Ho-kay, so from top left -- Chane scribble for myself; {...} or zombie or whatever he's called for Kroostin; Latvia for Laur; Minzy for myself huhuh; Johnny for Kroos; Rock Holmes as Lady Gaga XD for Jess; Snake for Nikki (and Krissay :B); and Fakir for Casey! Whew!
Zombie was probably the most fun to draw, and Snake was the hardest. XD I'm not satisfied with him, so I'mma try again. Also I apparently cannot draw young boys, both Latvia and Fakir look totally older. *waves artistic license around*
And these are just "and etc." sketches from the past few months. Hungary on the top left, I sketched it in ballpoint so I can't fix the anatomy >o<;; Minh on the bottom right, just messing around with expressions. And Lithuania on the bottom left, I drew that forever ago with Laura's campaign against Lithuania in a maid outfit in mind ahaha.
That's about it! Oh yeah, I downloaded a brush set for PS that imitates pencil, and I love it! It's the first time I'm actually really liking how sketches in PS look, so right now I'm working on
a dragon. C:
And I still need to draw Zhou Mi for Casey! I started on one of him and Luna doing a duet >u< but it's still very sketchy so I didn't bother scanning it yet. And of course Krissay, your birthday present is in the works. ;D
If anyone has any more requests, hit meeeee.