People really aren't kidding when they warn you to be careful with a credit cared, it really does add up quick. A bit too quick for the unemployed, because I now owe roughly $800, of which I only have roughly half. It's okay though, I'm just waiting for Best Buy to open up so they'll hire me.
I'm so glad the election is over, all the "Republicans" at school keep walking around saying "when you get your tax return, you can thank me. I voted Bush." I'm unemployed I don't pay taxes thank you very much sir. Also people who think it's funny to vote nader, like he has a shot in hell. There's nothing funny about picking your country's leader. For the record, I knew Bush would win, however I would've voted Kerry if I weren't so young.
I had a whole day of reflection. I just worked on decorating my room. I really like it, and I hung up pictures on my divider, and I have a whole panel done. It'll make college really good. Speaking of college, I'm done with people until then. I'm so drained from worrying about friends. It's always my fault if we're drifting apart, it can't be there's because they're all self-absorbed. So until college, I'm done with people here. That'll give me plenty of time to concentrate on bettering myself, and doing my Book Review and Dream Analysis that I keep putting off. And studying for Western Civ, and doing my FCCLA project. Basically I don't even have time for friends. Lucky for me.
One month, two weeks til I'm legal. It's like the olsen count down...only half as good. Because there's only one of me. =(