's jacket and was thoroughly creeped out (especially because Mary-Day's jacket is all red, bright red~ and I was like WOAH I FEEL SO FEMININE OR SOMETHING) idek man but it was good times.

Speaking of Mary-Day's jacket, it's moving right along! I've got it all together and half of the collar worked out, but it's so long it looks like a dress right now. Still got lots of cutting to do~ I am so excited for this costume you don't even know. ♥

The Eclipse premiere was tonight, so I didn't get home until 1am. Now it's four hours until I have to be at work again and I'm just like ahahahahahaha fml.

People were lined up for the movie before the theater opened, ie 7 or 8 in the morning. Lots of them were there for the 3am showing, too! I wasn't expecting this kind of crowd at our little theater lol damn. You Twitards are hardcore. The concession lines were packed with no break for a good hour or more before the movie started, but everyone was in a good mood so it wasn't too painful. Twitards are nice people, but there are just so. many. of them. I mean holy shit.

Anyway, I'm going to apply to bookstores again. XD; DON'T WANNA WORK HERE NO MORE. ;;



Song FST of the Day: halcyonjazz's Baccano! FST which you do not want to miss. Definitely worth downloading!

Whewwww this post was all over the place, huh? I'll try to reply to comments/messages today or tomorrow!

in which morgan talks about herself, pottermania, since when did i play video games?, work, sketchdump, cosplay, music

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