Title: Accusations...
Pairing/Characters: Colby, Don, David, Megan, and the character of the month - Gary Walker (just under the wire)
Rating: PG
Summary: Don makes an accusation that isn't well received.
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: Part 17/33 in
The Sparkling Series. I will admit that I strayed slightly from canon for this piece...but it isn't too much of a deviation given the limited amount of information we've received about recurring guest characters. It could very well be true. But, I will apologize for the deviation anyway.
This is all I know of the story right now...I hope the muse gets back from rehab soon. Crazy lush that she is. Comments and criticisms are always welcome. I ♥ my beta
julietm! And thanks to
elysium1996 for a helpful suggestion about the ending that was bugging me. :)
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.
“So, what do we think?” Don asked as his team gathered in the war room. “Any chance she’s in on this?”
Though Colby was lost in his own thoughts, he instantly stopped in mid-stride to look at Don as though he’d grown three heads. “Where the hell did you get that idea?” he snapped.
Megan and David looked at Colby, each with a raised eyebrow at the uncharacteristic tone from their teammate.
“C’mon, Colby. She was distracted. She had somewhere else she needed to be… she knows more about this toxin than any one. And he said she’s working for us now. She could have staged the whole abduction.”
Colby knew too well the sting of being considered a traitor… and there was no way Callie deserved that.
Before he could say as much, another familiar voice interrupted.
“Careful what you say Eppes.”
The team turned to see Lt. Gary Walker standing with his hands on his hips, scowling.
“Gary? What’s LAPD doing on this?” Don asked, a familiar look of confusion across his face.
“I’m not here as LAPD,” Gary answered, his distinct accent filling the room. “That’s my little girl you were just accusing of treason.”
“Callie’s your daughter?” The question escaped Colby’s lips before he had time to consider the consequences.
Colby met Gary’s cold stare, certain that Lt. Walker didn’t much care for the familiarity his tongue had with Callie’s name. “Three ex-wives and one stubborn daughter worse than any of them… ” he answered, holding Colby’s gaze.
Callie might have mentioned that, Colby thought realizing this case just got more complicated. He’d have to watch his reactions carefully now. He would hate to find Callie only to have Lt. Gary Walker put a bullet in him for the things he’d done to his only daughter.
Object of Affection, Part 16 Confessions, Part 18>>