Title: Moderation? haha
Pairing: Larry/Charlie
Rating: PG
Comments: Written for the
numb3rs100 challenge #16, "Moderation." 100 words (go me). Larry's musings pretty much taken from Brian N. Larson who wrote them in a mailing list (Yeah, A.Word.A.Day!). btw, this is my 1st post here - Hi!
x-posted: my lj,
numb3rs_slashFeedback: Yes, please
Charlie was tired, but who could resist Larry Fleinhardt slowly enveloping him and kissing his way down his chest?
“Whatever happened to moderation?” Charlie asked jokingly.
“‘Moderation in all things,’ Charles. What does that mean? Can the rule apply to itself? Moderation in all things - except moderation? Perhaps it truly means ‘Excess in as few things as possible.’ But you see, Charles, one can never have too much of you. So really, this isn’t excess at all.” Larry finished his ramble with a mischievous smile and underscored his statement by ravishing Charlie’s neck, just where Larry knew he liked it.