In the park with a barista and pancakes on the side

Sep 19, 2011 23:34

Title: In the park with a barista and pancakes on the side
Pairing/Characters: Larry/Megan, Charlie/Amita
Rating: PG
Summary: Megan drops by for a visit.
Word Count: 659
Spoilers: None
A/N: I was trying for schmoop, hope you like it!

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Comments 2

rache14 September 24 2011, 15:23:15 UTC
Bless you! I was beginning to think the Megan/Larry 'ship had been swallowed by a black hole, never to be spoken of again. Would've loved to see something longer, but I won't be one to complain about any scrap of this lovely couple thrown my way!


mustangcandi September 26 2011, 02:11:33 UTC
I do miss Megan/Larry.

Hell, I miss all of Numb3rs. This was a pleasant read. THANK YOU. ♥


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